Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 676 Shocking opening!

Chapter 676 Shocking opening!

"I Am a Singer" recording site.

Thousands of spectators have already entered the venue, but the program has not yet started.Then, everyone couldn't sit still.

"what happened?"

"Not yet?"

"Didn't it start on time at nine o'clock?"

"I heard there is no host?"

"I've heard that too. What do you mean by a singer host? The singer is not a professional host. They don't sing anymore?"

"What kind of show is this?"

"Whatever, I'm here for Professor Ye anyway!"

"Professor Ye is not coming, you can't see him when he comes!"

"Anyway, he planned it, so why should he show his face?"

"That's hard to say. I heard that Professor Ye is neither the host nor the director, nor will he participate in the competition. I guess he won't have a chance to show his face."

"By the way, do you know who these singers are?"

"I don't know, but I know there are seven people in total, and the rest don't even know men and women."

"Seven singers, is this a concert?"

"I heard it's a competition, like a singing competition."

"I don't understand, I don't understand what Professor Ye is thinking. Invite professional singers to this competition, will they come back?"

"Professor Ye can't afford to invite a few singers?"

"It's not a matter of losing face. It's mainly because they have been famous for a long time. Why do they still participate in this kind of competition? If there is a competition, there must be a ranking? If the ranking is not ideal, won't it ruin their reputation? Who will come? ah!"

"I don't know about others, but I know there must be Su Ning!"

"Yes, there must be Su Ning!"

"Except for her?"

"I do not know."

"There's no need to guess, just wait, and you'll know in a while."

"Yeah, it's Professor Ye after all, just wait and see."

What is this show like?
Who are the singers?

No one knows, there is no news at all!

The audience couldn't wait for a long time, and the scene was full of whispers.

Suddenly, without warning, the lights dimmed.

The audience was stunned for a moment, and then everyone suddenly clapped their hands!
it has started!


The chief director issued a recording signal, and the recording of "I Am a Singer" officially started!
The applause of the audience stopped abruptly, and it was extremely quiet, and everyone was staring at the passage behind the stage.

At the same time, other singers and hosts in the background were also staring at the TV in the room with wide eyes.

A well-known variety show host of Haicheng Satellite TV asked curiously: "Who is the first to appear?"

The other male host shook his head, "I don't know, I heard that all the big names are here!"

"Yeah, they seem to be all powerful singers in the music world!"

"Does anyone know who's here?"

"I don't know, I heard that they all signed a non-disclosure agreement."

These hosts are all well-known hosts of Haicheng Satellite TV for a long time, such as Sun Hai, He Chao, Liu Bo, etc., all of them are famous talkers.Being able to invite them all to "I Am a Singer" this time, it can be seen that Haicheng Satellite TV really spares no effort to support Ye Feng!
However, they really don't know who the singers are, and the doubts on their faces will definitely be featured in close-ups during post-production.Because there will be these "brokers" robbing people in the future, which is also a highlight of the "Singer" program.

room two.

Zhao Meng was drinking tea, and beside her was a make-up artist who was doing her hair while staring at the TV.

room three.

The fat man strolled around the room with his hands behind his back, and raised his eyebrows: "Who is it? I shouldn't be the worst, right?" He regretted it a bit now, and would not have come if he had known, even though he was very impressed with his singing skills. Confident, but for some reason, he is always uneasy.

room four.

Ning Ning quietly sat on the sofa, watching TV, she was not surprised, she already knew who it was.But Ning Ning is curious, who will be the first to appear?

But Room [-], Room [-], and Room [-] were empty.

In fact, everyone is acquaintances, but the atmosphere is indeed a bit tense at this time.For example, the audience at the scene wanted to stand up and take a look through the binoculars.

"Not out yet?"

"Who is this first one?"

"It's too slow!"

"What's this for? Who is this person? It's so hard to hire?"

Someone at the scene began to complain softly, but at this moment, suddenly, the lights on the ceiling suddenly focused.

A figure appeared in the passage!

Everyone is shocked!
"He's quite tall!"

"The dress you're wearing?"

"It seems to be a woman!"

"This figure is good!"

"This temperament... is Su Ning?"

"No! It's not Su Ning!"

"Damn! I can't see clearly!"

"You can't see your face clearly with the light behind you!"


Two steps!

Three steps!

When the figure walked into the spotlight in the center of the stage, the audience fell silent for an instant!

When looking at the beauty in the aqua blue dress on the stage, all the audience, all the managers, all the staff, all the people were completely dumbfounded!

Instantly confused!

Everyone is stunned!

The whole scene was silent for three seconds!And three seconds later, the scene instantly boiled!The audience cried out in surprise!

"I wipe!"


"My goodness!"

"Who did I see?"

"Shui Liuyun? Shui Liuyun? Fuck me!"

"I'm not blind, am I? Is the water flowing and the clouds coming?"

