Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 663 "Fortress Besieged" Released!

Chapter 663 "Fortress Besieged" Released!
The next day.

On sale day.

In the morning, at the entrance of Shuangqiao Bookstore, the largest bookstore in Haicheng, hundreds of people lined up in a long line early in the morning, blocking the entrance tightly.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze."

"I'm going! There are so many people? It's only 06:30! I think I came early enough!"

"Early? I'll be there at six o'clock. Isn't it here?"

"Don't mention it, I heard that the one at the front is the clerk who was on duty at the bookstore last night..."

"Isn't this too exaggerated? I just want to buy a book! How can it be like robbing a house?"

"Rooting a house is not such an exaggeration!"

"After all, it's Professor Ye, I understand!"

"That's right, as long as you can buy "Fortress Besieged", let's wait for the rehearsal team."

Everyone chatted while queuing up. In fact, Ye Feng had far more fans than what appeared at night.In other words, there are more people supporting him in reality than online.Because many people may not express their opinions online, but in real life, they always buy something related to Ye Feng.

Just like many teachers, they may not comment on Ye Feng at all on the Internet, but in their daily life and work, they always use some things of Ye Feng unavoidably.For example, the test papers of the college entrance examination that he published that year, some of his poems, some of his books, etc., these things need to be bought for careful study.

The same is true of "Fortress Besieged" today. Many people came over immediately to buy it.

Soon, it was time for the bookstore to open.

The clerk opened the door, but just opened a few passages, the clerk inside was overwhelmed by the black shadow that suddenly pressed up.A large crowd, Wuyang Wuyang rushed in!
Some shop assistants are scared silly!

No one knows what's going on!

"Where's the book? Where's Professor Ye's book?"

"What about Fortress Besieged? Give me a copy of Fortress Besieged!"

"I see it! There it is! Come on! Give me ten copies!"

A large group of people rushed in like robbers. Only then did the clerk understand what had happened, but by the time they understood, "Fortress Besieged" on the bookshelf had already been robbed.

"I'll go! Why isn't there any more?"

"Your uncle! I was the first to come in!"

"Just kidding?"

"Is that gone?"

"Definitely in stock!"

Those who didn't grab the books were also stunned, and quickly asked these stunned clerks, even the manager of the bookstore was alarmed, and hurried over, "Don't worry, everyone, our bookstore still has stock, everyone arranges it." Good team, come one by one, don't rush!"


imperial capital.

Xinhua Bookstore.

"Give me a copy of Fortress Besieged!"

"Give me two copies, thank you!"

"What? Purchase limit? Each person can only buy one copy?"

"Damn! Buy a book and still have a purchase limit?"



Huaxia Bookstore's direct sales store.

"Is "Fortress Besieged" still available?"


"What's going on? I've been waiting in line for such a long time. If I say no, it's gone?"

"We can't help it, we bought it too fast."


Throughout the morning, frantic panic buying took place in various bookstores in various cities.

Many bookstore clerks were dumbfounded, this is not buying books, this is clearly stealing books!And it's the kind of grabbing that is quick and slow!This is already exaggerated than house grabbing!Many bookstores were rushed in by people who bought books, and then the shelves were emptied in the blink of an eye!
The speed is so fast that countless people are stunned!
The media are dumbfounded!

Even countless people who went to buy books were stunned!
Is this the influence of Professor Ye?Looking at the Chinese literary world, and even looking at the world's literary world, which writer has been so popular?On the first day of release, the whole country was sold out!
It's only been one morning, and all major bookstores across the country, including well-known bookstores such as Xinhua Bookstore and Huaxia Bookstore, have declared that all "Fortress Besieged" are sold out!
Countless bookstores have called the publishers one after another, and even bookstores like Huaxia Bookstore and Xinhua Bookstore, which have their own publishing houses, have started to contact Ye Feng to discuss copyright publishing and printing themselves!

Ye Feng's cell phone kept ringing.

"Well, I'm Ye Feng, huh? Editor-in-Chief Li of Huaxia Bookstore? Oh, oh, I want copyright, so go talk to Dean Zhao Huangming of Haida University about this matter. I'm sorry, I'm on the phone again."

