Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 655 Professor Ye is Dominated!

Chapter 655 Professor Ye is Dominated!
Su Ning's number of votes is rising rapidly. This does not mean how popular Ning Ning is in the entertainment industry, nor does it mean how many fans she has. The main reason is that Professor Ye is too fierce!
He is not only fierce, but also shameless!
Regarding the entertainment industry, it is too much for you to go to the next door to canvass votes, right?
Not only did he go to the next door circle, he also went abroad to canvass votes!
Playing with a hammer?

All the stars in the Huaxia entertainment circle, no matter if they are singers or movie stars, feel as if they have eaten flies!


I've never seen such a shameless bastard!
This made everyone gnashing their teeth!
"Professor Ye is too much!"

"No such fun!"

"He's breaking the rules of the entertainment industry!"

"I want to report him!"

"Damn! Where to report? Take me!"

"I had expected that Professor Ye would help Su Ning solicit votes, but I really didn't expect to solicit votes like this!"

"This is still a fart!"

"The number one must belong to Su Ning, and he didn't run away."

"Forget it, there is no need to vote, and there is no hope for voting."

The stars of all walks of life are basically desperate, this number one must belong to Su Ning, and even the top three actor gave up struggling.I do have a lot of fans, but the problem is that no matter how many there are, there are only as many circles as Ye Feng called out!

Not to mention anything else, Haida and Haichuan have already started to organize teachers and students to vote for Su Ning!
This damn is still playing with a hammer!
Even if he has more appeal in the fan group, how can he appeal to a school organization like others?
Moreover, it's not just a circle of colleges and universities!Professor Ye can influence too many circles!

Do not vote!
Your daughter-in-law is number one, your daughter-in-law is cowhide!

Although many celebrities have given up struggling, the more you think about this matter, the more you get annoyed!But I still can't vent it, the other party is Professor Ye Feng, a peerless genius who is famous in China and unique throughout the ages, what can you do with a small entertainer in the entertainment circle?
But forget it?
Forget it?

Ha ha.



Zhao Meng is pulling Lin Yi's arm and acting like a baby with Lin Yi, but Lin Yi can't do anything about it!Although Lin Yi is not an ordinary person, the problem is that he is good at fighting and killing, and he is really powerless to do these things in the entertainment industry.Although Lin Yi also has contacts, he is not like Ye Feng who can walk in the sun, Lin Yi belongs to the darkness.

Just like Ye Feng's previous life, Lin Yi was the king of the underground world.Maybe Lin Yi's words can change the color of the world below, but he really has nothing to do about canvassing in the entertainment industry.He can't let those mysterious and ancient families from the west come over to help Zhao Meng get tickets, can he?Is that too much?

"My sister is already number one."

My sister-in-law grinned, "This time my sister is not just the 'Most Popular Female Singer', but the most popular star in the entire entertainment industry! Oye!"

Li Xiang was also quite happy, "Ye Feng still has some skills." His attitude towards Ye Feng has improved a lot.

Ye Feng put his arms around Ning Ning's smelly fart and said, "That's right, I don't even look at the strength of this old man! It's a mere showbiz, what a joke!"

"Cut! Playing tricks!" Zhao Meng glared at Ye Feng angrily.

"What a fool! Who is fooling around! I'm canvassing votes based on my strength!" Ye Feng didn't like to hear it.

Lin Yi leaned against the tree, shook his head and said with a smile, "Pull it down, please don't say a few words."

"If brother-in-law cheats, you won't even have a chance to vote." Leng Mei suddenly said something without beginning or end. Everyone didn't know what it meant, and it was a bit strange.

Even Ye Feng glanced at Leng Mei in surprise, what Leng Mei said was... huh?Something seemed to flash through Ye Feng's mind suddenly, and he looked at Leng Mei even more surprised.

You know, Ye Feng is a perverted hacker!
Although the celebrity circle is known as a forbidden area for hackers, the problem is that facing a pervert like Ye Feng, he might really be able to hack the celebrity circle!
But the question is, how did Leng Mei know the identity of Ye Feng's hacker?Or that's not what Lengmei meant?
Lengmei and her brother-in-law looked at each other indifferently.

