Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 653 This is bullying!

Chapter 653 This is bullying!

As soon as this selection event came out, there was a lot of excitement on the Internet.Similarly, the cat circle is also in a state of boiling.

Huaye never sees everyone in Aite: "Everyone vote for Your Lady Queen with all your votes. If there is a channel, try to promote Her Lady Queen as much as possible!"

"Families, let's vote together!"

"Vote for Her Lady Queen."

Su Ning hasn't posted a request for votes yet, but fans in the circle have already started to spontaneously organize soliciting votes.

Other fan circles are organized by the stars themselves, but the cat circle is not at all, they are all established by some well-known big fans.

After all, in everyone's mind, it is impossible for Her Lady Queen to ask for votes by herself!

After so many years, when did Her Majesty the Queen make these announcements asking for votes?
It's impossible!

This scene in the cat circle has also made countless celebrities envious.

A certain first-line actor publicly lamented in the circle: "Look at Su Ning's fans, and then look at her own, alas..."

Her fans were stunned: "???"

"Su Ning is very popular recently!"

"Yeah, the limelight a few days ago overwhelmed this selection."

"Su Ning is probably the most popular in the music world recently."

"Su Ning has a great chance in this selection."

"If she is canvassing, she still has a chance. If she doesn't canvass and relies on fans to organize votes spontaneously, it will be difficult. Although she is popular now, she is still a lot worse than she was before."

"Yes, that's right."

Su Ning's popularity is indeed very high now, but if she doesn't canvass votes, if she just relies on fans to vote for the award, it is basically impossible. The current music scene is no longer her world.

Wan Ming's group.

"The 'Most Popular Female Singer in the Entertainment Circle' this time must belong to Sister Shui!"

"There are not many people who can compete with Sister Shui, just Zhao Meng and Su Ning, but Su Ning is so cold and cold, there is no canvassing at all, so the chance is not great."

Liu Yushi asked a little strangely: "Su Ning won't really not canvass votes, right? It's just a matter of one sentence, would she be so stupid?" In Liu Yushi's view, this is just a matter of typing a few words with fingers ,Why not do it?Su Ning really doesn't know how to canvass votes?
Wan Ming said: "You have been in the entertainment industry for too short a time, and you don't know Su Ning. She used to be famous for her aloofness, let alone this selection, even if it is the Golden Melody Award at the end of the year and the best singer awards." At that time, she never expressed any attitude."

"Yes, Su Ning is like this, cold and never says anything."

"Don't worry, she will never canvass votes with her temper."

"It's a pity that she has lost popularity recently."

"Hehe, leave her alone."


Whether it's the fans or the stars in the music world, almost all of them believed that Su Ning would not come forward to canvass votes. Even though she was on fire a few days ago, none of the singers in the music world regarded Su Ning as a competitor.After all, how many votes can you get by relying on the spontaneous organization of fans?Probably not even in the top [-].

However, at this moment, something surprising happened!

Su Ning posted an update!

Queen Meow actually updated a post in the circle!
"You see me, or you don't see me"

"I'm right there"

"Not sad, not happy"

"You miss me, or you don't miss me"

"Love is there"

"Don't come, don't go"

"You love me, or you don't love me"

"Love is right there"

"No increase, no decrease"

"You follow me, or you don't follow me"

"My hand is in your hand"

"Don't give up, don't give up"

"Come into my arms"


"Let me live in your heart"

"Silence, Love"

"Silence, Joy"

——"See or Not See".

It's a poem, a fairly well-known modern poem on Earth.This is not the whole story of Ningning’s movement. Behind this poem, there is another paragraph:
"You vote, or you don't vote for me"

“The tickets are there”

"no more, no less"

This is the whole dynamic, and as soon as this dynamic came out, the whole cat circle was stunned.

The fans are really confused!

"What the hell is this?"

"What did Her Lady Queen send?"

"See or Not See? What does it mean? Lyrics? Is it a poem?"

"A poem?"

"When did Her Majesty Queen write modern poetry? And, what the hell is that last paragraph? You vote for me, or you don't vote for me, the vote is there, no more, no less? I'll go!"

"Is this for a vote?"

"Didn't it mean that Her Majesty the Queen never asks for votes?"

"Are you sure this is for a vote?"

"Nonsense! However, this way of asking for tickets is a bit crude! This poem is really well written!"

Many fans were dumbfounded. This modern poem that was thrown out suddenly caught everyone off guard!
When will Her Lady Queen be able to write poetry?
To say that Professor Ye can write... wait a minute!

