Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 673 The strongest publicity in history!

Chapter 673 The strongest publicity in history!
All kinds of work are going on in an intense and orderly manner. Whether it's Ye Feng, the singers, or even the production team, everyone is doing their best to be busy for this variety show with no future in sight.In fact, it is strange to say that everyone is not optimistic about this program, but everyone has a kind of expectation in their hearts, looking forward to the birth of a miracle.

And after a period of preparation, finally, "I Am a Singer" ushered in the stage of advertising!
The overwhelming advertisements and the aura of wealth and wealth made the industry, the audience, and countless people dumbfounded and startled.

"I'll go! Look at the Entertainment Morning Post! The original version is "I Am a Singer"!"

"Damn! What's that? Look at the People's Daily yesterday. Professor Ye directly published an article titled 'On the Monotony and One-sidedness of Today's Entertainment'! "I Am a Singer" went straight to the front page of the People's Daily. !"

"Professor Ye seems to be serious this time! This is a big deal!"

"I've never seen someone advertise like this before, just post an academic paper as an advertisement, is it only Professor Ye?"

"The main reason is that the People's Daily is also really cooperative!"

"Nonsense, this face must be given!"

"Look at the Imperial Capital Times, North China Daily, South China Daily, Xinhua News Agency, and Haicheng Morning Post. They almost published Professor Ye's article on "I Am a Singer". This advertisement is simply invincible!"

"The advertisements in all major newspapers are also "I Am a Singer"!"

"Damn it! VC browser, Koukou browser, Baidu browser, 360 browser and other major portal websites are all their advertisements."

"The Koukou chat interface is all..."

"What's that? Go to the homepage of Celebrity Circle and have a look. The most prominent positions have been bought by them."

"How much did it cost?"

"Professor Ye, is this crazy?"

"There is no such advertisement!"

"Wealthy and powerful! This is what he calls rich and powerful!"

"The movie promotion is not as exaggerated as they are! Is this just a variety show? This is too exaggerated!"

"Convinced, this is the history of variety shows, no, this is the largest publicity in the entire history of TV!"

"Wait, this is just the beginning. Everyone should know that it's just online promotion. This is the early stage promotion. The most important TV promotion has not started yet!"

"Yeah, the promotional video hasn't been released yet! Just wait, everyone, I don't know what it will be like then!"

All circles!

All major websites!

All major media!

Without exception, they are all advertisements for "I Am a Singer"!

Although this was just a publicity in the early stage, the publicity this time was too strong, and even many bigwigs in the entertainment industry were alarmed.Because when they were preparing to promote a new movie or a new TV, they suddenly found that they couldn't find an advertisement space?

When I asked, the answer was all covered by Professor Ye!

Almost all the advertising spots in the entertainment industry have been filled by Ye Feng!

A certain well-known actor asked, "What's the situation with "I Am a Singer"?"

"Isn't this a variety show? Crazy? Propaganda like this? Is it necessary?" A famous movie star was also puzzled.

"Hey, you don't know." An actor who knew the inside story said: "This show was planned by Professor Ye. It is said that it was for Su Ning. Professor Ye personally performed the knife. Naturally, the posture will not be small, bear with it, and wait for this gust of wind Let's talk in the past."

"Yeah, I've heard that too. This time, Professor Ye will take part in the battle in person. I heard that the variety show industry has already been flying around."

"Just look at the mainstream media. If it weren't for a big shot in person, they would never have intervened in these entertainment programs. Obviously, that big shot is Professor Ye."

"Looking at this posture, the variety show industry may be about to change!"

"It's hard to say."

The entire entertainment industry, whether it's the film and television industry, the TV industry, or the music or variety show industry, is almost discussing this file of "I Am a Singer" at this time.No way, this promotion is really shocking!There is no way to keep them from discussing!
Especially the variety show industry, they are the closest to this matter, and they are also most concerned about it.Countless variety artists in the industry all changed their faces after seeing this overwhelming publicity.

