Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 667 No sense of variety show?

Chapter 667 No sense of variety show?
"Super Star", this is currently the hottest variety show.

Of course, Ye Feng has never watched variety shows, but recently he has paid attention to them.Because Ningning is going to be on this variety show, and the recording has already been finished, and she is waiting for the broadcast.

At home, Ye Fengwo is on the sofa and surfing the Internet, mainly watching various discussions in the "Superstar" circle.

In the circle of this program, a preview of the next program has been issued:

"The Queen who swept the music world will come to "Super Star"! How will the cold and cold Queen perform on the stage of variety shows? Let us wait and see!"

Below, is a big poster, Ning Ning is standing in the middle.

It can be seen that the program group attaches great importance to Ningning, and even the focus of the next issue is on Ningning.After all, Ning Ning is now the hottest figure in the music world, and she rarely participates in variety shows. Ning Ning's participation will definitely increase the ratings of the show.

In fact, this is exactly the case. When the program group's publicity was published, it aroused huge heated discussions almost instantly.

"My Lady Queen? Su Ning?"

"I'll go! Su Ning is going to be on a variety show?"

"My God! This is big news!"

"How long has it been since you saw Her Lady Queen on TV? The last time she appeared on a variety show was four years ago, right?"

"That's right, Her Lady Queen really doesn't like variety shows."

"look forward to!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

""Super Star" can invite Su Ning, this program group is awesome!"

"Really, this is the strength program group!"

"It can also be seen how popular Su Ning is now."

"Yeah, after all, the existence that swept the music world a while ago!"

"Su Ning's appearance on variety shows is indeed very exciting, but to be honest, I look forward to Professor Ye even more!"

"Professor Ye? I look forward to it too!"

"Hahaha, if Professor Ye is on a variety show, I bet the ratings will definitely be reported!"

Netizens on the Internet are discussing in full swing, and countless people are looking forward to the next episode of Ning Ning's "Super Star".Many netizens also looked forward to Ye Feng by the way, and many people fantasized about the day Ye Feng will appear on variety shows.

Soon, with the support of such a huge popularity, the two topics "Su Ning on the Variety Show" and ""Super Star" Su Ning" directly appeared on the hot search list, one first and the other second.

This preview not only increased Ningning's traffic a lot, but also increased the attention of the program "Super Star".This is also the reason why many big variety shows always invite those popular stars in the entertainment industry. This is a matter of mutual benefit between the show and the stars.Variety shows need the popularity of stars, and stars also need popular variety shows to further promote themselves.

From the current point of view, the effect of Ningning's participation in this variety show is still very good.I just don’t know, but the reaction after it aired.



Many celebrities, mainly singers, are also very concerned about Ningning's participation in "Superstar".

"Su Ning is in full swing now, and she is participating in variety shows again. She wants to take it a step further!"

"Going further? Is she now in the middle and upper reaches of the first line? Do you want to go to the top of the first line?"

"It's okay to talk about the front line, but I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid she wants to climb to the top!"


"No way? She almost has too many!"

"Although theoretically, her chances of regaining the top are slim, but I always have a hunch that she just wants to return to those nine positions!"

"Don't forget Professor Ye."

At best, Su Ning makes people feel scared, but her husband makes people feel hopeless!

Professor Ye!
Although he is not from the entertainment circle, it makes the entertainment circle desperate!

Su Ning basically doesn't participate in variety shows, but at this time she is participating in variety shows, isn't her purpose just to go further?Everyone is not stupid, anyone can see these things.However, what everyone doesn't know is, how much does she want to make in this step?
However, Ning Ning's participation in variety shows has indeed made many people in the music world anxious, especially those who are at the forefront.If Ning Ning came up, they would have to go down. Although they were number one, the difference in value between the first and second in the first line was too great!

Fortunately, someone stood up at this time, it was Liu Yushi, "Don't worry, everyone, Su Ning's variety show this time can only be described as haha, don't talk about gaining fans, she will be good if she doesn't lose fans!"


"What do you mean?"

"Ah! By the way, you also participated in the recording of this episode!"

