Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 665 What Does Leng Mei Teach?

Chapter 665 What Does Leng Mei Teach?


Ye Feng got up very early today, taking his daughter out for a walk with the dog for the first time.Back then, when Ye Feng wanted to move to Ningning's place with all his heart, his precious girl was the only one in his life at that time!
But slowly, this guy became more and more busy, and none of the ideas that Ye had dreamed about and planned to keep his daughter growing up had not been implemented.It has to be said that plans can never keep up with changes.At that time, Ye Feng probably never thought in his life that one day he would be so busy running around because of Ning Ning.

Ye Feng held his daughter's little hand, and the daughter led Xiao Ha, walking slowly on the street.

On the opposite side of "Xiangjiang Bieyuan", there is a bookstore, and many people are photographed at the door. When the father and daughter came here for a stroll, the bookstore just opened.As soon as the bookstore opened, the group of people at the door rushed in.


"Give me a copy of Fortress Besieged!"

"I'll go! I've been robbing for three days, and I didn't get it again?"

"Didn't you say it was reprinted yesterday? Why is it still out of stock?"

"Three or four days have passed, "Fortress Besieged" is still so popular? Is there a mistake!"

"Professor Ye's book is really popular!"

"No! I have to buy a copy today, otherwise I won't be able to do business with my father when I go home!"

"Wait for another two days, I guess it will be fine in two days when the heat subsides."

"hope so."

"we can only do this."

The sales of "Fortress Besieged" are still booming!
Some bookstores are out of stock.

Some bookstores are sold out as soon as they open.

Although it has been four days since the first release, the sales of "Fortress Besieged" not only did not decrease, but because of word of mouth, it is still rising!
You know, Ye Feng's "Fortress Besieged" sold over a million copies in one day!

In the next few days, sales increased even more!

This kind of sales volume, not to mention the publication of pure literature, even the publication of commercial novels is not so exaggerated!

It can be said that this "Fortress Besieged" has become a miracle in the publishing industry!

Even the popularity of "Fortress Besieged" has made many authors see the harbinger of the revival of the publishing industry!

Publishing is dead?

Are physical books dead?

impossible!Have you read "Fortress Besieged"?This is called dead?This is called decline?
The sales volume of "Fortress Besieged" is like a stimulant, making many authors feel trendy!
This is simply the spring of the publishing industry!


Several books must be published!

In the past few days, many great authors in the literary circle have started to publish or republish their own books, hoping to make a fortune by taking advantage of this shareholder wind!
However, it turns out that this is not the spring of the publishing industry, nor is it a craze for physical books. This is simply the book "Fortress Besieged", which is the carnival of Professor Ye alone.Those who followed the trend and wanted to gain popularity, without exception, all rushed to the street.

Looking at those people who snapped up "Fortress Besieged", Ye Feng was still satisfied.Although "Fortress Besieged" was not written by himself, he has worked hard even if he has no credit!This is also the fruit of my own labor!

Of course, she was only a little satisfied, not so happy.

After all, his purpose of writing this book has not been achieved at all.The reason why Ye Feng wrote "Fortress Besieged" was because he wanted to win several awards for Ning Ning, but when the matter developed to this point, there is no doubt that he actually failed.

Although "Fortress Besieged" won the highest award in the Chinese literary world, and although Ye Feng himself has truly become No.1 in the Chinese literary world, these are not Ye Feng's original intentions.In Ye Feng's view, this time was his failure.

But there is no other way, failure is failure, the big deal is thinking of other ways.



Ye Feng came back from a stroll with his daughter.

As soon as she entered the door, Ning Ning said to her father and daughter, "I'm back, wash your hands and eat."

The home is still very warm, and Ning Ning's mentality is getting better now.In the past, Ning Ning was anxious and Ye Feng took his time, but now it seems to be the other way around, Ye Feng is anxious about everything, and Ning Ning is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Just like this time, Ye Feng's plan failed, Ye was still a little bit melancholy in her heart, but on the other hand, baby Ningning, she didn't feel anything at all, she was not in a hurry, except for taking care of the children and cleaning the house every day, She has completely adapted to the role of housewife.

Even, sometimes Ye Feng felt that if Ning Ning was allowed to rest at home and spare her tires, wouldn't it be okay to stop bothering about those things in the entertainment industry?