Professor Ye is really not easy to deal with!
Based on the publicity at this stage, the popularity of "I Am a Singer" has already beaten all the programs in the industry!

Which variety show have you ever seen spend so much money on publicity?


not a single one!

With such a large publicity investment, the people who watched it were terrified!


In fact, not only the industry and netizens watched with trepidation, even those who spent money in the program group couldn't help but spit in their eyes.

In the program group, the chief director Feng Lei said to Ye Feng tremblingly: "Ye, Professor Ye, we have already spent 1000 million!"

1000 million!

This is not counting the stage construction, the purchase of equipment, and the money for inviting singers. This is just the promotion fee for advertisements! 1000 million!This is more than enough to produce a variety show!But here, even the publicity fee is not enough!

Just not enough!

Because, Ye Feng still continues to expand his propaganda efforts!
Ye Feng smiled lightly: "It's okay, just keep buying. Don't be afraid to spend money on commercials for TV shows."

The executive planner next to him was a professor from Haichuan, and he exclaimed, "Professor Ye, still buy it? We already have enough!"

Ye Feng shook his head, "It's far behind. This is the early publicity, and the real publicity hasn't come out yet." Ye Feng looked at the people in front of him, and said earnestly: "Since we have decided to do this variety show, then We must do it well, right? There are so many eyes on us in the entertainment industry, and too many people expect us to fail, so what about us? We must succeed and show them! Propaganda is a big deal, Listen to me and keep spending money!"

Feng Lei and the others twitched the corners of their mouths, but did not speak. They all knew that publicity was a big deal and should be taken seriously, but Professor Ye also took it seriously, right?

Forget it, just do what Professor Ye says.

Everyone stopped talking. In this program group, although Ye Feng is not the chief director, his words are definitely the biggest.Even if everyone didn't understand or even agree with Ye Feng's approach, it was at most just a suggestion. If Ye Feng didn't listen, no one would object to it.

In fact, Ye Feng understands what everyone thinks very well, but they don't know what this show means to today's entertainment industry!
To put it an exaggeration, the money spent on advertising now can be earned back ten times or twenty times in the future!
On Earth, the biggest pity of "I Am a Singer" is that the first season did not do a good job of publicity, which led to the lower ratings of the previous episodes.However, the ratings after that were soaring all the way, getting higher and higher season by season.This fully demonstrates that as long as "I Am a Singer" has an early momentum, the result will definitely be bad!Ye Feng doesn't have time to accumulate little by little, so he can only spend money!
He wants to make "I Am a Singer" an immediate hit from the first episode of the first season!It will directly become a phenomenon-level and epic-level super variety show that sweeps across China!
"Director Feng, spend another 100 million to make a promotional video," Ye Feng said.

"Huh? Promotional video? How long?"

"About 1 minutes."

"1 minute? 100 million?" Feng Lei was full of disbelief.

"Yeah." Ye Feng nodded, "I'll make the promotional video myself. I want to use the best equipment and special effects. If 100 million is not enough, you can just add more!"



"Whatever you say is what you say."


a few days later.

The "I Am a Singer" program group is the official announcement, and the program promotional film will be rolled out on Haicheng Satellite TV and CCTV's best advertising spots at the same time.

For this promotional video, many people are paying attention, because everyone has been tired of hearing the four words "I am a singer" recently, and surfing the Internet all day long is "I am a singer" and "I am a singer". But no one knows what "I Am a Singer" is?
It is said to be a new variety show model, but what kind of model is it?
What's so different about this show?

Nobody knows.

So, when the official promotional video of "I Am a Singer" came out, it instantly exploded the entire Internet!

At seven o'clock in the evening, before the news broadcast, this was the best advertising spot, and countless people sat in front of the TV on time.Everyone didn't want to watch the news, but they were all waiting for the advertisement...

Yes, you heard that right, just waiting for the ad.

