Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 672 The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

Chapter 672 The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!
Professor Ye Fengye is going to be involved in the field of variety shows. This news immediately caused an uproar in the variety show circles in China. Everyone in the variety show circles in China immediately waited for it.Professor Ye is not an unknown person. The so-called reputation is worthless, even though Ye Feng has never been involved in this field, but still no one dares to take it lightly.After all, from everyone's point of view, Ye Feng came here to grab their jobs.

at the same time.

Haicheng TV.

The "I Am a Singer" program group was also officially established.

Ye Feng served as the general manager and concurrently the chief planner.To put it bluntly, this program is centered on Ye Feng, and the rest of the TV stations and chief directors are just laymen.

To be honest, this is the domestic entertainment circle that has never appeared before.Did the chief director do it?I'm afraid no one will believe it, but in fact, in the program group of "I Am a Singer", this is really the case, and no one thinks there is anything wrong at all.

This is Professor Ye!
I don't know how many people can't help but wish for him.

In the office building of Haicheng TV Station, a large new office area has been drawn, which is specially used for the "I am a singer" program group.At this time, almost all the pre-production staff were there, and they all looked at Ye Feng standing in the middle with a little excitement.

"This is Professor Ye!"

"So young!"

"When I was in charge of the "Go Boy" project, I went to Haichuan to meet Professor Ye once, but it was far away. This time, I saw that he has more temperament than that time!"

"Tall and handsome, really talented, the most important thing is that this temperament is really impossible for others to imitate."

"I'm so happy! I really saw Professor Ye!"

Ye Feng is different from celebrities. For celebrities, those who engage in TV programs have naturally come into contact with a lot, but for a national treasure like Ye Feng, it is really the first time for them to see a living person, especially as a Haicheng people can't hide their admiration for Ye Feng.

"Professor Ye give me an autograph!"

"Wow! Me too!"

"Professor Ye, can we take a picture together?"

"Wow! Can Professor Ye's signature be sold for money?"

"Nonsense! Huaxia Contemporary Calligrapher!"

"Sell it for money? Keep it as a family heirloom!"

Everyone was very excited, this is true, Ye Feng's signature is really enough to be a family heirloom.Now in the market of the calligraphy industry, Ye Feng's calligraphy has almost reached the same price as the original works of those great calligraphers in ancient times, and there is still a situation where there is a price but no market.

In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, Ye Feng didn't have any pretensions. Ye Feng also satisfies everyone with a smile when talking about autographs and group photos.

After busying around for a while, everyone calmed down.At this time, you have to listen carefully to Ye Feng's assignment.

"Let's take a look at these plans first."

As Ye Feng said, a staff member over there distributed a plan to each person in the room.

Some people have already watched it, and some people haven't. After a while, seeing that everyone has watched it, Ye Feng said: "The planning of the program is basically no problem, and we can start preparations for the program we are talking about." That's it, the rest is to see everyone's division of labor, and proceed step by step according to the plan."

For the program "I Am a Singer", Ye Feng is full of confidence. As long as everyone presents this program bit by bit according to his ideas, the results will definitely exceed everyone's expectations.

It's just that this is just his idea. Regarding this program, in fact, many people are not optimistic about it.

Feng Lei, the chief director of "I am the Queen of Songs" and a well-known variety show director in China, took Ye Feng's plan and considered how to use words to speak.

"Director Feng? Do you have something to say?" Ye Feng naturally saw it, and asked accordingly.If you have a problem, you have to speak up, otherwise, Professor Ye will brainwash everyone.

"Uh, it's not a big problem. Professor Ye's plan is really beyond expectations. This kind of variety show has never appeared before. This kind of advanced consciousness is definitely beyond the reach of everyone's flattery."

Feng Lei graduated from Haichuan, and was contacted by Haichuan. After all, he is still Ye Feng's senior brother, but he respects Ye Feng from the bottom of his heart.Otherwise, he would never have come to direct this damn "I Am a Singer".

Ye Feng smiled, "If Director Feng has anything to say, just say it directly, it's all on his own."

"Ah, I don't have any serious issues." Feng Lei laughed and said, "I'm just worried that our program is too advanced? Is this a concert-type program? And the content is so messy , Even audiences who like music will be distracted, right?"

Ye Feng shook his head, and said: "This is far from a concert, what kind of program is this, hmm~" Ye Feng thought for a while, and then said: "It is a reality show plus a singing competition."

"reality show?"

Everyone can understand the singing competition, but what is this reality show?
But Ye Feng didn't explain too much, just smiled, "You will understand when it is broadcast." They have never seen this thing, and Ye Feng said too much that they can hardly imagine it.

"Any questions?" Ye Feng asked again.

Over there, a leader of Haicheng Satellite TV named Liu Qing, who is in charge of the program "I Am a Singer", asked a little puzzled: "Professor Ye, the plan says that the program will use singers as the hosts, but why not?" Why is it necessary to hire so many professional hosts? To interact with singers? What does this mean?"

