Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 659 As long as the mind does not slip!

Chapter 659 As long as the mind does not slip!
In the land of Yanzhao, there have been many generous and elegiac people since ancient times!

Even the word "Yanzhao" can make people feel a rush of weight!In the literary world, the Yanzhao Award represents the highest honor!

But today, in the Yanzhao Award selection committee, the atmosphere is quite strange!

Not because of anything else, but because of a phone call from Zhao Huangming, the dean of Haiwen College not long ago!
"Is what Dean Zhao said just now true? Is this really what Professor Ye meant?"

"Professor Ye wants us to give Su Ning some literary and music award? He's not joking, is he?"

"Zhao Huangming didn't fool us, did he? Can Professor Ye do such a thing?"

"He has nothing to do? Amuse us with this kind of thing? Professor Ye must be looking for him!"

The meeting room was messy, not only were there seven judges, but also some other literary masters and big bosses from the Writers Association.To be honest, when they heard about this, their first reaction was to not believe it!

Is this something Professor Ye can do?
But if you think about it carefully, this really looks like Professor Ye's style!
What can't Professor Ye do?
Didn't he get Su Ning into Haichuan as a professor last time?This time, it is not impossible to entrust them to get some kind of award for Su Ning through the back door!

However, it is impossible for them to agree!
Immediately someone said: "This matter is absolutely not allowed! The Yanzhao Award is one of the highest honors in our Chinese literary circles. This is not a joke. Although Professor Ye's literary achievements and contributions are very high, he cannot be allowed to mess around like this." !"

"Yes! Don't talk about this matter!"

"The honor of literature is not for Professor Ye to be so foolish!"

"Professor Ye's thinking is a bit too much this time."

Almost as Zhao Huangming expected, everyone's voices were quite unified!

This matter is not negotiable!
Not even Professor Ye!

The literary award is an honor, not something that can be decided by just a few words!
"I found that once Professor Ye encounters something related to Su Ning, he has no principles!"

"That's right!"

"It's said that literati are affectionate, but Professor Ye has an affectionate temperament. Ha, it's really strange."

"Affection is not so affectionate. You can't lose the principles you should have!"

"That's right, and isn't Su Ning developing smoothly in the music world now? Why does Professor Ye want awards from our literary circle? Besides, there are awards in the music industry too! Professor Ye wants Su Ning to win awards. His level is simply easy, right?"

"Who knows, he probably has his own ideas."

"No matter what Professor Ye plans, we agree to this matter anyway, we can't just watch Professor Ye make mistakes!"


"That's right!"

The opinions of the literary circles were unified. Although they didn't understand why Ye Feng was suddenly interested in the Yanzhao Award, they still rejected it straight away!




Ye Feng was sitting in front of the computer, Zhao Huangming had already called him just now, and the result was similar to what Zhao Huangming said at the beginning.

The literary world disagrees!

Ye Feng smacked his lips at the computer helplessly, this result is not too surprising.Of course, Ye Feng would definitely not have any objections to others if he was rejected.After all, this time I really went too far, and it's normal to be rejected.

But if you want Ye Feng to just give up like this, that's unrealistic!
As long as it is something Ye Feng wants to do, so far, there is nothing he can't do.Even if it was the almost impossible venue for Ning Ning's concert last time, Ye Feng finally rented it out!

In Ye's dictionary, there is no such word as "impossible"!Only "want" or "don't want"!
Since the jury disagrees, Ye Feng will find a way to get them to agree!
As long as the thinking is not slippery, there are always more ways than difficulties!
Don't you just disagree?This little thing can't help Mr. Ye at all!

Ye Feng got up and opened the window of the study, then silently lit a cigarette, sat in front of the computer, and started typing.


Two days later, Ye Feng called Zhao Huangming again.

Beep, the call is through.

"Looking for the dean, are you busy?"

"I'm not busy. Professor Ye has something else to do? Let's talk about it first. If it's the same thing as last time, I'm sure I can't help it."

"Hey, that's not it."

"That's good."

Zhao Huangming on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't such a nonsense thing.

"I just want to ask how the Yanzhao Award is selected? How can I be shortlisted?"


Why is it the Yanzhao Award again!Have you not given up yet?

"Why do you ask this? Yanzhao Award is shortlisted based on the quality of the works. The jury will go through the outstanding works of the past three years, and then each judge is responsible for recommending. Each judge can recommend two to three works. In the end, everyone Among these works, vote together, and finally choose the one with the highest number of votes to win."

"Oh, then can you ask the judges to recommend one for me?"

"Ah? You?" The tone on the phone was a little surprised, "Professor Ye, your book?" Zhao Huangming paused, and then said: "The City Writers Association did want to recommend you before, but your works are not It is suitable to win an award! Whether it is the "Yuefu Poetry Collection" or those online novels, they do not meet the selection criteria of the Yanzhao Award."

The Yanzhao Award selects excellent contemporary traditional literary works, mainly contemporary prose and novels. In this regard, Ye Feng really has no systematic works.

"not mine."

"Huh? Not yours? Whose is it?"

"Su Ning's."


"Su Ning?"


Zhao Huangming almost vomited blood, Su Ning is a singer, when will she write a book?
"Professor Ye, stop teasing me, okay? Yanzhao Award selection is a serious matter, it's really not a joke!"

"Yeah, I know. Isn't the original intention of the awards set up to select outstanding works? I read this book by my family, Su Ning, and I think it is quite excellent! I am fully qualified to participate in the selection, and I don't even have any It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the winner of this Yanzhao Award!"

"Are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"


Zhao Huangming was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Then can you send me a copy first?"

"of course can."

Ye Feng didn't even think about it, and didn't hang up the phone, he just sent his results of the past two days.

Su Ning's book?

Give me a break!

How can the big baby know how to write a book!She probably doesn't even know that she already has a book.

This book was written by Ye Feng!

However, Ye Feng said that this book was written by baby Ning Ning, what can others do?
Ye Feng has been writing this book for the past two days, in order to participate in the selection in the name of Ning Ning!
Don't you guys not give awards to my family Ningning?
It's ok!
I, Mr. Ye, am not the kind of unreasonable person. I won’t let you go through the back door. Can we win awards based on our strength?
"Did you receive it?"


Zhao Huangming's puzzled and surprised voice came from the other side of the phone, "The name of this book is..." He dragged out a long voice, "Wai... the city?"

Ye Feng nodded, and said lightly: "Well, "Fortress Besieged"."

(End of this chapter)

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