Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 664 The No. 1 Person in the Chinese Literary World!

Chapter 664 No. 1 in Chinese Literary World!
A total of 20 copies of "Fortress Besieged" were first printed, but in just one morning, all 20 copies were sold out!You must know that the distribution of goods for the first sale is in those big cities, and many places have not yet distributed goods!
In the afternoon, after Xinhua Publishing House, Zhonghua Book Company and other well-known domestic publishing houses got the copyrights, they started printing like crazy!

All of a sudden, a "Fortress Besieged" craze swept the country!
You know, this book is still the first release!

It means that everyone has not read this book, and there is no comment. It is not so much that everyone bought this book, but rather that they bought "Professor Ye's Influence"!
It can be seen how terrifying Ye Feng's position in the country is!
It is no exaggeration to say that "Fortress Besieged" has sold like crazy!

In the evening, major bookstores led by Xinhua Publishing House and Zhonghua Book Company successively announced the sales data of "Fortress Besieged" today.

The official website of Xinhua Publishing House released the data: "As of the publishing of this article, in a total of 60 hours (from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm), the sales volume of "Fortress Besieged" is [-] copies!"

Chunghwa Book Company announced the data at the same time: "Today's "Fortress Besieged" was first released and sold 30 copies directly, and the number of major bookstores sold is 60 copies! A total of 90 copies have been printed!"

Chaoyang national chain bookstore: "Currently, "Fortress Besieged" is out of stock! A total of 13 copies have been sold!"

Haicheng Shuangqiao Bookstore: "Sell [-] copies directly!"

Imperial Capital Wenhui Bookstore: "The seven bookstores in the Imperial Capital sold a total of [-] volumes!"

Today, the Internet is full of data released by major bookstores and publishing houses. This time it is simply a feast for the physical book publishing industry!
No one thought that Ye Feng's pure literature novel about marriage would sell such a breakthrough!

At 20 o'clock in the morning, the national premiere sales of "Fortress Besieged" exceeded [-] copies, easily breaking the record for the highest initial sales volume in the history of literature!
At around [-]:[-] p.m., the nationwide first edition sales of Fortress Besieged exceeded one million copies!Set a record in the history of literature for the first time that the sales volume of the first book broke through one million!
As of [-]:[-] p.m., the overseas sales of "Fortress Besieged" exceeded [-] copies, and Japan and South Korea are the main overseas export channels!Set a new record for overseas sales of the first book in the Chinese literary world!

In less than 24 hours, the book "Fortress Besieged" broke many historical records in the entire literary world!Brutely raising the records in all aspects by more than three times!
"Fortress Besieged" is really selling like crazy!


With such an exaggerated sales volume, many people also got the book through various channels, and started to read it immediately.

Sometimes, a book sells well, but it does not mean that the book is well written.For a book, there are too many things that affect sales, such as the author's reputation, the promotion of the work, etc., can all affect the sales of a book.Like Ye Feng's "Fortress Besieged", the reason why this book sells so well is actually because of Ye Feng's own influence and the publicity effect generated by various previous events.

If this book was not written by Ye Feng, if the author was replaced by someone else, or if the book hadn't caused a lot of noise because of the Yanzhao Award, then maybe the sales volume of this book would not be so exaggerated.

The popularity of "Fortress Besieged" can be said to be the result of the entanglement and intertwining of various factors and coincidences.As for the future word-of-mouth, it must be determined by the content of the book.

big sea.

My sister-in-law lives at school tonight.

"Have you got it?"

"I got it. My brother-in-law gave these copies to me if I was too stubborn."

"Give me one, give me one."

"I want a copy too, Lingling, ying ying ying."

"Professor Ye's book is wow! Lingling is better, this book is impossible to get outside now!"

"That's necessary. Our family Lingling is Professor Ye's sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you know, a few books are nothing."

"Hee hee hee!"

Several roommates laughed wretchedly.

"Go away, don't talk nonsense."

Ning Ning's face was dark, but seeing the happy faces of her roommates, Ling felt extremely satisfied.

"I'm slipping away, I want to read Professor Ye's masterpiece quickly." After Qi Qing said something, she climbed onto the bed with the book in her arms and started reading it. The rest of Lingling and the others also sat down On the desk, he began to flip through the "Fortress Besieged" in his hand.

