Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 656 Maliciousness from the entertainment industry!

Chapter 656 Maliciousness from the entertainment industry!
Just now it was 360 million, now it is already 400 million?

Moreover, it is still rising!No, it's not a rise, it's a hurricane!

430 million!
450 million!
480 million!
510 million!

Ningning's number one most popular list doesn't even have 500 million votes!In such a short while, Ye Feng directly broke the record!It is estimated that every minute he will gain tens of thousands of votes!

It seems that countless people are voting for him crazily!
Countless people?
Hehe, there are countless people!

Most of the fans in the entertainment industry are voting for him, can't the rise be fast...


All the celebrities in the entertainment circle laughed like crazy.


"The fans are so awesome!"

"Killing me!"

"I've already told my fans, don't vote for me, go vote for Professor Ye! Hahaha!"

"That's what I told my fans too!"

"The effect is very obvious!"

"Anyway, I don't want to compete for the rankings anymore, so I might as well make it lively for Professor Ye, hahaha! I'm dying of laughter!"

"Everyone is so awesome, the 'Most Unpopular Award in the Entertainment Circle', which hasn't appeared for several years, will appear this year!"

"It's not about to appear, it has already appeared! Professor Ye didn't run away this time!"

"The most unpopular award in the entertainment industry is tailor-made for Professor Ye! The entertainment industry really doesn't welcome this Buddha!"

"Millions of votes! More than his wife! Hahaha!"

"Let Professor Ye feel the power of our entertainment industry!"

"Professor Ye is probably the only one who is not in our entertainment industry, but was boycotted by our entertainment industry!"

"Professor Ye's legends are everywhere, and it is estimated that Professor Ye will become a legend in this voting!"

"Professor Ye is, after all, a great professor who works for the country and the people. Doesn't it have a bad impact if we do this? But, it's really exciting!"

"Although I have some sympathy for him, who sympathizes with us? No! The more I think about it, the more I get angry, I will go to the circle to promote it!"


500 million!
600 million!
700 million!
Ye Feng went farther and farther in the selection of "The Most Unpopular in the Entertainment Industry", this is the rhythm of never looking back!

In the end, Wu Dehai and the others from all walks of life were stunned.

"The most unpopular award? Huh? Is this plausible? Professor Ye is for the country and the people, and you actually voted for him?"

Principal Wu scolded angrily in the office, and the assistant next to him was also filled with righteous indignation, "That's right, these people are... Karma?"

Suddenly, the assistant was stunned. Seeing the words "Vote Successful" displayed on Wu Dehai's computer in big scarlet characters, the assistant was completely petrified!
Principal Wu turned his head around, tilted his head and grinned at the assistant, "Professor Ye is not short of my vote, is it?"

Assistant: "Pfft!" This assistant almost vomited blood, you really think about it!
In fact, not only Wu Dehai thinks so, but also many of Ye Feng's friends and even his fans think so!

Professor Ye already has millions of votes, so if I vote secretly, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?
Zhao Huangming angrily accused the entertainment industry of messing around on the Internet, "Professor Ye is for the country and the people, is it for you to entertain?" Barabara said a lot, and then ran to the toilet furtively to vote.

I also saw Dean Ma Ranma in the toilet.

Zhao Huangming: "Um, why are you here?"

Ma Luan: "You're here too, what are you looking at on your phone?"

"Ah, haha, nothing is nothing." Zhao Huangming laughed, "Oh? What are you doing with your phone?"

"Oh, it's okay to watch a piece of news." Ma Luan put his phone in his pocket without changing his expression, as if nothing had happened.

Song Qingxuan, an old man in the calligraphy world, who doesn't know how to use a mobile phone, asked his granddaughter to vote for Professor Ye.

On the Internet, Ye Feng's fans also gave up struggling, and finally began to throw their votes at Ye Feng.

"I, Professor Ye, even if it is the most unpopular award, it must be the most unpopular award throughout the ages!"

"Yes! Huaxia people must be earth-shattering!"

"Go ahead, it's not too bad anyway."

"I wanted to have Su Ning, but looking at this posture, I can't control my hands! My mind tells me that I should vote for Su Ning, but my hands are out of my control!"

"Really, I am also out of control and want to give Professor Ye a vote. I don't know what's going on!"

Ye Feng, who was at home at this time, was about to die of anger when he saw the violent number of votes!I really want to cry!He really didn't expect that he would be on this list!And the worst thing is, I am the only one on this list?

Just me?

What the hell is this!
This is unreasonable!
And these fans, what are you doing?

It's fine for me to be beaten by entertainment groups, but you guys are still adding fuel to the fire?

You bunch of fake fans!

And this, Wu Dehai?Zhao Huang's name?Horse disorder?Song Qingxuan?And... Director Jin?

I rely on you uncle!
All of you are full and have nothing to do. I'm here to play, right?

Even if you want to vote, don't you know how to use a trumpet?

Your second uncle!
This made Professor Ye angry!
This is not over yet, people at home are still joking and teasing him.

The sister-in-law smiled, "Brother-in-law, you are so powerful and domineering, you have more votes than your sister."

Li Xiang made up the knife: "Not only is it more than Ningning, it is more than the first three of them combined!"

Lengmei showed no expression, and said indifferently: "That was just now, and now it is the sum of the top five."

Zhao Meng pretended to be surprised and said: "It's already evening, do so many people still have tickets? It's unbelievable! Professor Ye Da has inspired the potential of the celebrity circle. It's amazing. The little girl admires it." .”

Lin Yi smiled and didn't finish.

The little baby was running and playing with Xiaoha over there. He didn't understand the world of adults, but seeing everyone was very happy, the little guy also smiled and waved to his father.

Ningning held back her laughter, afraid that she would laugh out loud.

Ye Feng has black lines all over his head!
He really felt the power of the entertainment industry this time!
This is simply full of malice!

Professor Ye, who has never suffered a disadvantage, fell into the hands of the entertainment industry today!
Time passed by, and at twelve o'clock in the evening, it was no surprise that Ningning was No.1 in the "Most Popular List".Of course, there was no surprise for Mr. Ye, after all, he was the only one on the list.

In the end, he was elected "the most unpopular person in the entertainment industry" with 100 million votes.

100 million votes, this is the highest number of votes in the history of the celebrity circle event!
It is equivalent to the sum of the top ten votes of the "Most Popular List" on the same list!

Ye Feng, alone, garnered nearly half of the total votes for this event!

As soon as the final result came out, the Internet was already laughing like crazy.

"Professor Ye has been sanctioned this time!"

"I, Professor Ye, have devoted myself to the country and the people, yet I ended up with such a title? Sad!"

"Upstairs, don't brag, I'll just ask you, did you vote for Professor Ye?"




"Professor Ye and his wife are full of thieves this time!"

"That's right, the first place in the double list belongs to others!"

"Professor Ye is number one in any field! He is indeed the pride of China!"

"Pfft! Maybe this first place is the worst first place Professor Ye has ever gotten in his life!"

The Internet is getting more and more fun, but Professor Ye is so angry that he almost vomits blood.

Fortunately, the big baby Ning Ning is with him. The big baby cooked delicious meals for Professor Ye in the evening. After dinner, he went out for a walk with the dog with Professor Ye and his daughter, and gave Professor Ye a massage while sleeping. meeting.

In fact, Mr. Ye was not really angry at all. After all, with his personality, it is impossible for such a thing to make him really angry.Under the gentle offensive of baby Ningning, Ye quickly put this matter behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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