Numerous well-known planners in the variety show industry.

Numerous well-known singers and actors in the entertainment industry.

Many bigwigs in academia.

Even people in the advertising world are watching.

Not to mention the ordinary viewers, some are watching in front of the TV, and some are waiting online.

An advertisement is just a simple advertising video, but it vividly creates the sense of sight of a big movie being released.

Suddenly, an advertisement on the TV ended, and then the screen changed, the background music suddenly sounded, and the promotional video of "I Am a Singer" officially met with the world!
Accompanied by the picture on the TV, Ye Feng's magnetic voice came out:

"The sound of a person falling."

"It's louder than the growth of a group of people."

"One moment of despair."

"That means, one death."

"Is life to be renewed, or to kill itself?"

"It's all about the choice and decision at every moment."

"Music is not an end, but a state of being alive."

"Please doubt me!"

"Laugh at me!"

"hurt me!"

"I pay tribute to life with my back view."

"Why sing? For us not to be afraid."

"Music is fearless."

"I'm a singer!"

The promotional video is not long, only about 1 minute, and it will be over soon.

But this short promotional film had a profound impact on the audience!The amazement on the faces of countless people lasted for a long time. Is this a promotional video?In terms of picture, color, special effects, dubbing, etc., it is not inferior to big movies!
Especially Ye Feng's copywriting, especially the last sentence "Music is meaningless, I'm a singer!" made many people's blood boil!

Almost within 3 minutes after the end of the promotional video, the topic "Promotional Video of "I Am a Singer"" became a trending topic!
The Internet is full of praise and shock!

"Where is this promotional video!"

"That's right, it's so artistic! Every picture can be used as a desktop!"

"Exquisite, concise, artistic, really amazing!"

"Professor Ye is indeed a great writer. This sentence is as beautiful as a poem. Don't worry, this copywriting was definitely designed by Professor Ye himself!"

"This shows the level!"

"That passage, accompanied by pictures and music, really made my blood boil!"

"Looking across the country, there is no producer or planner of any variety show that can have the strength of Professor Ye!"

"The world of variety shows might really change!"

"I'm looking forward to "I Am a Singer" more and more!"

"Just watch this promo, the show is a must-see!"

Hot discussion!
Almost most of the netizens are applauding!
Even a famous advertising director said: "A wonderful promotional film!"

A program director of Haicheng TV Station also said: "I have watched it seven or eight times, and it is indeed art."

A film director who is not very well-known: "Anyone who can make this kind of artistic promotional film with this kind of attitude of excellence will definitely not be bad. I look forward to Professor Ye's masterpiece!"

The promo is on fire!
No sign of fire at all!

The fire doesn't make sense at all!

However, people in the variety show industry turned green!
Green through and through!

Green piercing!

real!Just this promotional video made them feel cool after watching it!Although there is not much revealed in the promotional video, there are no rules of the show, and there are no guests on the show, but with this kind of hand-crafted production alone, "I Am a Singer" has instantly killed all variety shows in China!
This is really well made!
Why the hell are you using the money from filming to play variety shows with us?
How does he play?
This is inherently unfair!
Countless variety shows are gnashing their teeth. For them, the fire is really imminent, especially the top variety shows such as "Super Star", each of them has started to act.They will definitely not sit still, and start frantically inviting those giants in the entertainment industry, hoping to drive traffic.

However, Ye Feng didn't care about their actions at all, because he never regarded them as opponents.

In his eyes, only the audience.

The highest production fee in the industry, the best equipment in the industry, the most professional guests in the industry, the most effective publicity in the industry...everything is the best and the top in the industry. Comparing the show, what he wants is a milestone epic, hallowed, and phenomenal super variety show!
It is a perfect program that can sweep China, make every participant feel honored, and even make every guest shine!
Of course, what he wants most is for Ningning to reach the top!
And now, everything is ready, just start recording!

(End of this chapter)

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