From this point of view, it was a full three hours!

Everyone has been completely attracted by the content of the book, immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves.

Suddenly, a roommate slapped the table and shouted, "Oh my God! This sentence is really well written!"

Her words were like opening the gate to release water, and the rest of the dormitory couldn't hold back anymore.

Qi Qing was astonished, "Professor Ye's literary skills are too deep! This book is too good-looking!"

The girl next to her exclaimed, "How can this be described as good-looking?"

"How should I describe it?"

The girl said: "This is so awesome! It's so awesome! This book is simply amazing!"


This book is indeed divine!
Seeing the amazement of the roommates, my sister-in-law was very happy, but to be honest, after reading this book by her brother-in-law, she was also shocked.But while she was amazed, Lingling was still a little weird.Marriage is a siege?The people inside want to come out?What does brother-in-law mean?


Zhao Huang is famous.

Old Zhao was sitting on the balcony, reading the book with great interest.


"Isn't that a good sentence?"

"Oh my god! How did Professor Ye grow such a brain?"

"Can he write such sentences?"

"I'll go! Who is saying that Professor Ye can't write pure novels, I'll kill him!"

"It's really unreasonable for this book not to win the Yanzhao Award!"

Zhao Huangming had actually read this book a long time ago, but he read the electronic version at that time, and now he reads the paper version, and his feelings are deeper than others!


A certain hotel is holding a gathering of the literary world, more than a dozen bigwigs in the literary world.

The food and drink were served long ago, but no one moved their chopsticks.

Everyone is holding a copy of "Fortress Besieged" and reading it carefully.

"how do you feel?"


"Well, apart from these two words, I can't think of other comments."

"To be honest, before the Yanzhao Award was awarded to Professor Ye, I was more or less dissatisfied. But after reading Professor Ye's "Fortress Besieged" today, I understand why the jury voted on this book before it was published. It was so determined to let him win the award. Alas, the gap!"

"This "Fortress Besieged" won the Yanzhao Award, it can be said that Professor Ye gave the Yanzhao Award face."

"Hehe, I remembered something in a certain novel written by Professor Ye."


"Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars, how can there be such a person in the world."

"Professor Ye, you are indeed Professor Ye! You are indeed a native of Huaxia, a genius through the ages! Yes, how can there be such a person in the world! He is an exiled immortal from the sky!"

The bigwigs in the literary world present all had a few forced smiles. In the field of poetry and prose, I am afraid that no one in the whole country can compete with Ye Feng. This has been proved by countless times of practice.It is not an exaggeration to say that there are ten talents in literature in the world, and Professor Ye monopolizes eight.

But when it comes to this kind of pure literary novel, none of them are afraid of Ye Feng, even if Professor Ye is very talented, so what?He is used to writing commercial web articles, can he still write this kind of pure literature?Besides, even if Professor Ye is exaggerating, the ceiling of pure literature is there. Even if it is exaggeration, how far can it be exaggerated?
This is a common view in the literary world.

However, this "Fortress Besieged" silenced the entire literary world!
Pure literary novels have a ceiling, but this ceiling is like paper in front of Professor Ye!It was pierced by him in one fell swoop!
The modern novels in the entire literary world have been eclipsed by the appearance of this "Fortress Besieged"!
Professor Ye, with one person and one book, has really managed to overwhelm the literary world this time!
Whether it's poetry, prose, or novels, Ye Feng has really come to fruition this time!His achievements in the field of literature are already impeccable!

On the path of literature, no one can compete with Haoyue again!
"Since then, Professor Ye has become the well-deserved No.1 in our Chinese literary world."

"Oh, this is our luck and our misfortune."

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was a bit dull.

They are all well-known and famous writers in the Chinese literary world, but at this time, everyone feels a little sad in their hearts.

Because, everyone knows that since then, the mountain of Professor Ye has completely become an unattainable existence!
The word "Ye Feng" has become the "heaven" in the Chinese literary world!
Ye Feng!

No.1 in the Chinese literary world!
Well deserved!Also indisputable!There is no doubt about it!

(End of this chapter)

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