Others are also very strange.

Fortunately, my sister-in-law suddenly called out at this time, "I'm going! What's going on? Look, brother-in-law!" Everyone's attention was immediately attracted by the sister-in-law.

"What's wrong?" Ning Ning asked.

Ye Feng also looked over, and said with a smile: "Is the number of votes exploding? This is already the first place, and the number of votes has no meaning for us, so don't make a fuss." Ye is confident.

The sister-in-law couldn't laugh or cry, "Brother-in-law, take a look for yourself, you seem to be on fire."

"Ha, what's this called? I've always been very popular." Ye Feng turned on the phone in his hand, "What is it? Without me?" He roughly flipped through the circle of celebrities, but there was no news about him, and there was no news of him. It's all about voting.

Ningning lay in Ye Feng's arms and looked at a cell phone with Ye Feng, Li Xiangleng's sister Zhao Meng and the others also took out their cell phones.

The sister-in-law let out an oops, and said, "Look at the list of 'The Most Unpopular Award in the Entertainment Industry'."

Ye Feng snorted, "Why are you looking at this? Your sister is the iceberg queen in the entertainment industry, how could she be on this list?"

"Yes! My sister didn't go up, but the problem is that you did!" The sister-in-law couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm on?"

Ye Feng seemed to have heard some great joke, "Don't be funny! Your brother-in-law, I am the well-known Professor Ye! How could I... Me! Damn it! Your uncle!" While talking, Ye Feng's face suddenly turned green!
He's on the list!

He really made it to the list!

The most unpopular list in the entertainment industry!
Moreover, it is No.1!
Looking at this list, Ye Feng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!I saw a scarlet name—Ye Feng!
Votes: 360 million!

And the most deceitful thing is that Ye Feng is the only one on the entire list!

What do you mean?
Are others not qualified to be on the list?Or are you guys deliberately targeting someone like me?

There is a line of small red letters below the list explaining: "The minimum required number of votes for the list is [-] votes."

This means that without [-] votes, the list will not be displayed.This also means that in the entire entertainment circle, only Ye Feng broke through [-] votes alone!
Ning Ning: "..."

Sister Leng: "..."

Li Xiang:"……"

Sister-in-law: "..."

Zhao Meng and Lin Yi were both dying of laughter.

Ye Feng was about to smoke, "What the hell? Why me?"

Zhao Meng also added: "No one has won this award in the past two years. I didn't expect my cousin-in-law to be on the list this year, and judging by the number of votes, it is well-received." As he spoke, he winked playfully at Ye Feng I rolled my eyes.

Ye Feng was so angry that he almost suffered internal injuries!

360 million votes!
And it's still going up like crazy?
I rely on!

Are you crazy?

What's your vote for me if you're free?

No need to vote for your idol?

Besides, I'm not in your entertainment circle at all!
"Conspiracy! This is definitely a conspiracy!" Ye Feng was furious, "360 million votes? Huh? Impossible! This is definitely someone who voted for me!"

The sister-in-law twitched the corners of her mouth, "Hey, how do you get tickets in the celebrity circle?"

Ye Feng stared, "What's wrong with the celebrity circle? Can't the celebrity circle swipe tickets? Someone else definitely swipe for me!"

Sister-in-law: "..." Brother-in-law is crazy.

Ye Fengqi scolded, "Is the entertainment industry so dark? Huh? What kind of dirty place is this? For a positive person like me who serves the country and the people, they can paint me as the most unpopular person? Shady ! This is the biggest unjust, false and wrongly decided case of this century! I want to report them!"

Zhao Meng watched and laughed, "It's what you deserve! Who told you to cheat, you will be punished!"

Li Xiang looked at his phone and wiped off his cold sweat, "The number of votes is still rising, isn't it too crazy?"

Ye Feng stared at the number of votes and almost fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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