Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 658 What does Ye Feng value?

Chapter 658 What does Ye Feng value?
Early in the morning, after breakfast.

The daughter-in-law took the daughter out for a walk with the dog, and the two sisters-in-law didn't know where they went, anyway, Ye Feng was alone at home.

Ye was wearing big underpants, lying sprawled on the sofa, and was calling Zhao Huangming.

"No, it's not a big deal, I just want to ask what's going on with the 'Yanzhao Award' in our literary world."

The Yanzhao Award is one of the five major awards in the contemporary Chinese literary world. It is under the responsibility of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The entire literary world selects seven judges to form the Yanzhao Jury Committee for selection. The selection is held every three years. This year's selection work has actually begun.

Zhao Huangming was a little strange, "Professor Ye is interested in this award?" Although Ye Feng is a leading figure in the contemporary literary world, to be honest, this award is not suitable for Ye Feng, or there is no suitable award for Ye Feng in the current literary world.

The major awards in the modern literary world are basically selections of various modern novels, modern prose, or modern poetry anthologies.And Ye Feng's literary achievements are actually more in ancient prose and ancient poetry. Although he also has some modern poems, such as the "One Word" after he angrily beat the national e-sports player Pu Yijian, etc., but these The number of modern poems is too small, and some of them have not been compiled into volumes, so it is basically impossible to win awards.

Zhao Huangming organized his words, and said: "Professor Ye, your status in today's literary world is unquestionable, but this award, maybe you really won't get it." After saying this, he quickly said: "Of course, With your height, you don't care about this award anymore, it doesn't matter if you have it or not." Zhao Huangming thought that Ye Feng was interested in this award.

That's right, Ye Feng is indeed interested in this award, but it may be a little different from what Zhao Huangming thought, Ye Feng said: "Let's not talk about this, Dean Zhao, you have been in the literary world longer than me, you Do you know the judges of this year's judging committee?"

"Huh?" Zhao Huangming was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what Ye Feng meant, but he still said truthfully: "I know each other, what's the matter? Professor Ye is busy?"

"Hey, it's not a big deal."

Ye Feng smiled casually, and said casually: "I just want to see if they can give my wife some kind of award, such as 'Yanzhao Literature and Music Award', what do you think? Is this name okay?"


Zhao Huang was dumbfounded at once, "What did you say?"

He couldn't believe his ears!
Yanzhao Literature and Music Award?
What kind of award is this?

Did you invent it yourself?
right!This guy really invented it himself... And the most important thing is, what the hell does this guy want to award to his wife?
Su Ning?


It really is a literary and music award!
Professor Ye deserves to be Professor Ye!This noun is really professional!


Zhao Huangming almost vomited blood, "Don't be ridiculous! The Yanzhao Award is one of the five major awards in the domestic literary world, how could it be so hasty? You should forget about it."

That's the Yanzhao Award, even Ye Feng can't mess around like this!

"Can't you?"

Ye Feng said: "It's no big deal, right? Isn't it just a matter of lip service?"

"Don't be ridiculous! Impossible!" Zhao Huang's head was full of black lines, "This is one of the highest honors in the literary world, and the literary world will never allow anyone to do such nonsense! Professor Ye, you should give up this idea as soon as possible! "

"Oh, no way."

"Yes! Of course not!"

"Oh? That's right." Ye Feng suddenly changed the topic, "Did you vote for me yesterday?"


"Let's settle this matter."

"No, I'm just kidding you! More than 1000 million votes, what's wrong with me?"

"Then you can ask me what's wrong? I don't need you to do anything."


Zhao Huangming was silent for a while, "All right."

"Alright." Ye Feng smiled.

Zhao Huangming sighed, and said: "Professor Ye, to be honest, this matter is likely to affect your reputation. Are you... necessary?" In fact, Lao Zhao has a lot to say to Ye Feng, but He didn't know how to say some words.Just like today's incident, it was obviously done by Ye Feng for Su Ning!
But this is definitely not a glorious thing for Ye Feng himself!

In the selection of the Yanzhao Award, one of the five major awards in the literary world, the well-known literary figure Professor Ye actually wanted to go through the back door?

What kind of word does this spread like?

This is simply an insult to Ye Fengwen's name!
Zhao Huangming just wanted to ask, is it worth doing this?
"Actually, I was originally..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng paused, hesitated for a few seconds, but finally said: "Forget it, don't talk about this, just ask me, if it doesn't work, forget it."

"Well, but don't hold on to any high hopes, it won't work in all likelihood."

The phone was hung up, Ye Feng was lying on the sofa with the phone in his hand, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

In fact, when he faced Lao Zhao's question just now, he wanted to say "I'm not a literati in the first place", but after thinking about it later, he still couldn't say that.

The current Ye Feng is no longer the Ye Feng in the beginning.

What kind of person was Ye Feng at the beginning?

He doesn't care about anyone or anything at all, that is, his daughter can cheer him up.Think about how he was pulled into Haida back then?

It was Wu Dehai, Li Shuwen and the others who tricked Ye Feng in!At that time, when Ye Feng went to Haida to work, he was just dealing with Su Ning!
But after such a long time, I have been mixed in so many cultural circles.Ye Feng has undergone obvious changes in both his personality and the way he handles things.If it was him in the past, he would definitely not have hesitated in the face of things like today. He is definitely an exquisite egoist, but now he hesitated just now.

His hesitation was not because of his reputation, or because of the criticism he would receive. The reason why he hesitated was because of the impact of this matter on the literary world!

Ye Feng is no ordinary person!He is the king of Chinese literature!It is the belief of many literati!
He may not care about his reputation to himself, but he has to care about the impact of his reputation on other people and the literary world!

The leading figure in the literary world wants to go through the back door, which is likely to be a disastrous blow to the literary world!

In their eyes, Ye Feng is a god-man, a perfect heaven-man!
Heaven and man will also go through the back door?
Many people can't see heaven and man stepping down from the altar!
Not to mention the collapse of faith!
However, in the end, Ye Feng was still willful.

For Ningning, Ye Feng was willful again.

In fact, to be honest, Ye Feng has no personality and is not suitable to be a "heavenly man".He may be able to let himself do what, but he will never let his family do what.

For some people, it is not difficult for them to sacrifice their lives for righteousness, but what is really difficult to choose is the choice between family members and righteousness.

But fortunately, this matter is not a serious matter, and it has not yet involved the level of righteousness.

Of course, this matter caused quite a stir in the literary world!

Ps: I would like to share with you a piece of good news, the author is No. 2 in this provincial written test!happy!But there is only one place, and the three of us are competing, so we are still a little panicked.

Also, as I write this chapter today.I asked a book friend about someone like Professor Ye, if during the war years, when the enemy threatened him to join the enemy with Ning Ning Yiyi, would Professor Ye compromise?Guess how this book friend answered.The answer is brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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