Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 652 The most popular award in the entertainment industry!

Chapter 652 The most popular award in the entertainment industry!


The laughter and laughter never stopped.

Especially Fatty and Lingling, they are more capable of making trouble than the other, and they had a lot of fun in this lively scene.

"Sister-in-law is now in the middle of the first line, which is much better than me. I am still struggling with the third line."

Mei Pu said with a smile, his face was full of envy, "Brother, when will you write me some more songs, just write a few songs for me."

"After a while, you will definitely be indispensable after a while." Ye Feng smiled.

"real or fake?"

Mei Pu was overjoyed, he just said it casually, but Ye Feng really agreed, but after thinking about it, he still said: "Forget it, you should take care of your sister-in-law first, anyway, I'm not in a hurry, and I won't wait any longer." All right." Mei Pu grinned, recently he didn't put his mind on music at all, but ran to Haichuan all day, not to go to class or something, but to go to someone's infirmary to find that little doctor named Bai Xi sister went.

But Ye Feng said: "Don't worry, I really have to write songs for you after a while."


Mei Pu was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Ye Feng looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Now Ningning is already in the middle of the first line. If you want to go further, you will be indispensable in the future."

As soon as these words were said, everyone seemed to realize something.

Li Xiang over there asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Get the prize."

"Win the prize?" Mei Pu smiled wryly, "We can't help you here, you have to come to win the prize."

"You don't need to worry about this, but my plan... Forget it, let's talk about it when the time comes, as long as you have something in mind."

"What's the number?"

What Ye Feng said was vague, and everyone was confused, but Ye Feng didn't mean to explain any more, but looked at Li Xiang and said: "By the way, sister Xiang, last time you said that there will be music this month. Is it an award? What award?"

When it came to business, Li Xiang also got serious, put down his chopsticks and explained: "There will indeed be an award, but it is not an authentic music award, but an online award for an entertainer in the entertainment industry."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, "Just this one award?"

Li Xiang nodded, "Well, it's just such an award." A little helplessly explained: "The major awards in the music circle are almost at the end of the year, and that is the peak period of awards. Like this time, almost There are no awards that have a particularly large impact. The most popular 'Entertainment Circle Award' is the biggest award of the month, and its influence is not bad."

"I seem to have won this award before." Ningning interjected.

Li Xiang nodded, "Well, Ningning won the 'Most Popular Female Singer Award in the Entertainment Industry' for three consecutive years."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiang looked at Zhao Meng next to him, hesitated, and said, "Mengmeng also won this award." After all, Li Xiang was the eldest cousin, and he still cared about her cousin Zhao Meng in his heart.

In fact, she was very surprised that Zhao Meng came here today.Others don't know the relationship between Ningning and Zhao Meng, but Li Xiang knows it very well. Even though they are cousins ​​like Li Xiang, the relationship can be said to be the same.Ye Feng would invite Zhao Meng today, and Zhao Meng really came, which surprised Li Xiang quite a bit.

Hearing Li Xiang's words, Zhao Meng didn't have much reaction, just looked at Ning Ning and smiled slightly, then picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Ye Feng also glanced at Lin Yi who was next to Zhao Meng, Lin Yi also glanced at him, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Actually, Ye Feng didn't invite Zhao Meng, but Lin Yi.

Before, he felt that Lin Yi was unusual, but after he read the genealogy, Ye Feng finally understood Lin Yi's identity.

Descendants of the Lin family.

It's like Su Ke Suli's descendants of the Su family.

Speaking of it, he can be regarded as Ye Feng's brother.

What's more, the two went to Tianshan together at that time, and they had experienced life and death together. Although they didn't have much contact after that, the relationship must be much closer than it was at the beginning.

In fact, there is no purpose in this meal, it is simply a gathering of everyone to have fun.As for other things, they are just conversations at the dinner table.

"Ah! Brother-in-law and sister, look."

Suddenly, my sister-in-law raised her mobile phone and called out.

"what happened?"

Lingling was sitting next to her sister, Ningning tilted her head and looked over.

The sister-in-law said: "The awards that my cousin mentioned just now, those stars have already started to canvass for votes." Lingling stuffed her phone to her sister, and chirped: "Sister, sister, hurry up and canvass for votes too."

Ning Ning took the phone, and said dumbfoundedly: "Are you in such a hurry?"

At this time, Li Xiang over there also suddenly said: "Ning Ning, I'm really in a hurry!"

"Ah?" The big baby was taken aback.

Li Xiangdao: "The voting this time is about to start, and it only takes twelve hours. It starts at twelve o'clock today and ends at 24 o'clock in the evening."

"Is it?"

Ye Feng was also taken aback, "Just today? I haven't heard of it before."

Li Xiang looked at the phone and smiled wryly: "There was already publicity before, but because Ningning made too much noise, it completely overshadowed this matter, and we didn't pay attention to it."

Ye Feng said: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and canvass!"

"Which award are we going to compete for?" Li Xiang asked.

