Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 660 Absolutely impossible!

Chapter 660 Absolutely impossible!
this day.

No small thing has happened in the literary world.

Yanzhao Awards nomination list announced!

The Yanzhao Award is one of the highest awards in the Chinese literary world, and dozens of book titles and dozens of personal names are densely written on the nomination list.

"The Life of a Genius" by Ma Wenchun.

"Boring" by Li Yahui.

Liu wrote "The Breeze Comes Again".

Su Ning's "Fortress Besieged".

and many more.

This is a literary feast held every three years. Whether it is the literary world or other industries, they are very concerned about the selection of the Yanzhao Award.

Although there are five most influential awards in the literary world, in terms of influence and gold content, the Yanzhao Award ranks first!Just like the literary circles on Earth, there are Bing Xin Literature Awards, Lu Xun Literature Awards, Contradiction Literature Awards, etc. These are all extremely high honors in the literature circle.However, among these awards, it is clear that the Contradictory Literature World is the well-deserved number one!

The Yanzhao Award is equivalent to the paradoxical literary world in the previous life!
After all, the mainstream of contemporary literature is still novels!

"It's been nominated!"

"The triennial award!"

"Isn't this the rarest honor in the literary world?"

"Yeah, let's see who gets the laurels this year."

"Last time it was Teacher Liu Qing, right? This time it's probably Teacher Zhao Youwei's turn."

"It's hard to say, Teacher Zhao Youwei's "Cool Breeze" is really good, but Teacher Liu Yuming's "Once Upon a Time in the Blue Sky" is also quite deep!"

"No, no, no, what you said is not allowed! The awards in the literary world must belong to Professor Ye!"

"That's right, Professor Ye hasn't won any awards yet, I guess this year's Yanzhao Award must belong to Professor Ye!"

"I think so too!"

"Who in the literary world can compete with Professor Ye?"

Many netizens on the Internet are talking about Ye Feng. From the perspective of ordinary netizens, do literary awards still need to be selected?Just send it to Professor Ye directly!Isn't Professor Ye a recognized contemporary figure in the literary world?

However, these are only the words of a layman in the literary world. Netizens who understand it explained: "This award really has nothing to do with Professor Ye. If it is the Tang and Song Awards, it must be Professor Ye. After all, in poetry On the one hand, Professor Ye is invincible. However, this Yanzhao Award mainly selects novels, and there are very few winners for prose. To be honest, Professor Ye has almost no chance of winning."

"Well, that's true, and there is no Professor Ye in the nomination."

"Hey? There really isn't Professor Ye!"

Many netizens looked through the list and found that there was no Ye Feng.

Although there was no Ye Feng, everyone found a very familiar name in the list.

"Su Ning?"

"What's the situation with Su Ning in this list?"

"Damn it! Su Ning? "Fortress Besieged"? Isn't it? Isn't this Professor Ye's wife?"

"The singer?"

"What the hell?"

"Su Ning has written a book?"

"Impossible! Absolutely not!"

"Fortress Besieged? I've never heard of this book!"

"It shouldn't be the Su Ning we thought. After all, Su Ning is doing well in the music world. Why do you come to the literary world? Besides, those who can be selected for the nomination list are definitely not ordinary people. Su Ning can have this Literary strength? Impossible!"

"Yes, it should be the same name."

"Well, the world is so big, it's normal to have several people with the same name."

"Huh, so that's how it is. It scared me a lot. I really thought it was Professor Ye's wife, hahaha! It's fine if it's not!"

"Hahaha, even if you say that this is Professor Ye's daughter-in-law, no one will believe it! This is the Yanzhao Award, not a random selection. Su Ning's level is known on the whole network. Does she have this strength? If it’s Professor Ye, it’s about the same!”

"That's right, a singer can still write this kind of work that was nominated for the Yanzhao Award, that's really hell!"

Netizens joked a few words casually, but didn't take it seriously, as everyone said, there are too many people with the same name in this world.Even the media didn't think about that. After all, Su Ning is too famous. If she was the author of "Fortress Besieged", there would have been a lot of trouble in the city.

And most importantly, it is impossible for Su Ning to write a book!
What level is she?Dare to write a book?

Just kidding!
This kind of novel, let alone a singer in the entertainment circle, even Professor Ye, probably would have to spend a lot of energy!
Netizens and the media, none of them took it seriously, and all their attention was on the few popular award-winning authors.


At this moment, the judges of the Yanzhao Awards are about to fight.

Someone slapped the table and shouted, "Fortress Besieged? Su Ning? Are you kidding me?"

Another person said angrily with a dark face: "Let a book written by a singer be shortlisted for the highest award in the literary world? Is this a joke? Huh?"

An old scholar surnamed Zheng twitched his lips and said, "This is my nomination."

A person next to him said: "Mr. Zheng, let's not talk about who is the author of this book. Since "Fortress Besieged" has not been published, you dare to nominate it?"

Zheng Laodao: "I know it hasn't been published, but I read the content of this book."

"How is it?" Yi asked with a good relationship with Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng pondered for a moment, then said in a heavy voice, "It's hard to hold a candle to the current literary world."

