Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 654: The First Lai in Ancient Times!

Chapter 654: The First Lai of All Time!
Twelve o'clock noon.

The official circle of celebrities has opened the voting channels for the "Most Popular Award in the Entertainment Circle" and "The Most Unpopular Award in the Entertainment Circle".


The dishes and chopsticks in the backyard haven't been cleared yet, but at this time, everyone is too lazy to move. They are all sitting in the shade of the trees while cooling off, while paying attention to the online voting.

"The least popular award?"

Looking at the voting channel, Ye Feng was a little strange, "Is there such a prize?"

Ye Feng and Ning Ning sat under a big tree, next to her daughter and Xiao Ha were running around in circles, and the rest of them also had their own places.

"Oh? Really, why is there such a strange award?" The sister-in-law also blinked her big eyes curiously, and looked at Cousin Li Xiang.

Cousin Li Xiang was probably the one present who knew best. After all, she was a professional manager. Even celebrities like Ning Ning and Zhao Meng didn't know about this kind of problem.Everyone looked at Li Xiang curiously, and the eldest cousin did not disappoint everyone's expectations, she really explained: "Actually, this event was originally for everyone's entertainment. At the beginning, this 'Most Unpopular Award in the Entertainment Circle' was It's the same as the 'Most Popular Award', and it's also divided into actors and singers."

Li Xiang paused for a moment, and then said: "However, in the entertainment industry, you all know that when this kind of activity occurs, celebrities will definitely compare with each other. As time goes by, this activity will be more and more valued. And in In the event, each user has only one vote, that is to say, if you voted for the 'Least Popular Award', you cannot vote for the star you support. So, gradually, everyone voted for the 'Most Popular Award', No one voted for 'least favorite'. So now there's only one overall prize left for 'least favorite', and no one votes every year."

Li Xiang said a lot in one breath, but what he said was very clear.To put it bluntly, this "Most Unpopular Award in the Entertainment Industry" is not valued by everyone, and no one wants to waste that precious vote.After all, each person has only one vote. If it is not the enemy of life and death, who would waste such a precious vote?

"The entertainment industry really has everything."

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, he didn't take this to heart either.

After listening to Li Xiang's explanation, everyone stopped paying attention to the list, and instead focused on the votes for the "Most Popular Award in the Entertainment Industry".



The exciting voting session has already begun.

"Vote for Brother Wan!"

"You must vote for my Sister Shui!"

"Everyone support Meng Fankuo!"

"My Lady Queen's poem is the most powerful, I must vote for her!"

"Support Your Lady Queen!"

"Su Ning relies on Professor Ye, what's there to support? Support Shui Liuyun!"

"I want to vote for Zhao Meng!"

"Don't say it's useless, just because Su Ning is Professor Ye's wife, I must vote for Su Ning!"

"Heh, if Professor Ye hadn't insisted on making Su Ning a professor, I would have voted for her."

"I don't like Su Ning's song, but I'm from Haida, so I must vote for my wife!"

Although Su Ning is doing well in the music world now, to be honest, her influence in the entertainment industry is not as good as those first-tier and second-tier stars in the overall list.However, I can't help but have a good husband!In the entire entertainment industry, there is no husband as exaggerated as Ye Feng, and the most annoying thing is that Ye Feng is not from the entertainment industry!
Of course, Ningning has a husband, and other celebrities are not vegetarians either.Everyone can be said to be the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.Almost in the blink of an eye, the top [-] were ranked.Of course, the current ranking is only real-time, changing almost every second.


Zhao Meng sent another post after the first request for tickets, without words, just a photo, her own photo, with the backyard of Ning Ning's house in the background, it was Lin Yigang who took it for her.The photo is a pouting mouth, although there is no text, but the meaning is self-evident.

"Don't worry, Mengmeng!"

"we are coming!"

"Vote for the goddess!"

"Let's vote, everyone!"

After a few minutes, Zhao Meng's number of votes has risen by a large amount, and his ranking on the list has also improved a lot.At the beginning, she was still in her 80s, but now she has risen to her 60s.This is the general list of actors, singers, etc. If it's just a singer, or if it's a female singer, she is already in the top [-]!

But this is just the beginning, and many second-tier and even third-tier stars are ranked very high at this time, but after a little longer, these people will definitely lose their votes and their rankings will drop.

Shui Liuyun is the real current queen, and she is a popular song queen. From the beginning of the voting, Shui Liuyun has firmly occupied the top three positions of female singers. In front of her are two famous singers After a long time.However, the two song queens have not had much traffic recently, and it is estimated that they may drop in the future.

Wan Ming is also worthy of being a veteran singer. He has always been in the top ten male singers, and he has never been ranked in the top fifty.

This guy Mei Pu is no good. He can't be seen in the top [-]. I don't know where he is.

Liu Yushi is probably ranked among the top [-] male singers, and has also entered the top [-] in the overall list.

As for Zhou Song, the number one brother in the current Chinese music scene, he is firmly in the top ten of the overall list.In the entire music world, apart from singer Zhou Song who entered the top ten of the overall list, there is also Meng Fankuo, who is known as the "Asian Dance King". Not too stable.

