Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 670 Can't find anyone?

Chapter 670 Can't find anyone?

The next day.


Li Xiang came a long time ago, and asked concerned: "How is the talk with the TV station? Is the show signed? When will it air?" important ones.

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Of course, if I do it myself, how can I not solve it? There must be some face. As for the broadcast time, the main reason is that I can't say how much we need to record for this show. It’s been a long time. Anyway, I’ve already made an agreement with them, we can broadcast it in prime time anytime.”


Convinced, Li Xiang gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, and it will be broadcast in prime time at any time. With just one sentence, you can know how much face Ye Feng has.

"How are you doing over there?"

Ye Feng asked, the two of them had a division of labor before, Ye Feng was responsible for contacting the TV station and funding issues, so far, Ye Feng has successfully completed the task.What Li Xiang is responsible for is to contact some singers. After all, to do a show, you must have guests, and this show, according to Ye Feng's request, must be those capable singers. The stronger the strength, the better.

Hearing Ye Feng mention this, Li Xiang felt a little embarrassed, "I got in touch with some singers, but..."

"Just what?" Ye Feng raised his eyebrows.

"It's just that the number is a little small."

"A little less? How many?"



Ye Feng stared, "One? You got in touch with one? Are you kidding me?"

Li Xiang explained: "The main thing is that you need to know that Ning Ning is now the public enemy of the entertainment industry. As soon as people heard that the show was planned by you, they immediately rejected it. Besides, there are some bigwigs in the music industry secretly obstructing it. There is no way."

"No one came?"

Li Xiang shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Some people don't want to come, and some people dare not come."

"What about the singer in the company? Don't tell me that you are the only singer in the company." It stands to reason that Li Xiangjia's entertainment company is not small, Ye Feng doesn't believe that there are not a few singers who can do it. .

"Of course I thought of the people in the company, but this show is too hasty, many people don't have a schedule, and those who have a schedule are basically small fish and shrimps, and it's not interesting to let them share the stage with Ningning ah."

What you said is true. For this kind of competition, at least you have to find some comparable opponents, right?Otherwise, look at a hammer.

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, he never expected to stumble in the part of the singer, "Then who is that person you found?" Fortunately, he found one.



"It's your friend, Meipu. He is also a contracted singer of our company now, and he is also very talented. He happened to have time. As soon as I told him, he immediately agreed."


Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, "All right, even fat people."

"Then you really can't find anyone else?" Ye Feng still asked unwillingly.

Li Xiang said in a bit of embarrassment: "Unless we lower the standard a little bit."

According to Ye Feng's idea, he must find a talented singer. There are few such singers, and Ning Ning's current isolation in the circle, and she didn't have any friends before. It's really too much to find someone temporarily at this time It's difficult.

I was worrying, when suddenly Li Xiang's phone rang.

"Huh? Her?"

Looking at the caller ID, Li Xiang was quite surprised.

"Who is it?" Ye Feng was also a little strange.

"That girl Zhao Meng."

"Zhao Meng?"

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, "Why is she calling you?"

"I don't know." Li Xiang was also confused. Although they are cousins, they usually don't have a good relationship and basically don't contact each other. Why did they suddenly call today?

"Come on, let's see what she wants to do."


After speaking, Li Xiang answered the call, and turned on the speakerphone, Ye Feng also listened.

"Hello, Mengmeng?"

"Yes, big cousin, is it an accident?"

Zhao Meng seemed to be in a good mood.

"It's quite unexpected. Why did you think of my cousin today?"

"I'm looking for you if I need something."


This girl spoke so directly that Li Xiang was speechless.

"Okay, what's the matter?"

"I heard that Ye Feng organized a singing competition program?"

"Huh? How did you know?" Li Xiang was taken aback.

"Hehe, how can there be an impenetrable wall in the world, don't worry about how I know, just say it?"