"Scalp tingling!"

"Sister Shui! It's really Sister Shui! Ahhh! I'm dead!"

"Sister Shui is here!"

"Too awesome!"

The audience screamed continuously, applause roared, and all kinds of excited voices were intertwined, as if the roof was about to be lifted!
Flowing clouds!
This is the water cloud!

The real queen of today's music scene!
The show crew even invited her here?
And the first to appear?

Oh my God!
This impact is really too great!The audience was excited and a little bit unbelievable, Shui Liuyun's appearance really exceeded everyone's expectations!They knew that Ye Feng had a lot of face, but they didn't expect to be able to invite the great god Shui Liuyun!
What kind of program is "I Am a Singer"?
The first ones to appear are all queen-level singing goddesses?

Zhao Meng was taken aback, "Shui Liuyun? Why did she come?"

Ning Ning knew that Shui Liuyun was coming, but she didn't know that she was the first on stage.

The fat man looked at the TV with a dazed face, "Shui Liuyun? Huh? She's here? I'll compete with her? I..." The fat man was in despair, this is like a hammer!If it weren't for the camera, he would definitely be scolding the street now!

The manager's side also exploded in an instant.

A hostess screamed, "Sister Shui! Sister Shui! Oh my God! It's Sister Shui!"

A male host's eyes lit up, "I want to be Sister Shui's manager, my goddess!"

A senior in the hosting industry squinted his eyes and smiled, "I didn't expect Liu Yun to come. This show is really surprising. It's a good show to watch."

"Why did Sister Shui come back? She's already a queen, how can she still participate in this kind of competition?" Another host said in disbelief.

"Stop talking, anyway, I want to be Sister Shui's manager!"

"It is said that the rule is that if a singer is eliminated, our manager must also be eliminated. If we can mix with Sister Shui, then it is absolutely safe. Whoever is eliminated, she will not be eliminated!"

"Don't fight me, I'll be with Sister Shui!"

The hosting agents also quickly got into the show, and each of them had their own little calculations in mind.

On the stage, Shui Liuyun smiled, took a deep breath, and then bowed to the band teachers, indicating that he was ready.

The music is ringing.

This is all played by a live band, and the audio equipment is also the best. When the music started, the audience felt that their ears were about to become pregnant.

The melody of the music is very familiar, but this prelude does not seem to be the song of Shui Liuyun, right?
this song?

This is... "The Enemy"!

The audience was quite pleasantly surprised. Many people may not have heard this song, but everyone can tell that it is an ancient song. For Shui Liuyun, who often sings popular songs, this is a big surprise!

This song is actually a song that Ziye sang when she released "Dragon Ba Bu".The reason why Shui Liuyun sang this song was not only because she liked it, but also because she liked Zi Ye's book.

The prelude is soothing and the melody enters.

Shui Liuyun slowly raised the special golden microphone.

"When will I see you"

"Could it be that the past is doomed"

"The Distance Flying Through Time and Space"

"But limited by the light and shadow of the sword"

"Spring flowers gradually wake up in March"

"Who grows old in the ages"

"A catastrophe or fate follows my heart"

"Invincible to all but you"

Just the beginning, Shui Liuyun's melancholy voice fascinated everyone.

The fat man gasped, "Shui Liuyun is really powerful!"

Even Zhao Meng bit her lower lip, her face was a little worried, and she murmured: "This song really suits her, it's more flavorful than what Zi Ye sang."

Listening to this song, Ningning didn't speak, but she complained in her heart: "Sing my husband's song..."

But it was the audience who reacted the most. Shui Liuyun gave everyone the impression that he was a young idol who took a beautiful line, and the songs he sang were basically cheerful pop songs. He had never sung such affectionate ancient songs.Moreover, from the moment she opened her mouth, everyone felt that her voice sounded like the ancient talented woman sending off her husband thousands of miles away. That kind of ancient style and feeling of leisurely affection is definitely not something that anyone can sing.

It can be seen that Shui Liuyun really put his heart into it!

She really poured emotion into this song!
Moreover, this singing skill is not to be chosen!


Worthy of being the queen of the music scene!
"Be equal to each other"

"How do I circle"

"Looking at the lanterns stained red with blood"

"It's too late to seek revenge"

"The gate boy under the moon sighs"

"Last night was peaceful and peaceful"

"The Star River Turns in the Sky"

"My fate is fixed"

"Wait for the ink marks to dry"

"The Enemy Has Come"

"I borrow your loneliness"

"I'm afraid it's hard to get back in this life"

The old enemy of Tianlong Babu!
At the end of the song, it seemed to bring everyone into the chaotic world of rivers and lakes!

Many people have unconsciously closed their eyes just now, to enjoy the rare friendship and leisure!
The music is over.

The audience applauded unconsciously.

There are all kinds of voices on the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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