Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 668 I'm going to do a variety show!

Chapter 668 I'm going to do a variety show!
This episode of "Superstar" was originally a lot of attention, and the program team was also full of confidence, but after it was broadcast, it was completely different from what everyone thought.

The ratings were indeed high at the beginning, but then they got lower and lower!
There is no doubt that this issue of "Superstar" is a hit, and it is quite thorough.

As netizens said, Ning Ning is really not suitable for variety shows, and has no sense of variety shows.

To be honest, Ye Feng also watched this issue of "Super Star", and he felt... the netizen was right!
This is simply a boring variety show meeting a boring star!

Although "Superstar" is the hottest variety show right now, in Ye Feng's eyes, this broken variety show is simply impossible to watch!In addition to Ning Ning's cold face the whole time, it still depends on a hammer?

There is nothing to watch as fart!

I don't blame the netizens for complaining, this is really bad!

If it was someone else, Ye Feng would definitely not be able to hold back the complaints. You didn’t interact with others in the last variety show, and you kept a cold face throughout the whole process, and you didn’t even feel a sense of participation in the game. How can you blame the netizens for criticizing you?This is entirely my fault!


This person is Ning Ning!

This person is Ye Feng's own wife!
If someone else Ye Feng could spray her to death, but this person is his own daughter-in-law, then Ye Feng's attitude will be completely different!

Ye Feng actually knew Ningning's shortcomings in his heart, but he had to help Ningning find excuses even with tears in his eyes!
The effect of the program is not good, you can't blame my family Ningning, you have to blame your program for not being good!

Well, it's because your show is not good!

But these words can only be comforted at home to comfort his daughter-in-law, he will definitely not help Ning Ning call Qu to defend herself online.After all, this matter really cannot be blamed on others.Ye Feng knew very well that Ning Ning's bad sense of variety was due to her personality.

When outside, Ning Ning always presents a cold and arrogant feeling to everyone, she has already gotten used to it, if she can blend into those variety shows, it will really surprise Ye Feng.That is to say, at home, in front of Ye Feng, her daughter, and her family, Ning Ning will have that kind of changeable smile and demeanor.

Ning Ning is indeed not suitable for variety shows, but what Ye Feng said is not completely nonsense.

Ningning is just not suitable for variety shows in this world, but it doesn't mean she can't be in variety shows!

Ye Feng already knows that there are several variety shows that are very suitable for Ningning, but it's just that there are no such shows in this world.

So, Ye was wondering if he should try to make a variety show?

However, he has no experience in this area, and he doesn't even know what a variety show needs and what steps it takes.

Isn't it unreliable to make a variety show by yourself?

Ye Feng has been thinking about this for the past few days, and when he was hesitating, the Internet started to complain again.

The reason is that another variety show that Ning Ning participated in recording was aired.

The effect of the program was unsatisfactory as always, and it was complained by a large number of netizens.

"Really! Su Ning must stop participating in variety shows, please go back and sing well."

"It's no different from "Superstar", it's not interesting at all!"

"Su Ning is good at everything, but she can't appear in variety shows."

"I now understand why Su Ning never appeared on variety shows before!"

"I heard that there will be another program that Su Ning participated in the recording later on."

"My God! Then I definitely won't watch it."

"Yes, minefields must be avoided."

"Su Ning is so cool and glamorous on stage. I feel that she looks very classy when she meets the queen. But to be honest, this can't be done on TV. Su Ning is still more suitable for the stage."

"Well, she sings well, looks good, and has a good temperament. If you don't participate in variety shows, then everything will be fine."

"Su Ning is simply a black hole in a variety show."

"Variety show black hole, the word...Professor Ye still has three seconds to arrive on the battlefield, silently."

Since he wanted to increase traffic and popularity through variety shows, he definitely wouldn't be on just one variety show. Li Xiang fully helped Ning Ning make an appointment with the third most popular variety show.However, the two episodes that are broadcast now have hit the street, and even the word "variety show black hole" has been coined, which shows that the reputation is indeed too bad.

