Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 662 Hot before it's sold!

Chapter 662 Hot before it's sold!

Su Ning is your pen name?
Faced with Ye Feng's statement, I don't know how many people almost vomited blood!

"I'll go for it!"

"Professor Ye, is this a joke?"

"I'm convinced! This time I'm really convinced! After a long time on the Internet, Professor Ye instantly killed me with one word!"

"But to be honest, Su Ning has never said that she wrote "Fortress Besieged" by herself!"

"That's right, Su Ning really didn't say that."

"Does this mean that this matter is a misunderstanding? In fact, this 'Su Ning' is Professor Ye? Does that mean that the netizens wronged Su Ning?"

"From the current point of view, that's what it means."

"Professor Ye really deserves to be Professor Ye! This way of thinking is really no joke!"


Netizens have become Buddhas, they are truly Buddhas!
Did everyone wrong Su Ning?
Indeed, it is true that Su Ning was wronged, because Ning Ning really didn't know about it.However, Ye Feng was definitely not wronged!

However, after Ye Feng said that, no one could find any faults.


Can't I, Ye, use the pseudonym "Su Ning"?As long as I am willing, let alone Su Ning, I can use Li Ning or Wang Ning!

Ye Feng was taken aback by Ye Feng's coquettish operation on the Internet, but the judging committee of the Yanzhao Award breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Ye admits that "Fortress Besieged" was written by him!Although this method is different from what they imagined, as long as they admit it, it will be fine!
The pen name is just the pen name. People use their own daughter-in-law's name as the pen name. Is this reasonable?After all, he is a well-known wife-loving maniac, so using this pseudonym is not an exaggeration.

In the end, the Yanzhao Award went to Ye Feng's "Fortress Besieged" without any surprise.

At the awards conference, the book "Fortress Besieged" was introduced like this:
Marriage is a siege,
People in the city want to go out,
People from outside the city want to come in.

——Su Ning (Ye Feng), "Fortress Besieged", Professor Ye's first full-length traditional novel.

The words used in this selection are the most widely circulated words in "Fortress Besieged", but the author's introduction later is a bit confusing, it is Su Ning and Ye Feng's. It is probably the first time this has happened in the Yanzhao Award.

However, this is already the most perfect ending, and everyone doesn't force anything.

As soon as the selection results came out, the popularity of the book "Fortress Besieged" was pushed to a new peak.

Although this book has not yet been published, there are already waves of heated discussions about this book on the Internet.

The main reason is that the popularity of this book is too high now. It was selected for the Yanzhao Award before it was published, the author was signed by Su Ning, Ye Feng made a forced reversal, etc., each of these is a hot topic, let alone such a book. How many hot spots are stacked together!

"Let me just say, Professor Ye won't cheat!"

"Su Ning is a pseudonym, which actually makes sense."

"Well, after all, Professor Ye is a wife-loving maniac, so it doesn't hurt to play a little trick to increase Su Ning's popularity."

"I'm really looking forward to this book. What kind of book can make the Yanzhao Award so important? My hands are frozen before it's published!"

"This is the first time in the history of the Yanzhao Awards!"

"It's not just the Yanzhao Award, it's probably the first time in the history of literature!"

"Don't make a fuss, you know, the author of this book is Professor Ye! This is synonymous with miracles!"

"But Professor Ye's book is a pure literary novel, right? And it's about marriage. As we all know, the sales volume of books with this kind of theme is not good. What's more, Professor Ye hasn't written a book about this kind of subject before, right?"

"Well, in terms of novels, Professor Ye mainly involved web novels, but there is indeed a big gap between web novels and pure literary novels."

There were still various condemnations on the Internet before, but after Ye Feng posted a post, the trend on the Internet immediately changed.In fact, it's not that those who criticized Ye Feng changed their tune, but that many people who supported Ye Feng had a reason to stand up.

Although the reason given by Ye Feng is a bit nonsense, but to be honest, this reason has been accepted by everyone.

Now the mainstream on the Internet is looking forward to Ye Feng's first pure literary novel. This is his first non-commercial novel, which is not only of great significance to Ye Feng, but also of great significance to the contemporary literary world!
"Let's take a look! Professor Ye has released a new book!"