"It literally means that acting as a temporary agent is also an interesting interaction." Ye Feng explained with a smile.

Speaking of this, it is definitely one of the biggest highlights of the "I Am a Singer" program. The temporary manager acted by the host, and various witty little programs between singers, I don't know how many laughs contributed to this program point.

"The host should invite someone from our station. You don't need to be too famous, but you must be professional." Ye Feng emphasized.

"Yeah, okay." Although Liu Qing still didn't understand what he meant, but Ye Feng said so, he just did as he said.

"What, Professor Ye, I'm in charge of our stage equipment. I want to ask, is the number on this plan really accurate? Isn't the decimal point wrong?"

The person in charge of the stage equipment was a bald man. Although his face was a bit wretched, his head was covered in cold sweat.

"Is the decimal point wrong?"

"Stop making trouble, Professor Ye is a man who stands at the top of the mathematics world! How could the decimal point be wrong?"

"That's right, just do what Professor Ye said."

Everyone shook their heads and laughed, how could Professor Ye make such a low-level mistake?

However, when the person in charge spoke again with a sad face, the entire office area was silent.

The person in charge wiped off his cold sweat and said along his spit: "The estimated cost of building the stage is 1000 million, a set of audio equipment is 500 million, and there are seven custom-made exclusive microphones, each of which costs 120 million... I, I... "

This is not finished yet, the latter is even more exaggerated!

For a variety show, nearly 7000 million yuan was spent directly on the hardware!
A microphone needs 120 million!

My goodness!

The prodigal is not such a prodigal, is it?
I heard that the budget is [-] million, but the question is what about the subsequent production costs?Where is the star's money?What about the advertising money?
This money can't be spent like this!

At this time, everyone also turned to that page in a daze. Everyone didn't pay attention to it just now, but when they saw it now, they were all dumbfounded!
"What the hell!"

"Is this an exaggeration?"

"We are a variety show! Is this specification up to the standard of the National Center for the Performing Arts?"

"It's not necessary!"

"It's really unnecessary, 1000 million channels for a variety show is more than enough!"

"The concerts are not of such a high standard!"

There were voices of astonishment in the office one after another, but Ye Feng was calm and said with a smile: "Just do it according to this standard. As for the money, don't worry about it. Tell me when the flowers are gone. I'm thinking of a way. But remember, this All our equipment must be the best!"

Ye Feng said again: "And that microphone must be made exclusive and unique. This is the glory and symbol of our program."

Customize seven super luxurious microphones, this is what Ye Feng added.It's not that he really has money and no place to spend it, but he is trying to forcibly raise the level of "I Am a Singer" from the very beginning.

Everything with the best!

Create the ultimate music environment!


Soon, the news leaked out.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. If there is any movement, everyone will know about it, let alone such a big movement.The media and the Internet have been completely bombarded, with various reports and gossip flying all over the sky.

"Professor Ye involved in variety shows? "

"Shock!Professor Ye Feng has officially entered the entertainment industry! "

"According to gossip, Professor Ye entered variety shows with [-] million funds! "

"A Powerful Doting Wife?Or do you have a plan? "

"Haida has no statement yet! "

"The Enemy of the Variety Show Is Coming! "

"Chinese entertainment program will usher in the biggest rival in history! "

"Crisis or Opportunity? "

"I am a singer, a new type of variety show!" "

Can Professor Ye Create Another Miracle? "


Netizens were also shocked!

"I wipe it! I'm so convinced! I'm completely convinced!"

"I can figure it out with my toes, Professor Ye is definitely for Su Ning!"

"Su Ning didn't appear on variety shows recently, I thought Professor Ye had awakened, but I didn't expect it to be done by myself!"

"Facts have proved that Su Ning is not suitable for variety shows. It has nothing to do with who does variety shows!"

"Professor Ye may think that domestic variety shows are too rubbish..."


"Don't say it, it's really possible."

"However, I always feel that even if Professor Ye does it himself, he won't be able to support Su Ning, a black hole in the variety show!"

"If you don't hit the south wall, you won't die. Professor Ye's famous name, don't be ruined in the variety show world!"

"This is called love. If there is a disagreement, Su Ning is so happy that her husband will come out in person."

"It's said that Su Ning is a black hole in entertainment, but don't forget, Professor Ye is still known as a miracle creator, so you dare to assert that Professor Ye can't succeed? Anyway, I think the variety show industry can't stand it this time."

"What kind of program is this I'm a singer? Does anyone know what it's about?"

"I don't know. However, it is reported that it is a brand-new variety show. Professor Ye's creation will always be interesting, right? If not done well, it will have an unimaginable impact on the current variety show industry."

"Yeah, the storm is coming, let's see how the variety show industry responds."

"If they are taken lightly, the literary world of that year will be their fate."

"Professor Ye is trying to break into the variety show world!"

"The strength of both sides cannot be underestimated."

"The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!"

ps: I recommend a book, "My Age of Agriculture", a new urban book.

(End of this chapter)

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