Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 671 The Variety Show World Is Overwhelmed!

Chapter 671 The Variety Show World Is Overwhelmed!

Mango TV office building.

The third floor, the entire floor is the office area of ​​the "Super Star" program group.

This variety show is produced by Mango TV. A series of staff, from the program director to the host, are all signed by Mango TV.This show, as the most popular variety show in China, is enduring and has been running for nearly ten years.It is no exaggeration to say that this is the "No. [-] brother" in the variety show world!
A large office with staff such as directors and planners in it. The last episode of the program just ended, so there is nothing else going on at this time. Everyone is just sitting in the office chatting, even the director is there.

"Su Ning is so beautiful." A male editor-director said with a smirk on his face, "She even passed me for a while, that feeling, ah, my God!"

"Look at how promising you are..." The elder brother next to him curled his lips and said, "It's not like I haven't seen a celebrity before, is there anyone prettier than Su Ning?"

Brother Pig rolled his eyes and sneered: "Yes, but is there someone with Su Ning's temperament? Whether a woman is beautiful or not, her face and figure are important, but the most important thing is her temperament, understand?"

Even a girl said enviously: "Yes, Su Ning's style is really unique, unattainable!"

The atmosphere in the office is quite active, the chief director may also be in a good mood today, and he also interjected with a smile, saying: "Pretty is beautiful, and temperament is indeed enviable, but no, we are a variety show, Su Ning is really not suitable for variety shows. Look at the ratings, it's horrible!" The director shook his head while talking, with a helpless expression on his face: "I dare not let her come, otherwise our signboard will not be preserved. myself."

When the chief director said this, the topic changed a little after a pause.

"What Director Zhao said is true. The last time Su Ning came, the reputation of our show has dropped a lot." An assistant director said a little dissatisfied.

Another assistant director turned around and said to everyone: "Let's do the math, after all, it was the first to air. If you look at the other programs on Su Ning, the ratings will be terrible."

"It would be nice if Su Ning could go to those competitors."

"Hahaha, that's great."

There was laughter in the office.

But everyone is just thinking about it, not to say that Su Ning is not what they can say, but there is no variety show that dares to ask her.

Now Su Ning has a particularly famous name in the variety show industry. People in the world call it a "black hole in variety shows". No one dares to let her appear on the show anymore. The shots were all subtracted.

The chief director smiled, "Okay, everyone, don't talk about it, it's not good after all, let's just talk about it here, don't spread it."

"I know I know."

"That's for sure, if you don't look at Su Ning's face, you have to look at Professor Ye's face!"

"Director, don't worry. We're just talking casually. It is estimated that Su Ning will definitely not have anything to do with variety shows in the future."

Regarding this matter, in everyone's opinion, it is actually more of an after-dinner conversation. Although Ning Ning's last episode of the program brought a lot of negative comments to "Super Star", most of them were focused on Su Ning herself It doesn't have much impact on their program itself.

The director talked to everyone about some problems in the production of the next program, and discussed the content and theme of the next program. They are already familiar with these, and the discussion is quite tacit.

Just when everything was going smoothly as usual, a staff member hurried in with a panicked expression.

"Something happened, something happened!"

"What's the matter? All the fuss?"

"Didn't you go to find a guest on the next show? What's the matter? Didn't invite you?"

"If you don't come, don't come. We are afraid that we won't be able to invite people for the show? Why are you in such a panic?"

The director frowned, and everyone else looked at him with blank faces.

No guests?
ha!This is really interesting, our show is short of guests?
There are so many celebrities in the entertainment industry, we still invite those who are not popular!
But for some reason, under everyone's incomprehensible and impatient gazes, the staff member started to sweat on his forehead, and finally, he opened his mouth and broke out a shocking news!
The man panicked and said, "I just went to invite that big man in the music scene. I heard from him that someone besides us has invited him!"

"What? That's it?" The chief director covered his forehead and said speechlessly: "What's the matter? Although he sings, there are few variety shows on him? It's normal to invite him to other shows. Wouldn’t it be enough to coordinate it? If you don’t have time for this episode, just make an appointment for the next episode! Is such a trivial matter worth making a fuss about?”

The man swallowed and said, "But that program is from Haicheng Satellite TV!"

The director was quite impatient, "What's wrong with Haicheng Satellite TV? What's wrong with Haicheng Satellite TV?"

The others were also speechless.

Haicheng Satellite TV's program?
Their variety show, "Happy Big Bang" is not bad, but what's wrong?It can't compare with our "Super Star"!

As for panicking into this behavior?
But the employee's next sentence stunned everyone.

He said with disbelief and shock, "But that show was planned and supervised by Professor Ye Fengye..." His voice became smaller and smaller, because he couldn't believe the news!
However, this small sound was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which immediately made everyone's brains buzz.

"What do you say?"

"What the hell?"

"Can you say that again!"

"Ye Feng? Professor Ye? The one from Haida?"

"You said he's going to do a variety show? He's already with Shanghai City Satellite TV? Are you kidding us?"

Director Zhao Qitian was dumbfounded!
All the staff around were stunned!
Even the exaggerated jaws of many people almost fell to the ground!

At this moment, the entire office is completely silent!
Is the news shocking?

This is so shocking to him!
In fact, no matter the program group "Superstar" got the news, it can be said that the entire variety show industry has received the news.


"Professor Ye is going to engage in a variety show?"

"It's a big grass! Is he crazy?"

"I'm really convinced!"

"No, why is he? What kind of variety show is he doing when he has nothing to do? Is it because he can't write poems or has too few academic problems? This is too unscientific for him!"

"Why? What else? For his wife!"

"It's crazy! It's crazy! If you don't agree with each other, you go directly to the stage! My God! Is this Professor Ye?"

"No, is he too unwise? Su Ning's recent performance hasn't made Professor Ye realize the problem? She is not suitable for variety shows at all! It has nothing to do with who made the show!"

"That's right, so many programs have completely confirmed this point!"

"Besides, has Professor Ye ever done a variety show? What can he achieve by breaking in like this? Doesn't he underestimate the technical content of our variety show industry?"

"That's what I said, but don't forget who he is. He is Ye Feng! He is Professor Huaxia Ye! The scariest thing about him is not his professionalism, but his terrifying ability to cross boundaries!"

"Hiss! When you say that, my back suddenly feels a little chilly!"

"Professor Ye... a synonym for omnipotence, he's engaged in variety shows, so he can't really make a lot of fun, can he?"

After the news spread, the entire variety show world was shocked!
"Fun Ace"!
"Endless possibilities"!
Waiting for all the domestic variety show groups, there is no one who can not be moved!

Everyone's first reaction is that Ye Feng is crazy, right?
Just because of Su Ning, he went into battle himself?And it's a field that he hasn't even touched before?Su Ning is not suitable for variety shows, this is not just nonsense, it has gone through many tests!Is he so confident that he can succeed?

But when everyone thought about it for a while, everyone was frightened by their own answers!

Professor Ye, you really have this confidence!
Even, maybe he can really create miracles!
Therefore, the entire variety show industry suddenly felt like a formidable enemy, and the atmosphere of the entire variety show industry became tense. No matter if it was the director or the producer, everyone was on tenterhooks!
There is no way, this is Professor Ye Feng!

This is a man who has traversed countless fields!
This is a man who does not know how many miracles he has created!

This is a man who is not in the entertainment circle but stirs up the entertainment scene!
Who can guarantee that he really doesn't know how to make variety shows?

In front of Ye Feng, no one has such confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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