After Ye Feng said a few words, he picked up the phone again, "Hi, I'm Ye Feng. Mr. Song, what's the matter?"

This call is from Mr. Song Qingxuan and Song, "Professor Ye, you can't buy that book!"

"Ah? Not so much?"

"My granddaughter wants to buy it, but she has gone to three bookstores, and they are all sold out. Can you see if you have any stock?"

"I have a few copies in my hand, and I will mail them to you when the time comes."

"Ha, that's really thanks to Professor Ye."

"Hi, it's alright."

At this time, the door of the study was pushed open.

It was my sister-in-law Su Ling who came in, "Brother-in-law."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Hurry up, brother-in-law, where do you put your books? Did Meipu send you a stack just now? Where are you putting them?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, "Why are you looking for this?"

"Oh, don't talk about it, my girlfriends want your books, but they can't buy them! I'm blown out, so hurry up and find me some books."

"I don't have much left."

"I don't care! Anyway, you must find me some books!"

"Okay, how much do you want?"

"Twenty books!"

"What?" Ye Feng stared, "Are you beating local tyrants? Three books! Is there too much!"

"No!" Lingling put her hands on her hips, "I have boasted so much, three books are not enough!"

At this moment, Ning Ning came in and looked at them with a puzzled expression, "What's the matter? What are you talking about? Why are you looking for your brother-in-law again?"

Lingling hugged her sister's arm in the past and said affectionately: "Sister, my brother-in-law and I want a few books, and he insists on not giving them to me. Tell me about your husband! How stingy, huh!"

Ning Ning smiled softly, and said, "Your brother-in-law doesn't have much, and I've been calling him all morning to ask for books, so don't make trouble."

"Yes! Look at your sister!"

Ye Feng looked at his daughter-in-law quite satisfied, it's because the daughter-in-law treats him well!

Ning Ning smiled and said, "Honey, where are the books? Give me some."

"Ah? Why do you want books?" Ye Feng was taken aback.

Baby Ning Ning was a little embarrassed, "Isn't this company also has your little girl? Everyone has called me, and I'm too embarrassed to refuse. Husband~ good husband, just give me a few copies." The baby acted like a baby to Ye Feng.

The sister-in-law also shook her sister's arm, and said coquettishly to Ye Feng: "Brother-in-law~ you can give me a few more copies."


Looking at the two sisters, Ye Feng almost didn't vomit blood, "The main reason is that I don't have one either! Here, that's all!" Ye Feng pouted under the computer desk, "Mei Pu gave me such a stack, and I don't have any. Only twenty copies."

At this time, Kiss the little girl pushed the door open again and came in, followed by Xiaoha, "Papa~" The little guy called Ye Feng sweetly.

Looking at the smiling baby girl, Ye Feng took a breath, "Girl, didn't you come to ask for the book too?"

"Book? What book?"

The little guy was a little confused, but then he forgot about it. He stood at the door with his waist down, like a little adult, and said loudly to Ye Feng and the others: "Aunt Leng told you to go down and have dinner! Hmph!" The girl didn't know what was wrong, so she snorted and left with Xiaoha.

Ye Feng pursed his lips and looked at Ning Ning, "What's the matter, girl? Are you unhappy?"

Ning Ning was a little helpless, "My daughter is upset, it's all your fault, I'm such an adult, I have to ask my daughter to call me when I have a meal. Let's go, go eat quickly, the little princess is unhappy."

Ningning pulled her younger sister and walked outside, "Book, brother-in-law, you can order more later." My sister-in-law still remembers this book.

Ye Feng glanced at "Fortress Besieged" under the desk, and shook his head slightly. Is this book so popular?
Has it already sold to this point?

Forget it, let's eat first.

He also went downstairs, but just outside the door of the study, the phone rang again.

It was about copyright and wanted to reprint and publish it. After Ye Feng said a few words, he simply pushed it all to Zhao Huangming.He didn't know how many calls he answered this morning. He didn't do anything all morning and just answered the phone in the study!

It can also be seen that "Fortress Besieged" is really selling like crazy this time!
(End of this chapter)

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