Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 661 Ye Feng's self-reflection!

Chapter 661 Ye Feng's self-reflection!
Everyone has read the book "Fortress Besieged", so there is nothing to say!It is simply shocking, it can only be described as shocking!

It is no exaggeration to say that in the contemporary literary world, this book is definitely an existence that stands out from the crowd!Not to mention a Yanzhao Award, even if it is an international competition for other awards, there is no pressure at all!
This is "Besieged City"!
This book also allowed the literary world to once again see Professor Ye's literary strength!

As expected of Huaxia people!
But at the same time, it also gave the literary world a deeper understanding of Professor Ye!

Su Ning!

If the author's name of this book is not Su Ning, then the jury will definitely not hesitate to award this award to "Fortress Besieged".But now, this book has become the biggest headache for the jury.

In fact, everyone already knew what Ye Feng was thinking. It was nothing more than wanting to use the literary world to give Su Ning an honor.

But can this kind of thing be done in the literary world?

Not to mention the Yanzhao Award, even if it is an ordinary award, can it be faked at will?


Absolutely not!
Even Professor Ye Feng, even this Huaxia person, can't do it!
The judging committee of the Yanzhao Award is extremely firm!
Ye Feng was directly rejected!
"What did Professor Ye say?"

"What exactly is Professor Ye planning to do with this book?"

"Let's not care about what Professor Ye wants to do, we must have our own bottom line. Even if we are notorious, we must never shame the literary world!"

"Yes! It is absolutely impossible for Professor Ye to award Su Ning!"

"Everyone must stick to their positions!"

"Well! Keep the bottom line!"

This is the bottom line of the literary world!

Even, because of this incident, the time for the Yanzhao Prize draw has been postponed!
And it's been postponed continuously!
Today is postponed until tomorrow, tomorrow is postponed until the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is postponed to the day after tomorrow!
If the matter of "Fortress Besieged" is not resolved, the Yanzhao Awards will not be drawn for a day!This has clearly demonstrated the jury's uncompromising determination!

Home, study.

Ye Feng just put down the phone and stood by the window.

In the past few days, Zhao Huangming and Zheng Lao had called him many times, and they were of course all about the author of "The Besieged City".

Ye Feng is also clear about the attitude of the literary world.

This time the literary world is not as "obedient" as Ye Feng imagined, but extremely tough.

To be honest, Ye Feng is used to the literary world obeying his advice, maybe Ye Feng didn't feel it, but in his consciousness, the literary world seems to have become his own literary world.No matter what he says or what he does, the literary world seems to support him unconditionally.This made Ye Feng gradually have a strange feeling towards the literary world, the entire literary world was like his subordinates.

On the other hand, today's literary world relies too much on Ye Feng, they entrust too much to Ye Feng.The honor of the nation, the rise of the country, etc. are all thrown to Ye Feng. It seems that with Ye Feng, the literary world has the backbone. It is precisely because of this "morbid" dependence that it strengthens Ye Feng's subconscious mind. The kind of superior "dominant mentality".

It is precisely because of such a strange relationship that Ye Feng came up with this extraordinary method this time.

Use Su Ning's name to impersonate to win the award?
Even using this as a bargaining chip to force the literary world to submit?

How absurd this is!

This is not just a matter of falsification, it is blatantly trampling on the dignity of the literary world and the bottom line of literati!

Fortunately, the literary world has not bowed its head!

They resolutely resisted!

This is the luck of the contemporary literary world.

And their resistance also made Ye Feng wake up suddenly!

It turns out that the literary world is not Ye Feng's alone.The literary world is the literary world of Chinese literati, and the literary world has its own rules and ideas!

It is no exaggeration to say that the judges rejected Ye Feng this time with righteous words, and actually saved Ye Feng!It is to pull him back from the cliff edge of "arrogance, arrogance, and superciliousness".

Not only the literary circles, but also the mathematics circles, the history circles, the education circles, and even Haida, etc. Ye Feng didn't know when he started, subconsciously felt that he could manipulate these things wantonly, as if they were all in his own hands Like a doll.Maybe he himself thinks he doesn't think so, but the problem is, he really thinks so subconsciously.


Ye Feng stood by the window, looked out the window, and silently lit a cigarette.In the smoke, his eyes were a bit complicated and blurred.This is probably the first time in Ye Feng's life that he has reflected on himself so seriously.

