Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 657 The most tiring dream!

Chapter 657 The most tiring dream!

at night.

The little baby has already fallen asleep, and Lengmei and Su Ling are probably already asleep.

In the bedroom of Ye Feng and Ning Ning, the big baby gave Ye Feng a massage for a long time just now, and she is also tired now, and has already fallen asleep.

Ye Feng lay sideways on the bed, looking at the precious daughter-in-law beside him who had fallen asleep.I have to say that baby Ningning is really beautiful, with long eyelashes, fair and tender skin, delicate facial features...

Looking at such a beautiful baby daughter-in-law, Ye Feng is still very proud!Baby Ningning must be the most popular star in the entertainment industry!
But after a while, Ye was depressed and remembered his status as "the most unpopular in the entertainment industry".These guys in the entertainment industry are really wicked!Is brother so unpopular?This is completely shady!Brother is the revered Professor Ye!By the way, there are also Wu Dehai, Zhao Huangming and the others. Ye Feng is so angry when he thinks of these guys!

Sooner or later, I will settle accounts with you!
Ye Feng cursed them all in his heart, and when he was done, he cursed his fans again!I've never seen such unreliable fans!

But to be honest, this can actually show Ye Feng's influence from the side.You know, he is not a star who appears on TV all day long, he is not from the entertainment circle, but he is on the list of the entertainment circle!It is because everyone knows and knows Professor Ye that everyone voted for him together.If it's someone else, not to mention the influence, maybe they don't even know you, so why vote with a hammer?
Of course, thinking this way is just self-consolation, Ye Feng still firmly believes that everyone has no ill intentions towards him.

Forget it, I still don't want to think about it, let's think about what to do next.

After all, the father-in-law was pressing hard, and the second child had to be put on the agenda, but Ye Feng didn't want Ningning to leave any regrets, before preparing for pregnancy, the eldest baby must be the queen of the song!

Now it seems that it is relatively smooth, with influence and awards.Well, although it's just one award, and it doesn't seem to be a reliable award, it should be useful, right?

Thinking about it this way, the more Ye Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this award was not very useful.Ye moved a little, leaned against the head of the bed, picked up his mobile phone, and opened the circle of celebrities.

Netizens in the celebrity circle kept talking about Ye Feng winning the "Most Unpopular Award in the Entertainment Industry", and Ye cursed these people again and again in his heart.Then he opened Shui Liuyun's personal page and browsed through her profiles.

Shui Liuyun, 25 years old, graduated from the Imperial Conservatory of Music with a serious background.In fact, Shui Liuyun and Su Ning are very similar, they both became famous when they were young, and they were already famous in the music scene during college.However, Ning Ning was already a powerful singer in the popular Chinese music scene when she was in college. It is not an exaggeration to say that Ning Ning's debut is the pinnacle!And Shui Liuyun started from the bottom step by step, and finally became the queen of the song with her outstanding strength and good looks!

Of course, these are not what Ye Feng cares about, what he cares about is that Shui Liuyun has won those awards.

Shui Liuyun is currently ranked ninth in the music scene, which can be said to be the lowest-ranked queen. If Ning Ning wants to be on the top, she must be squeezed out.Ye Feng should get to know her better.

Looking at these brief introductions of Shui Liuyun, Ye Feng was a little bit tongue-tied. This girl has won quite a few awards, such as the Golden Melody Award, Best Singer, Best Female Singer, and Golden Statue Awards. Also got [-] or [-] prizes!

Moreover, this was obtained last year, not counting the previous ones.

On the other hand, Ningning didn't win any awards at all last year!
Just one award, and I just won it.

How does this bring people down?

Not to mention anything else, just a single award gap is big enough!No wonder Li Xiang would laugh at Ye Feng's whimsy at that time, it's not without reason!
Ye stared at the phone in a daze, thinking in his mind.

Ning Ning's most popular award is definitely not enough, but now there are no other awards in the entertainment industry, what should I do?

Just as he was in a daze, Ye Feng suddenly saw that the netizens on the Internet were still laughing and talking about yesterday's selection activity.

All the laughing flowers trembled, especially those stars!It's like New Years Eve!Keep saying "Who told Professor Ye to play tricks first"!
Is this called human talk?ah?
When did the old man cheat?
Didn't they just invite some foreign aid?
Can this be called cheating?
Can someone's affairs with me be called cheating?

It’s just that!

Ye Mingshou was very upset!
foreign aid?

Suddenly, a strange idea seemed to flash through Ye Feng's mind!

foreign aid?

This thing... seems interesting!

Ye Feng suddenly thought of a good idea to win an award!
There are no awards now, but brother can create awards himself!There are no entertainment circles, but that doesn't mean there are no other circles either!

Ye Mingshou's eyes brighten the more he thinks about it!
This method seems to really work!

Mr. Ye was in a good mood, so he went to sleep happily.

Maybe it's because he's in a good mood today or something, but Ye Feng is dreaming again!

He hadn't had a dream for a long time, but today he had a dream.

He dreamed that he was building bridges, roads, and buildings... as long as it was related to architecture, he had experienced everything in his dream, and he was even involved in the construction of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, the Great Wall, and the pyramids. .This is probably the most tiring dream Ye Feng has ever had. In the dream, he seemed to be transformed into an infrastructure madman, and he was exhausted!Sleeping while sweating!


As soon as Ning Ning woke up, she found that Ye Feng beside her was covered in sweat, and the big baby jumped up, "Ye Feng! Ye Feng!" Ning Ning hurriedly got up and touched Ye Feng's forehead. Fortunately, she didn't feel hot, big baby Only then did I feel relieved.


Ye Feng was dazedly awakened by his daughter-in-law, and when he opened his eyes, he still looked dazed, and his eyes still showed exhaustion, as if he hadn't recovered from the dream.

"Huh, I was scared to death. I thought you were sick."

The big baby stood beside the bed with his waist tucked in, patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief, and then asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Why are you sweating so much? Are you having a nightmare?"

"Have a nightmare?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he unconsciously got smart, he didn't want to have a nightmare anymore, last time he had a nightmare that almost killed him.

"Ah, it's nothing, it's probably because it's too hot."

Ye Feng touched his sticky body, "I'll take a shower first." Then, a carp stood up and rushed into the bathroom without giving the big baby a chance to ask in detail.


Before she could speak, Ye Feng had already entered the bathroom, Ning Ning shook her head and muttered, "This guy..." She shook her head helplessly, forget it, as long as she is not sick.

"I'm going to prepare breakfast, and I'll wake your daughter up later." Ning Ning said to the bathroom, she didn't wash herself, so she went downstairs first, after all, the bathroom was occupied by someone Ye.

"Know it."

Ye Feng responded casually, but what he was thinking about was the dream last night, that dream was true and almost exhausted Ye Feng to death!Since he had a dream, he has never had such a tired dream!


What the hell is this?
This dream once again plunged Ye Feng into deep thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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