Now ranked first is the Asian Kung Fu superstar Zhao Chuanlong known as the "Kung Fu Emperor".Recently, one of his films swept the Asian box office, and it was time for a big hit.However, his number one position was not stable, and a comedian behind him was bitten to death.

It can also be seen from these rankings that the subjective factors of this event are too strong, and it is too far behind the official ranking of the celebrity circle. The official ranking of the celebrity circle is the most authentic and objective reflection of a star's comprehensive strength.The so-called most popular is more a reflection of whether the star has any works that have attracted everyone's attention in the recent period, or the degree of fan cohesion and appeal in the fan circle.

In this regard, Ning Ning may not be able to compare with those entertainment bigwigs, but what about Ye Feng?
In terms of appeal and cohesion, Ye Feng alone can beat the entire entertainment industry!

How much is Ningning's big baby?
Hehe, the ranking of the big baby has never been fixed.

Home, backyard.

Ye Feng was leaning against the shade of the tree, Ning Ning's big baby was half lying in Ye Feng's arms, Ye Feng was hugging his wife, while looking at the phone and typing quickly.

Ye Feng didn't use Ningning's account this time, but used his own account "Ye Feng".

Ye Feng Aite Huaxia Mathematics Association: "I don't speak, but you understand what I mean?"

People in the mathematics world are completely confused, "???"

If you don't speak, can I understand a fart?

But Ye Feng ignored them, and went on to Aite's next one, Huaxia Literature Association, Huaxia Writers Association, and said the same thing, "I don't talk, but do you understand what I mean?"

Aite Chinese Calligraphy Association, "Vote for my wife!"

Probably because he saw the people in front of him stupefied, now Ye Feng began to speak clearly, without any concealment!
Aite Huaxia History Research Institute!
Aite Huaxia Physics Association!

Airtech China Airlines!

All colleges and universities!

Aite Wu Dehai, Zhao Huangming, and Ma Luan are these people!

He didn't even let off official officials like Director Jin and Director Sun!

As long as Ye Feng can think of it, he has given it to Aite!

Isn't it just asking for votes?

What a big deal!

Someone Ye flicked the link up and voted for my wife!
So much so that Baby Ningning's ranking has been soaring!

There were already a lot of people who voted for the big baby because of the song "See or See", but now that Ye Feng has done this, the number of votes is almost free!

An hour ago, the big baby was more than 90 on the overall list.

But an hour passed.

After two hours, Shui Liuyun finally ranked first among the female singers, but before the ranking was over, he was pushed down by Ning Ning who was sitting on a rocket!

In two hours, Ningning directly climbed to the number one female singer!The second is Shui Liuyun, and Zhao Meng is ranked fifth!
This scene almost made the female singers in the entire Chinese music scene cry in anger!

This Su Ning is cheating!

Ye Feng is her humanoid plug-in!
At most, we ask for votes in the entertainment industry, but what about Professor Ye, a bastard?This is forcing you to go everywhere to ask for tickets!

Literary world!
Mathematics world!
Physics world!
He even went to the aerospace circle!
What's up with this Nima?

It was already too much for you to write poems for your daughter-in-law to ask for votes, but now you go to other circles to ask for votes?
Play your uncle with a hammer!

The female singer's mentality has collapsed!

Zhao Meng sat not far away, gnashing her teeth and staring at Ye Feng!She doesn't hate Su Ning now, she simply hates Ye Feng!I can't wait to kill this bastard!Aren't you cheating?
What the hell do you mean by going to the academic circle next door to solicit votes for the "Most Popular Award in the Entertainment Industry"?
The female singers in the music world dare not speak out!
The others were also full of sighs, and they all felt lucky that they were not female singers, especially those actors, who were even more afraid.Fortunately, Su Ning belongs to the music scene, which is much weaker than the entertainment industry, otherwise Su Ning would really have a chance to compete for the top spot.

Fortunately, fortunately!
These people in the showbiz are rejoicing, but suddenly, Ye Feng started again!

Aite International Mathematical Association!


Aite International Historical Association!

Aite's major international universities!


Ye Feng started to go crazy about Aite's international organizations. Although his Aite's official account is only one by one, but it affects the whole circle!

How many people are there in a circle?

How many fans do you have?

Even if Ye Feng can influence one-tenth of the people to vote, then Ningning can take off directly!
This time, people in the entertainment circle cried completely.

You, Aite International, are really going too far!

What's the point of looking for international friends for our Huaxia affairs?
Although some Chinese celebrities also have certain fans internationally, those celebrities will not participate in this selection activity at all, and their realm is different.Therefore, this voting activity basically does not involve the international community.

But Ye Feng called people from all over the world!

Ning Ning's ranking immediately took off!
The total list is twenty!

The top ten in the overall list!

Fifth overall!

Five hours later, Ningning was already among the top three!

A singer who is only a top-notch singer in the music industry, was pushed by Ye Feng to the third place in the entertainment circle, and the number of votes is still rising!Looking at this posture, maybe he can rise to the first place!
This day is simply the darkest day in the history of China's entertainment industry!

This is blatant cheating!
I have never seen such a shameless person!
"The First Lai of All Time"——Professor Ye Fengye, was born like this!
(End of this chapter)

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