Li Xiang frowned, looked at Ye Feng, Ye Feng nodded, Li Xiangcai said: "Yes, what's the matter?" By the way, he also teased, "Are you interested in meeting?" This was what she said casually, After all, Zhao Meng and Ning Ning had been at odds for many years. When looking for someone, Li Xiang never considered Zhao Meng.

However, Zhao Meng said unexpectedly: "Yes, I just want to participate in this program."


Zhao Meng's words really stunned Li Xiang for three seconds, "Are you serious? Do you want to participate?"

"Seriously, ask my brother-in-law, can I participate?"

"Yes! Of course I can!"

At this time, Ye Feng who was standing next to him spoke directly, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this show is absolutely fair, come and participate boldly!"

"Ha, are you really here? That bastard Lin Yi really guessed it right?" Zhao Meng muttered, and then got a little angry for some reason, and said impatiently: "Okay, that's it, I I will participate, let me know when it will be recorded." At the end, he hung up directly.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Li Xiang was confused, "What's wrong with this girl?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "Who knows, maybe I lost a bet with Lin Yi. Never mind her, she can come anyway."

Zhao Meng's participation was simply a surprise, and now with Ning Ning, there are three people.

But it's still not enough, this is still several short of the first singer.

However, the surprise came again.

Li Xiang's phone rang again.

It was an unfamiliar number, and Li Xiang picked it up suspiciously.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Hello, is this Li Xiang's agent?"

"Yes, are you?"

"I am Shui Liuyun's manager, Sun Qian."

"Shui Liuyun's manager?"

This identity makes her more confused than Zhao Meng, why is Shui Liuyun's manager calling?

"Yes." The other side smiled and said, "I mainly want to talk to you about Professor Ye Feng's new program."


Ten minutes later, Li Xiang and Ye Feng looked at each other.

Shui Liuyun wants to participate in "I Am a Singer"?And it was an active request to join the recording?What the hell is this?

Shui Liuyun is the lowest-ranked singer, and now Ningning is fighting for her ninth place!Why did she take the initiative to come over?This feels a bit unscientific!

Li Xiang and Ye Feng stared and thought for a while, but they didn't understand what was going on.

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "Forget it, don't care about her, Shui Liuyun can participate, this is definitely a great thing for our program!"

There are four people.

But it's still not enough. There are seven first-time singers, and now there are still three.

"It's only three, can't we lower the standard a little bit?" Li Xiang suggested.

"No! We must keep improving! Think again, is there anyone in the music world who can be hired?"

"Okay, let me try again."

Li Xiang started to make various calls again, but after two hours of tossing, he still got nothing.

"How's it going? Haven't finished discussing yet? Let's eat something."

At this time, Ning Ning came in with a plate of fruit. She was not at home just now, and her daughter was clamoring to go out to play, but Ning Ning couldn't help it.

"I can't eat, I can't find anyone." Li Xiang said with a sad face.

"Can't find anyone? No singer is willing to participate?"

Ning Ning asked a question.

Li Xiang nodded, "Counting you, there are only four people, and you don't even have the starting lineup."

"How many more?"



Ning Ning crossed her arms, mumbled, walked around the study room twice, and looked at Ye Feng from time to time.

"You don't want him to come, do you?"

Li Xiang pulled the corner of his mouth and said: "He is the chief planner!"

Ningning walked behind Ye Feng, hugged Ye Feng from behind and smiled, "Husband, I have an unreliable idea, do you want to listen to it?"

"Tell me, it's what my family is afraid of."

Ning Ning said: "Actually, there are five singers in our room."


Li Xiang glared, "Ning Ning, don't scare me, what nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight." Li Xiang suddenly felt cold around him, there are three people in this room, where are the five singers? ?Don't make trouble!What ghost stories to tell in broad daylight!
However, Ye Feng was suddenly stunned.

five singers?

Suddenly his eyes lit up!

It seems that there are really five singers!

(End of this chapter)

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