"Are there so many awards? What are they all about?" Ye Feng asked back, he had never heard of this award at all.

Li Xiang looked at his phone and said to everyone: "There are 'Most Popular Award in the Entertainment Circle', 'Most Popular Actor/Actress Award in the Entertainment Circle', and 'Most Popular Male/Female Singer Award in the Entertainment Circle'."

"Are there just a few awards in total?" Ye Feng asked.

"Yeah." Li Xiang nodded, "Before, Ningning had always won the 'Most Popular Female Singer Award in the Entertainment Circle'."

Ye Feng scratched his chin, and asked again: "Is the 'Most Popular Award in the Entertainment Circle' the best?"

Li Xiang smiled, "Yeah, but that's too far away from us. We're just on the front line of the music festival now. It's not too bad to compete for the 'Most Popular Female Singer'. How can the 'Most Popular Award' be the same?" You have to be at the top of the general list to be eligible."

That's right, after all, there are so many people in the entertainment industry. Although Ning Ning is very popular in the music industry, she is still far behind in the entire entertainment industry.

"Okay, then let's compete for the 'Most Popular Female Singer Award in the Entertainment Circle'." Ye Feng said with a smile, then looked at Zhao Meng as if remembering something, hesitated for a moment, and then asked Said: "Are you also..." This was a bit embarrassing, and Ye Feng didn't say all of it, but everyone understood the meaning.

Zhao Meng glanced at Ye Feng and said, "Fight! Of course we have to fight!" As he spoke, he also looked at Ningning, who naturally looked at him without showing any weakness.

The smell of gunpowder between the two can be felt across the dining table.

"fair play."

Lin Yi looked at Ye Feng and smiled slightly.

Ye Feng also smiled, "Okay, fair competition is fair competition, don't say I bully you."

"Hurry up, sister, the voting is about to start, so hurry up and canvass for votes."

My sister-in-law is anxious next to me.

"Hey, it's so lively online, I want to try to count the votes." Mei Pu took out her mobile phone and started to join in the fun online, "Everyone vote for me!" Mei Pu will definitely win or not, but this list If there is a ranking alone, if you can enter the top [-], you can still show your face.Moreover, this is mainly a good opportunity to interact with fans, even if it is not on the list, celebrities big and small will not miss this opportunity.

Ye Feng also took out his mobile phone, sure enough, the Internet is very lively now, many people are canvassing for votes.

Wan Ming, who seemed to be at loggerheads with Ningning, tweeted, "The new song sounds good to everyone, right? If it's good, everyone vote for me!"

Countless fans support below.

"You must support Big Brother!"

"Brother, don't worry, the 'Most Popular Male Singer' this time is definitely yours!"

"Yes, no one is afraid of the strength of our fan circle!"

Wan Ming has been in the music scene for more than [-] years. Not to mention he is the oldest among the singers, but he must be ranked first. His number of fans is quite large.

Then, it was Liu Yushi, "It's time for the annual Celebrity Circle Most Popular Award voting, please support me a lot!"

Even Shui Liuyun, the queen of the song, personally canvassed for votes, "Your votes will be my motivation in the future!"

A first-line actor, "Please vote!"

Countless stars are canvassing for votes.

Even some singer kings, song queens, movie kings and movie queens have personally appeared, which shows that this award is still very meaningful.That's right, after all, it is the official award of the celebrity circle, even if it is not as good as those awards at the end of the year, it is definitely not a casual award.

In short, the scene is still very big, and the Internet is very lively.

Over there, Zhao Meng has already edited the news, "Dears, votes." I have to say that Zhao Meng's canvassing level is very high. Although there are only four words, the effect is definitely better than those who directly ask for votes much better.

The following fans responded quite enthusiastically.


"I will definitely vote for the goddess!"

"Don't worry, Mengmeng, I'll get the whole family to vote for you!"

Zhao Meng is also a first-line singer, and her ranking is slightly higher than Ning Ning's. After all, she always appears in variety shows, movies, etc., and her popularity has always been high.To be honest, she still has a very good chance.

"How do you ask for a ticket?"

Ning Ning pulled Ye Feng's arm, and said quietly, she had never done this before, when did Her Majesty the Queen ask for a ticket?

Give me a break!

Even though Ning Ning won the "Most Popular Female Singer in the Entertainment Industry" for three consecutive years, she really never asked for a ticket. Her Lady Queen is quite aloof!
"Give me the phone."

Ye Feng asked for Ningning's phone, touched his chin and thought about it, although Ningning's popularity is still very high, but if he is like everyone else, send something like "Please vote for me" or "Kiss family, please Vote" and the like, this is too inconsistent with Ning Ning's personality, right?It is estimated that her fans will not accept it!
This is not something the cold and cold Her Lady Queen can do!
Not to mention voting, maybe the fans will explode!

But if you don't send these, how can you ask for votes?
How to do it?

Got it!

It's it!
Ye Feng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good way!

Ye Feng opened the condensed circle of celebrities, typed quickly, and updated the news.

(End of this chapter)

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