Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 675 Opening!

Chapter 675 Opening!
this day.

In the morning, the sky was clear, and it was a good day to see.The hot summer has gradually passed, and autumn coolness has slowly entered everyone's life.In such a cool weather, people's mood is inexplicably much more comfortable.

Haicheng Satellite TV, a dedicated recording hall for "I Am a Singer".This hall was specially built by Haicheng Satellite TV for "I Am a Singer". It is said that the construction of this hall alone cost millions of yuan, not counting the equipment and the like.

Today is the official recording day, and the hall is already full of staff.

In fact, the recording of "I Am a Singer" started as early as a week ago, because it is a reality show, and many behind-the-scenes links need to be recorded, such as the introduction of the rules, some small interviews with singers, etc. , These will be interspersed in the program later.But these are easy to handle, the most critical and difficult part is the singing session that needs to be recorded today.After all, this is the core of this program, and this is also the beginning of the official recording of the program.

The staff has already been in place. Although none of them have cooperated with Ye Feng, Professor Ye's name is really resounding.Thinking back to the time when he was in class at Haida University, he was so meticulous and didn't give anyone face, everyone didn't dare to neglect him.Don't look at Ye Feng who is usually easy to talk to, but when he gets serious, he really doesn't show mercy.

Many people are busy inside and outside the hall, and Ye Feng certainly has no time to be idle.

"Professor Ye, what do you think of the arrangement of the lights?"

"Ask Director Feng, he is the director, he understands better than me."

"Professor Ye, the stage is set up, do you want to see the effect?"

"Where's Director Feng? It's up to Director Feng to see."

"Professor Ye, the audio modulation is complete and can be used at any time."

"Well, okay."

Ye Feng smiled helplessly. Although he is the chief executive, he is not the chief director after all. Obviously, you should ask the director about this kind of thing!

At this time, his intercom rang again.

Chief Director Feng Lei: "Professor Ye, do you have time? Come to the front desk and have a look, can you take a look at the camera position?"

Ye Feng: "..."

He was speechless. This group of people really regarded him as an Almighty God. Even Feng Lei, a professional director, reported everything to him.


Ye Feng sighed helplessly, he knew that his presence here would definitely make everyone unable to let go.But there was no way, he couldn't leave.

"Director Feng, you are a professional. The recording problem is still based on your ideas. I don't know much about these, so I won't say more. You can decide for yourself. I believe you."

"Um, Professor Ye? Your words..."

"There's nothing to say, you are the director, let's listen to you."

"Well, that's fine."

Ye Feng talked about everything, so he handed over the command of the scene to Feng Lei.But he went backstage and started preparing for the singer.

"Is singer No. [-] here?" Ye Feng asked.

"It has arrived."

"Well, let singer number one enter."

"The number two singer is also here."

"Huh? Let the nanny car go around outside first and wait for 10 minutes."

"Okay, I understand."

The singers have already arrived one after another. This thing is actually kept secret, but to be honest, they probably know who will come.Like Ning Ning, she knows everyone, after all, she participated in the whole process at that time.

Of course, the three of them like Li Xiang, Shui Liuyun, and Fatty don't know.Only when the recording starts, can they know the identity of the singer on stage through the TV in the room. This design is also to add fun.

backstage area.

It has been divided into two floors. There are seven separate rooms on the upper floor. The doors of the rooms only have serial numbers. There is no information about the singer. Only the director and Ye Feng know who is behind each door.

Number one is Shui Liuyun, the most popular music queen today.

Ye Feng pushed the door and went in, she was the only one inside, looking around curiously, seeing Ye Feng pushed the door in, Shui Liuyun turned her head and smiled at him.

"Professor Ye."

"Well, Miss Shui."

The two shook hands politely. I have to say that there is a reason why Shui Liuyun is so popular now. Not to mention anything else, just her appearance is enough for her to open up the situation in the entertainment industry.

She was wearing a long aqua blue dress with a bun on the back, two earrings, and her skin looked fair.No matter who it is, they will be amazed when they first see the water flow cloud.

Ye Feng was no exception, but it was just a surprise.

"How does Miss Shui feel?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Well, it's pretty good. A place built with so much money is certainly not bad."

Shui Liuyun smiled softly, "But there are cameras all around this room?" She looked around the room curiously.

"Well, it will be edited in time."

"This format looks really novel."

Shui Liuyun seemed really curious about this show, but to be honest, when Shui Liuyun took the initiative to participate in "I Am a Singer", Ye Feng was surprised for a long time.Although I have always wanted to find an opportunity to ask in person, but now it seems that there is no way to say this.

Shui Liuyun said: "By the way, Professor Ye, is it convenient to reveal who is here now? When I came just now, I seemed to see a nanny car, but no one saw it. I know there must be Su Ning, right?" ?” Shui Liuyun smiled.

Ye Feng laughed, "Ning Ning will definitely come. To be honest, she knows the list of all the contestants in this competition, which is a violation of the rules. But the impact is not too big. In the end, our show depends on our own strength."

"Well, depending on strength, I'll just fight for second place."

Shui Liuyun smiled.

On the contrary, Ye Feng felt a little embarrassed, smiled dryly, and said, "It's not impossible to win the championship."

Shui Liuyun smiled and said nothing.

To win the championship?

You put so much effort into running this show, and let others win the championship?

Shui Liuyun knew in his heart that the champion this time would be [-]% Su Ning's.However, in her view, this is also an opportunity.Not winning the championship does not mean that there will be no gains.

Ye Feng changed the subject and said: "By the way, you are the first to come, and you can also know the list of other contestants. Our show adopts the singer-host mode, and you will have to serve as the host at that time, unless you eliminate Otherwise, you will always be the host. Of course, your strength will definitely not be eliminated." Originally, Ye Feng wanted Ning Ning to be the host. After all, this was a chance to show her face, but Ning Ning refused to do it. .Later, Ye Feng thought about it, yes, Ningning couldn't do this job.

Zhao Meng and Fatty were both too, neither wanted to do it, and in the end they had no choice but to choose Shui Liuyun.

To be honest, Ye Feng was the last person who wanted Shui Liuyun to be the host. After all, Shui Liuyun and Ning Ning were actually competing.But there's no way, he can't let Zi Ye and Ye Zi go, right?
Therefore, it can only be water and clouds!

(End of this chapter)

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