Indeed, he should reflect on it.After all, the greater his ability, the greater the corresponding responsibility.Ordinary people may make mistakes, and there is still a chance for the prodigal son to turn around, but Ye Feng is different, as long as he takes one wrong step, he may be lost forever.Even, there will be an unknown number of people buried with him.Now Ye Feng's words and deeds have a very far-reaching influence, and there is no room for him to be careless.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

At this time, Ning Ning rushed over with her bare feet, holding a tablet in her hand.

"what happened?"

Ye Feng pinched the cigarette butt, opened the window wider, and pulled Ning Ning to sit down, "So anxious? What happened?"

Ning Ning handed the tablet in her hand to Ye Feng, and said anxiously: "Husband, what's going on? Did they make a mistake?" The big baby's eyes were a little surprised and a little puzzled.


Ye Feng looked down at the tablet in Ningning's hand. On the tablet, the publication announcement of the book "Fortress Besieged" by Jianghu Legend Publishing House was displayed. In the author's place, it was Su Ning's name!

Before, Ye Feng sent "Fortress Besieged" to Fatty, and asked his second uncle's publishing house to publish it.It now appears that this has been advertised.Netizens seemed to have a lot of reaction to this, and many even began to scold Ning Ning.

"It's okay, leave it to me to solve it."

Ningning was ignorant of this matter from the beginning to the end, and Ye Feng has changed his mind now, so there is no need for Ningning to worry about anything.

"Really? But I read the comments on the Internet..." Ningning was still a little worried about Ye Feng.

"It's okay, don't worry." Ye Feng smiled.

Originally, he wanted to use the sales volume to coerce the literary world after the publication of "Fortress Besieged".However, now that Ye Feng realized that he had gone too far, he naturally changed his mind.

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and opened his celebrity circle. This farce was caused by him, so naturally he had to end it.

Ye Feng and Ning Ning sat in the study, and first browsed through the comments on the Internet.

To be honest, when these advertisements were published, countless netizens on the Internet were astonished!
"The author of "Fortress Besieged" is Su Ning?"

"Professor Ye's wife?"

"She really wrote a book?"

"Huh? "Fortress Besieged"? The title of the book sounds familiar!"

"Damn! Isn't this book included in the nomination list for the Yanzhao Award?"

"I'll go! Now that I've said that, I remember it too!"


"A book written by a singer, Su Ning, was nominated for the Yanzhao Award? Isn't this too nonsense?"

"Don't be ridiculous! What kind of book will she write? It must be written by Professor Ye!"

"By the way, why has the Yanzhao Awards been postponed?"

"I do not know."

"Could it be related to this "Fortress Besieged"?"

"Then no one can tell."

"Anyway, I don't believe that Su Ning can write a book!"

"I don't believe it either! Professor Ye is a blatant academic fraud!"

"It's not Professor Ye, it's Su Ning! Su Ning is the academic fraud!"

"Yes! It's too much!"

It can be said that netizens are boiling.Everyone is not stupid, whether this book was written by Su Ning, you can figure it out with your toes, it is obviously written by Ye Feng!

This is simply too much!
Of course, the biggest reaction is actually the entertainment industry.

The mentality of those stars in the entertainment industry has collapsed!

If you fucked Su Ning up to this point, it's not just an excessive thing!
This is so fucking excessive!

This time, countless celebrities stood up and reprimanded Su Ning one after another. By the way, some popular celebrities even sprayed Ye Feng!
Moreover, some people in the literary world, some people who disliked Ye Feng, couldn't sit still this time, jumped out one after another, and began to vent Ye Feng's anger!

All of a sudden, Ye Feng and Ning Ning were in the huge vortex of public opinion.

Although most of the people didn't make a sound, the current voice is enough to bring a big rhythm.If it is not handled properly, it will definitely affect Ning Ning and even Ye Feng's reputation.

And at this moment, Ye Feng suddenly posted a post:
"My pen name is Su Ning, can't I?"

As soon as this news came out, all the scolding on the Internet stopped suddenly, and all the voices stopped abruptly.

Seeing this sentence, I don't know how many people's expressions froze.

Zhao Huangming was stunned!
Elder Zheng pulled the corner of his mouth!

The eyes of the literati on the Yanzhao Award jury were as big as copper bells!
Countless people on the Internet are confused!

Pen, pseudonym?
Su Ning?
Your pen name is Su Ning?

Depend on!
you sir!

You use your wife's name as a pseudonym?

Don't play like this!
I don't know how many people who yelled just now suffered internal injuries!
This is blatant cheating!
Professor Ye really interpreted the word "laipi" superbly!

Although Ye realized his mistake, but want him to admit it in public?

Don't be ridiculous, that's impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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