Of course, this kind of thinking is just thinking about it.

The reason why Ningning can feel at ease is not because Ye Feng is on the side to worry about her.

There is no such thing as a quiet time, it is just that someone is silently carrying the burden.

And Ye Feng is the one who carried Ning Ning forward.

He shelters from the wind and rain, and she manages the house steadily.

Actually, that's pretty good.

Soon, Lingling and Lengmei also came down.

At the dinner table, everyone discussed the book "Fortress Besieged".

"Sister, have you read brother-in-law's book?"

The sister-in-law asked while eating.

"Look." Ning Ning sipped half a spoonful of rice porridge and replied casually to her sister.

The sister-in-law put down her chopsticks, coughed for a while, and smiled maliciously: "Ahem, sister, let me interview you. You said to your husband in the book that 'marriage is like a besieged city. People outside want to enter, and people inside Figure out what's the point of this sentence?"

Ye Feng's face turned dark immediately, this sister-in-law is simply poisonous!It is simply which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted!

Ningning put down the spoon in her hand, glanced at Ye Feng, and said to her sister indifferently: "This is a classic satirical novel written by your brother-in-law. Well, it's very well written. You are a student of the literature department. I miss you so much. Brother-in-law ask for advice."


The sister-in-law opened her mouth and looked at her sister in disbelief, "Sister, brother-in-law said that marriage is dark, you can bear it?"

"Let's eat your food, I found your sister here for all the fun." Ning Ning's big baby reached out and knocked on her sister, and gave her an annoyed look.

"Oh, it's boring!" My sister-in-law was hit by her sister and said angrily, "Yiyi, your mother beat my aunt, what should I do if she is swollen?"


The little guy was sitting on a chair with his legs dangling. The little baby was eating obediently, but was suddenly harassed by his aunt.

"Xiao Yiyi, are you helping my aunt or mother?" The sister-in-law couldn't tease her sister, so she went to tease her little niece again.

However, cutie is not a good stubble either!

More eccentric, the little guy is not inferior to my sister-in-law at all!

"Hmm..." The little guy blinked his big eyes as if thinking for a while, then looked at his aunt and said, "Your aunt deserves it."


After waiting anxiously for a long time, Lingling almost vomited blood after waiting for such a sentence.


Ye Feng and Ningning both burst into tears from laughing.

That is to say, Lengmei can stand on the sidelines and remain calm.But although Lengmei didn't smile, she silently brought some side dishes for Yiyi's baby.

"Sister Leng!":
The sister-in-law pouted angrily, she felt the family's deep malice towards her.

This is group bullying!

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, and eat."

Ning Ning smiled and said to her younger sister, Ye Feng also changed the topic beside her, and said to Leng Mei: "How does Leng Mei feel in Haida?"

Lengmei responded lightly: "Well, it's pretty good."

"Busy?" Ye Feng asked casually while sucking the porridge in the bowl.

"It's fine now."

"It's okay now? Will it be better after a while?" Ye Feng is just looking for something to say, he really doesn't want Lingling to intervene anymore, who knows what this girl will say to make him The face is black.

"Well, I'll be busy in a while."

Speaking of this, Leng Mei seemed a little puzzled in her eyes, she looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Brother-in-law doesn't know?"


Ye Feng was sucking his porridge, but Leng Mei's sudden words made him a little confused, "What do I know?"

"Oh, nothing." Leng Mei said.

Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't take it seriously. After finishing the porridge in the bowl, he asked casually, "Sister Leng, what are you teaching at Haida University? I'll go and have a look when I have time."

Leng Mei: "..." She just looked at Ye Feng with the spoon in her hand.

Even Ning Ning couldn't listen anymore, "Sister Leng teaches construction engineering, have you forgotten that?"

"Oh, yes, the Department of Architecture! I remembered."

It was arranged by Ye Feng that Leng Mei went to Haida University.But Leng Mei's architecture department made Ye Feng raise his eyebrows.

Leng Mei looked at her brother-in-law with no expression on her face and said nothing.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I'm getting older." Ye Feng looked at Leng Mei awkwardly, and laughed a few times.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"I'll open the door."

The little baby ran over to open the door, "It's the big cousin." The little guy cried out happily, and Li Xiang came in after the words fell.

(End of this chapter)

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