Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 674 Finalizing the chapter!

Chapter 674 The program is finalized!

The overwhelming advertisements and bombardment of publicity made the unfamiliar program "I Am a Singer" quickly come into everyone's sight.For this mysterious program, I don't know how many people are waiting and watching, especially after Ye Feng's promotional video was launched, it has fully earned everyone's expectations.

The program "I Am a Singer" is really full of mystery to everyone. I thought that after the promotional video came out, everyone would at least know something about it.But the facts disappointed everyone. Ye Feng's promotional video was really good, but it didn't reveal anything meaningful.

Until now, with the program "I Am a Singer" gaining momentum, the industry and the audience are still ignorant of this program.As you all know, that is, this program was directed by Professor Ye himself.Other than that, I don't know anything else.

Even those program crew members who participated in the production, even if they personally participated in the whole process, and even saw Ye Feng's planning, but to be honest, they were still in the fog.Before the recording started, I am afraid that no one except Ye Feng would understand what the show really meant.

Even, so far, no one even knows who the guests of the show are.Other programs can't wait to use celebrities to attract traffic, but Ye Feng does the opposite. After promoting it for so long, he hasn't even mentioned a celebrity.This also makes many people in the industry puzzled. To be honest, in the eyes of those people in the industry, this program is full of weirdness.

However, as time passed, the preparations for the "I Am a Singer" program were finally completed, and everything including stage construction, audio equipment, personnel selection, advertising and so on was already in place.On this day, the official circle of Haicheng Satellite TV suddenly announced the broadcast time of "I Am a Singer".

As soon as this news came out, the entire variety show world was shocked!
Almost all the directors of variety shows changed their expressions!
"I Am a Singer" can be said to be the most watched program in the entire history of variety shows, bar none!What kind of results will it create?No one dares to predict, even those so-called experts are silent at this time.Because, who is qualified to evaluate Professor Ye?Besides, the investment in this program really scared everyone!

Can "I Am a Singer" subvert the current variety show model as Ye Feng said?
Can it create achievements that shock the world?
I don't know, no one knows.

However, everyone knows that "I Am a Singer" is really about to be released!

The broadcast time has been confirmed, this is a major event that shakes the variety show world!


this morning.

Mango TV "Superstar" program group.

All the main creative personnel, chief director, and person in charge gathered together, each and every one of them felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"What to do? Their time has hit us."

The chief director had a gloomy face and frowned. "I Am a Singer" was broadcast in prime time, and it was also aired on Saturdays, which happened to collide with their program.

"Phew, no one would have imagined that their new show would dare to have the same time slot as us? Is Ye Feng crazy?"

"Yeah, I don't understand at all, what is he thinking?"

"If you want me to say, we don't need to be afraid. Don't look at the current "I Am a Singer" buzz, but how long has our show been? It is definitely not comparable to their new show."

"I agree with the planning, we don't need to be so nervous."

"It's best not to take it lightly, that's Professor Ye Feng! And who dares to underestimate a program created by a billion dollars? Who knows what effect it will have?"

"I think we must also pay attention!"

"Well, prepare for the worst."

Everyone talked in a hurry, some people think that there is no need to panic, but some people think that it must be taken seriously.

Finally, after a while of discussion, the "Super Star" program team decided to make a special program in the next issue!At noon that day, "Superstar" officially announced to the public that the next episode will invite several celebrities from the entertainment industry to join, and the content of the program is also different from the past, and certain changes will be made.

At the same time, various variety shows such as "Ace Entertainment" and "Hot Sunday" released their next program trailers almost at the same time, almost without exception, all of which invited some of the most popular or influential superstars to join.

It can be seen that the entire variety show industry is preparing!

Get ready for the impact of "I Am a Singer"!

On the Internet, it exploded immediately.

"Is the official broadcast time of "I Am a Singer"?"

"I'm going! It's so sudden!"

"Finally the file is set, look forward to it!"

"One more week."

"Eight o'clock in the evening? It's a good time. Haicheng Satellite TV really values ​​it."

"Nonsense, it is said that it is a [-] million investment! Can you ignore it?"

"However, such a new program is aired on Saturdays. Doesn't it collide with the most popular programs now?"

"Well, you watched the "Super Star" programs, and they announced the content of the next program in advance. I guess they also panicked."

""Superstar" will be doing a special program in the next episode, and I think the guests are all big names!"

"Not only "Super Star", but almost all variety shows are in action! In the next episode, the variety show world can be described as a battle between dragons and tigers!"

"Yeah, the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger."

""I Am a Singer" was created with a huge amount of money and has the halo of Professor Ye, but it is too mysterious. No one can say what will happen. However, programs like "Super Star" are all in the variety show industry. It’s an evergreen tree, and now it’s invested heavily in inviting so many big names, to be honest, I really don’t like "I Am a Singer"."

"Me too. I've watched the shows "Superstar" for many years. I will definitely support the special issue."

"This is a battle! Professor Ye is shaking the entire variety show world by himself!"

"Wait until next Saturday."

"The most spectacular scene in the history of variety shows is about to be staged!"

For the official announcement of the broadcast time of "I Am a Singer", netizens are happy to hear it, and many people are looking forward to it.

All kinds of speculations are flying all over the Internet, whether Ye Feng's "I Am a Singer" can kill a bloody way in the siege of the entire variety show industry?No one knows this, but everyone knows that this is definitely a wonderful war!

Because, he is Ye Feng!
He is Professor Hai Daye!

Ye Feng's cell phone was about to explode.

The leaders of the TV station, the colleagues in the school, the staff of the program group, etc., are all calling Ye Feng.

Without exception, everyone is asking one question:
can we do it
It can be seen that the broadcast time of the program has been fixed, which not only has a huge impact on the outside world, but also has a great impact on these people inside.

Everyone is under pressure. They were so high-profile before, and now the most critical moment is coming. Can there be no pressure?
And Ye Feng replied one by one.

Ye Feng's reply was very simple, just one sentence:

I never lose.

It's such a simple sentence, but it's like a reassurance. After listening to it, it makes people feel at ease.

Yes, Professor Ye has never lost.

That's how it is in mathematics!

Such is the literary world!

That's how historians are!

This is the case in the physics world!

That's what education is all about!

He has never failed in almost the fields that Professor Ye has been involved in!
This is confidence!


Ye Feng stood alone at the study window, looking out of the window calmly, looking at the Xiangjiang River flowing quietly outside the window, a river wind passed by, blowing his hair, Ye Feng had no expression, just looked out of the window, It looked very calm. .However, his fingers kept tapping on the window sill. He didn't have a job today, so he asked for leave specially, but now it seems that he just wants to relax.

He is the magic needle in everyone's heart, as long as Ye Feng doesn't panic, the people around him won't feel any palpitations.

This is Ye Feng.

He looked out of the window, blowing the wind from the river, with a calm expression on his face.

However, he didn't even dare to vent his breath, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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