Suddenly, fans seemed to understand something.

"This poem...couldn't be written by Professor Ye?"

"Nine out of ten..."

"There are nine out of ten chances, this is definitely written by Professor Ye! In the entire Chinese literary world, who else has this level except Professor Ye? Asking for a ticket can compose such a beautiful modern poem. Can this be the queen?" Written by adults? Don’t be ridiculous!”

"I'm convinced..."

"I'm convinced too, as expected of me, Professor Ye."

Fans are not fools, can Su Ning have this level?
Take a look at this song "See or Not", it is definitely written by everyone!When everyone thought about it, they understood that Su Ning couldn't write it, but her husband could!
This poem must have been written by Professor Ye!
Even, this news is very likely to be posted by Professor Ye!After all, Her Lady Queen doesn't have the temper to post such things!The more you think about it, the more possible it is!
This post, this poem, and even the final request for votes must all be written by Professor Ye!

Did not run away!Definitely Professor Ye!

"Professor Ye has come forward! You must vote for Su Ning!"

"No matter what, I like this poem anyway, so vote for Su Ning!"

"I'm here! Support Su Ning!"

"I'm here too!"

"I didn't say anything, I support Professor Ye and Su Ning!"

As soon as this poem came out, it not only attracted fans in the cat circle, but also attracted many other netizens.Even, the song "See or Not See" shocked the literary world.

A certain literary figure immediately reposted Ning Ning's news, and wrote: "The rare modern poetry masterpiece in the history of contemporary literature is also a rare masterpiece of modern poetry by Professor Ye. Well, I vote for Su Ning gone."

Zhao Huang, dean of the Department of Literature at Haida University, posted on the official circle: "Another classic that can be selected as a textbook, written by Professor Su Ning? Well, I believe it, so I voted, how about you?"

A professor of the Department of Literature of Peking University: "I always hear the beauty of ancient love stories, and many people are very envious of the romance of the ancients. But now it seems that the era we live in is not worse than the ancient times. Look at Professor Ye And Professor Su realized it. In order to canvass votes, Professor Ye swiped a pen and it was an eternal masterpiece! Looking back, how many of Professor Ye's poems were written for Su Ning? The so-called literati Romantic, probably so."

Originally, Ning Ning's popularity has been very high recently, but now the song "See or Not See" by "She" is directly swiping the screen for votes, and with so many big names in the literary world taking turns to broadcast and promote, this is another It's a big wave of traffic.

This scene stunned many people in the entertainment industry.

Can you still play like this?
Ask for votes with modern poetry?

Well, it would be fine if you wrote this poem yourself, but the problem is that this poem was written by your husband!
Don't bring this one!

Isn't this too bullying?
This pissed off those stars!

All of them felt tight in their chests, but there was nothing they could do about it!

What can you do?

You exposed that Su Ning was a fake?You exposed that the poem was written by Ye Feng, so you must not believe it?

Who doesn't know this!

Everyone knows that this poem was written by Professor Ye!

But the question is, so what?
This poem was written by Professor Ye, what's wrong?
Isn't it normal for Professor Ye to solicit votes for Su Ning?
This poem is really well written, isn't it normal for us to vote for Su Ning?

To put it bluntly, this is a conspiracy!
This is blatant bullying!Just bully you for not being able to write poetry!Just bully you for being uneducated!

Those stars in the entertainment circle are so angry that they are about to vomit blood!

"Professor Ye, what are you doing in our entertainment industry when you have nothing to do?"

"Is it because the cultural circle can't let you go, or the mathematics world can't satisfy you?"

"Seriously protest against Professor Ye! Boycott Professor Ye!"

"Yes! Boycott Professor Ye!"

However, there are also some celebrities who are not very afraid of Ye Feng.

A movie star: "Su Ning is very popular, I guess the 'Most Popular Female Singer' must be her."

An A-list actor: "Fortunately, she is a singer."

"It's okay, she asked for votes too late. And although she has been very popular recently, she is still incomparable with those singers and queens in the music scene. It is not certain who will win in the end."

"It's enough to be in the top fifty."

In fact, to be honest, the top [-] rankings are really good. After all, this is the evaluation of the entire entertainment industry. Not only the music industry, but also actors, models, hosts, directors, etc. If he entered the top [-], he would already be the top artist in the entire entertainment circle.

Soon, it was twelve o'clock, and the voting channel in the celebrity circle was about to open.

During this period of time, the number of user logins in the circle of celebrities has skyrocketed.It can be seen from this that everyone still values ​​this activity.

(End of this chapter)

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