"This is a pure literary novel!"

"Marriage theme? Isn't this pretty?"

"Anyway, I don't like it, but I still like Professor Ye's cool writing."

"Professor Ye's new book, and it's a mainstream literary novel, must be supported!"

"When will it be published?"

"Starting tomorrow!"

"Then I must support a wave!"

"Although I don't like it either, even if I don't read Professor Ye's book, I still have to buy one!"

"Must, Yanzhao Award-winning books, must buy!"

"Support Professor Ye!"

Not only many netizens on the Internet are looking forward to Ye Feng's "Fortress Besieged", but the literary world is also looking forward to this book!
This is the winning book of this Yanzhao Award!Even books that won this award directly before they were published!How can this make the literary world not pay attention?

"Professor Ye's "Fortress Besieged" has anyone read it?"

"No, it is said that only those members of the jury have seen it."

"This time the judging committee is Mr. Zheng and the others, right?"

"Well, Mr. Zheng's selection this time seems a bit too much."

"That's right, this is the Yanzhao Award! Was it awarded to Professor Ye in such a hasty way? Even if Professor Ye wrote this book, it can't be so hasty, right? Everyone hasn't even read it. What if it's published? Are sales not satisfactory?"

"The selection of the Yanzhao Award is not based on sales, but mainly on literary quality. I think Professor Ye's "Fortress Besieged" is very good, otherwise Mr. Zheng and the others would definitely not be so hasty."

"Hehe, when it comes to poetry, I definitely admire Professor Ye; when it comes to commercial novels, I also admire Professor Ye; when it comes to literary achievements and influence, I also admire Professor Ye. But this pure literary novel, Professor Ye I didn’t write it before, but now suddenly a copy of “Fortress Besieged” came out, and it won an award without even being released, how can this be unreasonable?”

"Just wait and see, I'd like to see how Professor Ye's book is! If it's really good, that's fine, but if there's something shady about it, then don't blame me for speaking badly!"

"Shameful deeds? What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting! I just think it's too easy for Professor Ye to win the prize!"

"Exactly! This "Fortress Besieged" was obviously written temporarily for the Yanzhao Award, but he really won the award, hehe."

The literary world has never been monolithic.Many literati are very dissatisfied with the jury awarding this unreleased "Fortress Besieged", especially the author of this book is the famous Professor Ye Fengye!Who doesn't know Professor Ye's influence in the literary world?One of his impromptu books won an award, can it make people stop thinking about it?
In the past, the reason why Ye Feng was able to suppress the entire literary world was firstly because his achievements were indeed daunting, and secondly because he never took the initiative to get involved in the affairs of the literary world, which made many literati feel good about him .

But this time is different, Ye Feng's "Besieged City" turned out to make many people feel uncomfortable.In particular, some authors who have a good chance of winning this year feel even more uncomfortable.

Naturally, the literary world is full of whining words.

Of course, these people don't know the suffering of the jury!
You guys know a hammer!

Do you think that giving this award to Professor Ye is a back door for Professor Ye, don't you?

You think Professor Ye really wants this award, don't you?

Do you think it would be easy for Professor Ye to receive this award?
Pull it down!

You don't know what happened during the selection process!
Listening to those complaints in the literary world, each of these judges smiled wryly in their hearts!

You don't even know what happened at that time!
What Professor Ye wants is not this award at all!
Fortunately, this matter was resolved smoothly, and these judges were unwilling to mention it.The rest basically depends on tomorrow's release.

Regarding the book "Fortress Besieged", Mr. Zheng and the others who have read it have a good idea. From their point of view, this book may not be as good as those commercial novels in sales, but the sales volume is estimated to be in the field of pure literature publishing. It is also among the best.So they are not too worried.

However, there are more people who have not read this book!
Many people are speculating whether the sales of Professor Ye's pure literature novel, or a niche novel about marriage, will hit the market?Marriage!This thing sounds like the kind of boring parental short story. Will such a book sell?

Many people have this question, and many people are even waiting to see the joke.

Will there be sales?

Waiting to see a joke?
Don't read marriage novels?


Qian Zhongshu!
Will tell people in this world, what is the sales of pure literature novels!
(End of this chapter)

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