"Su Ning is not doing well?"

Liu Yushi: "Not good? She is not good at all! She has no sense of variety show at all! The whole process is cold-faced, it is not a variety show! Forget it, don't talk about it, you will know the result when the time comes."

Liu Yushi's words were like a reassurance pin, which instantly reassured many people.If you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case. Although Su Ning doesn't participate in variety shows very much, but considering her cold and arrogant personality, she probably won't be able to watch it in variety shows, right?

Netizens, celebrities, and people from all walks of life are waiting for the broadcast of this evening's "Super Star".



Mango table.

"Superstar" arrived as promised.


Lingling, Lengmei, Ningning, Yefeng, and Xiaobaobei have long been guarding in front of the TV.

"I'm coming."

"Where is Ma Ma?"

Lingling was still a little excited, and the little baby blinked her big eyes excitedly. The two of them could really play together.

With the end of the host's opening, this episode of the program began.

Variety shows are just for fun to watch, and "Superstar" is no exception. The content of the show is nothing more than doing some small games, and then playing some memes.But to be honest, the variety shows in this world are simply eye-catching. From Ye Feng's point of view, the so-called jokes in the show are just peeing!

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

Halfway through the show, the atmosphere at home is a bit strange.

In the show, Su Ning kept a cold face the whole time, and she didn't interact at all when playing games. She simply doesn't fit in with this show!

After the show was over, my sister-in-law blinked and said to her sister, "Sister, let me tell you, you should sing, because singing suits you."

Ning Ning gave her a blank look, but what Lingling said was really good, and Ning Ning herself knew that she was not suitable for variety shows.

"It's over, go to sleep."

The big baby was not feeling well either. Obviously, this episode of the variety show was a mess.

Ye Feng comforted: "It's okay, it's because this shitty show isn't suitable for you."

Ningning pouted, but didn't speak, she knew that Ye Feng was comforting her.


This issue of "Super Star" has attracted much attention on the Internet before!How many people are looking forward to it?
But now after broadcasting, the result is disappointing!
When the show was not over, the Internet was already uproarious.

"I'll go! Is this still the hilarious "Superstar"?"

"Who is Su Ning showing her cold face the whole time?"

"My Lady Queen has this style, okay? Don't look at it if you don't like it!"

"Is there any way to watch it? Watching a variety show is just for fun, but is there any humor in it? Liu Yushi is good, but Su Ning has no sense of variety show!"

"Don't watch it, I really can't watch it anymore."

"If it weren't for Liu Yushi's Oppa, I would have stopped watching it."

"It's useless to look forward to it, what a fuck!"

"Su Ning is not suitable for variety shows at all, please don't ruin the show in the future."

"The sense of variety show is really bad!"

"She is Accord and has no sense of variety, okay?"

"Sigh, Her Lady Queen is indeed not suitable for variety shows."

As the saying goes, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Before the whole network was hot, but after the show was broadcast, it became a complaint from all the people!
Not suitable for variety shows!

No sense of variety!
This is the public's evaluation of Ningning.

When the ratings of "Superstar" came out the next day, the early ratings really exploded, a full [-]!This is almost the peak of this show, but the key is the follow-up, the follow-up ratings plummeted all the way, and even fell below one in the end!

The ratings can't be faked, which also reflects that the effect of Ning Ning's variety show is really worrying.



The big baby was aggrieved, "Husband~" Ning Ning was like a kitten who had done something wrong, kneeling on the bed, pouting and acting like a baby with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stood by the bed, stroking the hair of his precious daughter-in-law, and comforted him with a smile, "It's okay, it's not that my family Ningning can't participate in variety shows, the main reason is that these variety shows are too mentally retarded and not suitable for you."

Said that my family Ningning has no sense of variety show?

Well, what you said is indeed true.

Ningning really doesn't have a sense of variety.


So what if there is no sense of variety?

If you don't have a sense of variety, you say that my family Ningning is not suitable for variety shows?
Just kidding?
That's your variety show, it's too rubbish!

(End of this chapter)

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