Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 669 Can this chapter work?

Chapter 669 Can This Show Work?

Two days later, after Ye Feng finished writing the plan for the program, he directly contacted the director of Haicheng Satellite TV through Wu Dehai.

In the conference room of Haida, three leaders including the director of Haicheng Satellite TV, as well as the leaders of Haida and Haichuan, as well as Ye Feng and others gathered together.

Professor Ye wants to do a variety show?
All parties who received the news attached great importance to this matter.

That's Professor Ye. Who dares not to pay attention to something happening to him?
"Professor Ye, Principal Wu."

"Master Liu."

Everyone shook hands politely, and everyone sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Zhao Huangming next to him said impatiently: "Professor Ye, you want to do a variety show? Is it true or not?"

Ye Feng glanced at him and said with a smile: "Master Liu is here, could it be a fake?"

The leader of Yihai Chuan was quite excited, "Professor Ye, what kind of variety show are you going to do?"

Director Liu and the leaders of the TV station also looked at Ye Feng suspiciously. They only knew that Professor Ye would be doing a variety show, but no one knew the specific content.

Ye Feng smiled and said: "Everyone, don't worry, everyone, please take a look at my plan for this program first."

The secretary of the meeting next to him distributed the paper materials brought by Ye Feng to everyone present one by one.

No matter if it was Wu Dehai, Director Liu or others, everyone started looking through it immediately.

"I'm a singer".

This is one of the most popular shows on the planet. Its popularity once crushed the major variety shows of the same period. Once it appeared, it quickly attracted countless fans.The broadcast of this program can be said to have caused a huge wave of public opinion at the time. Whether it was attention or the traffic of participating stars, it was exaggerated to a frightening degree.

And most importantly, this is a variety show with the theme of singers singing, which is perfect for Ningning.It can be said that it is reasonable for Ye Feng to think of the program "I Am a Singer".

Of course, there is another most critical factor, that is, there is no such type of variety show in this world.

There is no variety show in this world that focuses on singers and singing as the theme!

This is also an important factor for Ye Feng to choose this type of program.

In fact, those complaints and doubts about Ningning on the Internet, even in Ye Feng's view, are reasonable.It is true that Ning Ning is not suitable for those variety shows, and it is true that she has no sense of variety shows, but Ning Ning really can't be in variety shows?
If there is no Ye Feng, then Ning Ning really can't get on.However, with Ye Feng's existence, he made "I Am a Singer". Ningning has no sense of variety show, but can Ningning know how to sing?Ning Ning is a typical powerful faction in the music world!It can be said that the program "I Am a Singer" is tailor-made for Ningning!

What if there is no sense of variety?

In this show, you don't need a sense of variety!

All that is needed is solid strength!

Soon, everyone present had finished reading Ye Feng's plan, and everyone was dumbfounded, as if the word "dumb" was written on their faces.

Mainly as a singer?
Holding a singing contest?

Is this a variety show or a concert?

To be honest, for them who have not experienced the era of entertainment explosion on earth, the entertainment model of "I Am a Singer" is indeed a bit ahead of their time.The leaders of Haicheng Satellite TV were all talking there, looking at Wu Dehai a little bit embarrassed.

Is this thing reliable?
They didn't know Ye Feng very well, and they were too embarrassed to say it directly, so they could only hint at Wu Dehai.

But who is Wu Dehai?That's the headmaster from the Department of Physical Education, he knows a variety show with Hammer, and he's also Ye Feng's brainless supporter, Wu Dehai directly chose to pretend he didn't understand the hint in Liu Taichang's eyes, but just smiled Said: "This show is good, this show is a popular show at first glance! Mr. Liu, don't say that I don't remember you when there are good things, the first thing I thought of when Professor Ye made this good thing is you "Old Wu looked at Master Liu with a smile, with an expression that you made money.

Several leaders of Haichuan next to them looked at each other, coughed lightly, and did not speak.

Master Liu twitched his lips and said, "Principal Wu, what do you think is so good about this program?"

"It's good"

Old Wu knew what a fart, so he got stuck right away. He looked at Zhao Huangming and gave him a wink. Zhao Huangming immediately said, "It's a good thing that Professor Ye worked so hard to research it!"

Everyone: "..."

Even Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, you guys are exaggerating!
Zhao Huangming also seemed a little embarrassed, coughed, and continued: "Director Liu, this program is really good, you can see how strict the fair competition system is, and how ingenious the concept of this program is, Look at how novel the singer's theme is, look... cough, who made it up? You still don't know Professor Ye's level?"


The corner of Liu Taichang's eyes twitched. Seriously, if the person sitting here was not Ye Feng, he would have refused politely.But the problem is that this person is Professor Ye!
But the main reason is that he really didn't dare to make random decisions. After all, this program was too novel, so novel that he couldn't accept it.

At this moment, Ye Feng spoke up, and said with a smile, "What do you think of Master Liu?"

""Go Boy"?"

Director Liu was stunned for a moment, and said, "Of course it's very good! Whether it's word-of-mouth or ratings, it has created a miracle in the history of Chinese animation!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Liu was taken aback for a moment, yes! Isn't "Go Boy" produced by Ye Feng?Although it was animation and it was a variety show, Professor Ye had never been involved in the field of animation before, right?

After thinking about it, Director Liu bit his lower lip and said resolutely, "Okay! Professor Ye, tell me, when do you want to broadcast it?"

"The broadcast time is to be determined, but it must be in prime time."

"no problem!"

Master Liu agreed more readily, but then said: "As for the funds..."

"You don't need to worry about the funds, I will handle it myself." Ye Feng laughed.

"Well, then it's fine."

Although I am still a little nervous, as long as no funds are involved, the worst is to lose some time, which is not unacceptable.In contrast, it is more important to make friends with Ye Feng.

Just in time, Ye Feng's cell phone rang.

"Excuse me, take a call."

Ye Feng looked at the crowd apologetically, originally he wanted to go out to pick them up, but after seeing the telegrapher, he sat down again.

It's Su Li.

"Hey, San'er, are you done with the sponsorship fee?"

"Hey, it's just some formalities. Brother-in-law just tell me how much money is needed?"

"One hundred million."

"Okay, call right away."


The phone call took less than a minute, and there were only a few words.

But it was these few understatement words that made the whole conference room quiet.

What did Professor Ye just say?
Sponsorship fee?[-] million?

I, I wipe!
Master Liu took a deep breath, looked at Ye Feng as if he had seen a ghost, and asked, "Professor Ye, Professor Ye, what is your sponsorship fee...?"

Ye Feng said with a casual smile: "I got a sponsorship, he pays, and I will advertise for him."

Taichang Liu swallowed, "One hundred million?"

Ye Feng nodded.

"Used to make this "I Am a Singer"?"

Ye Feng nodded again.


I don't know how many people spit unconsciously.

Mr. Liu was dumbfounded!
Zhao Huang was stunned!
The leaders of Haichuan were dumbfounded!
Even Wu Dehai looked at Ye Feng like a monster!

A production budget of [-] million?
I wipe!
Is this a variety show?
It's such a big production to make a movie!
Immediately, everyone's perception of the program "I Am a Singer" is different!

Let's not talk about whether this show is good or not, at least, they have never heard of any variety show, and the production budget is hundreds of millions!
This show might really be popular!
ps: Yusheng has already come to study, the time is too tight, the update is scumbag, I am very sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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