Although there is still a program that has not been broadcast, the result is basically predictable.

Although Ningning was sprayed again, the complaints from netizens made her husband make up his mind!
Someone Ye said, I'm going to do a variety show!

Don't let anyone stop me!
It must be a variety show, otherwise, judging from the situation, there is little hope for the big baby to reach the top.

That afternoon, Ye Feng called Li Xiang home again.

The only person he can think of is Li Xiang. After all, Ye Feng himself has a dark eye for variety shows, but Li Xiang has been in the entertainment industry for so many years and has seen a lot. For sure.

At home, Ye Feng, Li Xiang, and Ning Ning are having a meeting in the study.

"What are you talking about? You want to do a variety show?"

Li Xiang looked at Ye Feng in a daze as if he saw an alien.

Even Ning Ning next to her coughed dryly, "Husband, it's not that easy to do a variety show." This time even the daughter-in-law felt that Ye Feng was a bit sloppy.

Ning Ning said: "My husband, I know I'm not suitable for variety shows, let's think of other ways, shall we?" The big baby gently pulled Ye Feng's arm, Mr. Ye suddenly wanted to do variety shows, even if Ning Ning didn't I also want to know that this must be for myself.However, variety shows are really not that easy to do.

But Ye Feng said: "No, is variety show difficult? Isn't it just that after filming, find a TV station to broadcast it?"


Li Xiang was speechless for a while, and said: "It's not as simple as you said? To make a show, let's not talk about anything else, at least you have to have ideas and creativity? Do you have any?"

Ye Feng smiled, "Sorry, I really have this."

Li Xiang was stunned for a moment, "You have? Do you have a plan for a variety show?"

"I haven't written the plan yet, but my idea is absolutely feasible!" Ye Feng vowed.

Li Xiang curled his lips, "Then..." Suddenly, Li Xiang was on the verge of speaking, but suddenly froze, unable to say a single word he wanted to say.

Because, she suddenly discovered that Ye Feng seems to be able to do variety shows!
Not to mention whether the couple have any money, his father-in-law's poor family has money left over!Funding is the easiest thing for Ye Feng!


Ye Feng went to Haichuan and said casually, isn't it just a joke to find a director?
As for the cooperative broadcasting station, there is no need to even think about it, it is definitely Haicheng Satellite TV!Moreover, if Ye Feng made a show, it would definitely be aired in prime time!Don't even think about it!

Then... Ye Feng has nothing to lack!

" you need my help?" Li Xiang pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Yes!" Ye Feng said, "Tell me how to make a variety show!"

"Where do I go, I'm not a director."

"The director knows?"

"Well, if you really want to do it, you can find a director and tell the director your idea, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

"That's it."

Ye Feng thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, you have to help me contact some singers, preferably with good singing skills."

"Huh? Contact the singer?"

"Yes, to participate in the recording of the show, don't worry, it's not short of money!"

"Okay, how many contacts?"

"Contact six first... no, five, uh, if it doesn't work, four is fine. Anyway, you need good singing skills."

Li Xiang raised his eyebrows, "What kind of variety show is this? Why do you need so many singers?"

Other variety shows invite traffic stars, or even special variety show stars. Even if they invite singers, they will have one episode and two episodes. How can there be someone like Ye Feng?There is nothing in this show yet, so I contacted the singer first?What variety show needs so many singers?
Even Ning Ning looked at Ye Feng curiously, neither of them knew what kind of medicine was sold in Ye Feng's gourd.

Ye Feng squinted his eyes and smiled, and said, "My program, I call it-"I'm a Singer"!"

ps: Yusheng is busy graduating recently, and he will go to study for civil servant interviews tomorrow. He will study for six days, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. It is estimated that there will be no more updates in the next few days.I hope everyone can forgive me, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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