Difficult to hold a candle to?

Mr. Zheng's words made everyone present stunned for a moment. Isn't this evaluation too high?

Someone said in a daze: "Su Ning? The book she wrote can make it difficult for today's literary world to come close? Mr. Zheng, are you kidding me?"


Elder Zheng asked back, then shook his head and sighed, "Do you think this book was really written by Su Ning?"

One said, "What do you mean?"

The person next to him seemed to understand, "You mean this book was written by Professor Ye?"

Mr. Zheng shook his head, "Don't say that, the author of this book is Su Ning. But..."

"But what?"

"However, it is impossible for Su Ning to have such literary skills!" Zheng Lao sighed: "After I finished reading this "Fortress Besieged", I can only describe it as 'shocking'. To say that it is hard to match is definitely not a little bit Exaggeration, it can be said that no one in the current literary world can write such a work except for that one!"

No one can write it except that one!
Having said this, I can no longer understand what I already understand!
This book is most likely written by Ye Feng!
"Professor Ye, what do you want to do?"

"He's a fake!"

"In the name of his wife? What does that mean?"

"No matter what, such fraud is absolutely not allowed!"

"Yes, how can this "Fortress Besieged" win an award, otherwise it will have a terrible impact on our literary world!"

Everyone chattered and talked, and everyone's opinions were quite unified. This impostor book must not be allowed to win an award!

Not even Professor Ye!

This is no longer a question of giving face, it is a question of the reputation of the entire literary world!

However, Mr. Zheng shook his head, "Don't let this book win an award?" He sighed: "You guys read this book first, then talk about it."

Don't let "Fortress Besieged" win the award?
Mr. Zheng smiled bitterly in his heart. If the content of this book is mediocre, or if it is not so good, even if it can win an award, the jury will reject it because of the impostor and fraud. The literary world still has an explanation to the society.

But the problem is, this "Fortress Besieged" is simply "the only light in the sun"!Its light is simply like the sun, it cannot be blocked!
Don't let it win an award?
Totally impossible!
It is no exaggeration to say that if you look at the winning works of the previous Yanzhao Awards, all of them are not as good as this "Fortress Besieged"!In this case, why not let it win an award?
If "Fortress Besieged" is not awarded this time, then after "Fortress Besieged" is published, their Yanzhao jury will definitely bear a lifetime of infamy!It will even affect the credibility of the Yanzhao Award!

This is also the reason why Mr. Zheng nominated this book even though he knew that the author of "Fortress Besieged" had problems.

He had to be nominated!

There is no way!

The next day.

It is still the Yanzhao Award jury.

The meeting was presided over by Mr. Zheng, and it was mainly a discussion on the book "Fortress Besieged".

Elder Zheng seemed to be in a bad mood, so he said with a sullen face, "Have you all read the book? The number of words is not too many, so you should have read it all, right? Let's share your opinions."

There was silence below.

Mr. Zheng took a deep breath and asked, "Don't talk? Xiao Liu, tell me, how is this "Besieged City" written?"

The judge pursed his lips and thought for a long time before saying, "I can only say that this book was definitely not written by Su Ning!"

Mr. Zheng shook his head and smiled wryly. Is there any need to say this?Anyone who has read this book knows that the author of this book cannot be Su Ning!
Another judge said: "This "Fortress Besieged" can be said to be the pinnacle of contemporary novels. There is no need to vote at all. If this year's Yanzhao Award is not given to it, then we will probably be condemned to death." scold."

"Yeah, but there is something wrong with this book."

"What exactly does Professor Ye want to do?"

"Why did he use Su Ning's name? Can't he use his own name?"

"That's right, is it because you are afraid that you will be ashamed if you lose the election? But this book will never lose the election!"

"It's really a problem for everyone!"

They all watched Fortress Besieged.

Everyone's first reaction was unbelievable!
What is this selection?
This is no longer an option!This award must be given to this book!
But when everyone calmed down and remembered the author of the book, everyone was dumbfounded.

The author of this book is Su Ning!
Yanzhao Award for a singer in the entertainment industry?
And everyone paid attention to the fact that Du Ming's book was not written by Su Ning at all!
At this moment, Mr. Zheng, who had been looking sour, said again, "Last night, I called Professor Ye."

"Huh? What did Professor Ye say?"

"He said it was indeed he who wrote the book."

"Huh? Then what does she mean?"

"He..." Mr. Zheng said with a dark face, "He said he asked Vaughn to give Su Ning a literary and music award..."


As soon as these words came out, all the judges were stunned!

"What's called the 'Literary Music Award'?"

"Professor Ye is crazy!"

"It's impossible!"

"He's threatening us!"

"This is simply nonsense!"

"We have a literature award, what music award?"

All the judges were so dark-faced that they almost vomited blood!


"Absolutely impossible!"

Everyone's opinions are highly unified, so don't even think about it!
Absolutely impossible!
"Since everyone has said so, then I will reply to Professor Ye in this way."

Mr. Zheng nodded. Professor Ye made it clear that he wanted to cheat them. They would never just watch themselves being cheated by Ye Feng!At least, have to resist, right?

(End of this chapter)

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