Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 677 It Was Her?

Chapter 677 It Was Her?

"Shui Liuyun!"

"Shui Liuyun!"

"Shui Liuyun!"

Countless people at the scene shouted her name. Her interpretation of "The Enemy" was so perfect that even for a split second, it made people feel that she surpassed the original singer Zi Ye!
This is the strength of Shui Liuyun!
This is the strength of the queen!

None of the singers who were able to reach those nine positions relied on their faces alone!
And Shui Liuyun on the stage also smiled and bowed to the audience, "Thank you everyone."

There was another burst of cheers from the audience, and the applause lasted for a long time before it stopped.

Fatty shouted while clapping his hands in the background.

Both Ningning and Zhao Meng couldn't help applauding for her.

However, no one expected that Shui Liuyun did not leave the stage after singing, but stood in the center of the stage and said with a smile, "Hello everyone, I am singer Shui Liuyun."

Applause again.

Many audience members booed loudly: "Sister Shui doesn't need to be introduced, who doesn't know her!"

"Yeah, I know you too well!"

"No introduction needed at all!"

However, Shui Liuyun just smiled, and didn't know where to turn out a stack of cards in his hand. Many people didn't know why. Temporary host, I will be the host for the subsequent games."

After finishing speaking, Shui Liuyun introduced himself again and said, "Hello everyone, I am the host Shui Liuyun."


"Sister Shui is hosting?"

"My goodness!"

"Hahahaha! This is too powerful!"

"It's the first time! It's the first time I see Sister Shui hosting!"

"A guest host? Hahaha! This show is interesting!"

Shui Liuyun hosted, which made the audience feel very novel. When did a queen like her become a host?This is definitely the first time ever!

The response from the audience was exceptionally enthusiastic.

The brokers in the background also suddenly realized.

"So it is."

"It's no wonder we have to use us. It turns out that the rules are like this."


Shui Liuyun's first hand card was already in his hand, he lowered his head and said, "Welcome everyone to watch "I Am a Singer" exclusively sponsored by Lan's Group..." A part of the advertisement was read extremely stiffly, even with a There were a lot of slips of the tongue and stuttering, it could be seen that the queen of the song was also very nervous at this time.

However, no one found fault with her at the scene. On the contrary, the response from the audience was quite good. Everyone found it interesting and kept laughing.

"Huh, I'm not so nervous about having a concert, and I'm finally finished." Shui Liuyun let out a playful breath.

Audience: "Hahahaha." There was laughter.

Shui Liuyun smiled and said: "I have always liked the song "The Enemy" I sang just now, but the pressure was quite high when singing. After all, this is not an ordinary program, let alone my own concert. This is a competition. .Our show has a ranking every two episodes. The one who ranks last will be replaced. To put it bluntly, it will be eliminated. Originally, I thought I could sing well, but after reading the list of entries... ..."

Speaking of this, Shui Liuyun looked down at the card in his hand, then smiled wryly at the camera, and said: "They are all powerful rivals! How long you can last depends on everyone. Every vote in your hand is crucial. important!"

Speaking of this, everyone is aware of the importance of the voting device in their hands.

It turned out that the fate of the singer was really not arranged by the director team, but really all in the hands of the [-]-member jury at the scene!
This is "I Am a Singer"?
Singers can only use their singing to impress the audience?So as to get a chance to stay?
Even a queen-level existence like Shui Liuyun doesn't have any preferential treatment?

This mode is really novel!

The emotions of many viewers have been completely aroused at this time, and they have fully integrated into the program.

"The singer below is amazing. To be honest, when I saw her name again, I panicked."

Shui Liuyun has a changeable personality, she looks chilly when she is cold, and she is like a spirit when she is lively. It can be said that she is an ever-changing beauty, and it is no wonder that so many people like her.Now standing on the stage as a host, it is easy to arouse emotions, and the expression and tone are just right.

Listening to Shui Liuyun's words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little tense.

Can make water and clouds flustered?

Who is this person?

"She came out."

Shui Liuyun pointed to the aisle behind, and then the lights shifted, and she quietly stepped off the stage.

Everyone's attention was also attracted by the second singer.

Who is this person?

When she appeared, the audience's eyes widened instantly, and everyone exclaimed in disbelief!
"My God!"

"It's her? How could it be her?"

"Damn! Who did I see?"

"Zhao Meng? Ah? How could it be Zhao Meng?"

"Damn it! This is unscientific!"

"Although I'm a fan of my Mengmeng, but seeing Mengmeng here, I'm so dazed!"

"Zhao Meng!"

When the audience saw that the second singer was Zhao Meng, their first reaction was unbelievable!

I can't believe my eyes!
This is so unscientific!

Isn't this too unscientific?
Almost everyone knows the relationship between Zhao Meng and Su Ning!
The two of them are like fire and water!
When Su Ning's comeback album hit the street last time, Zhao Meng went over to make fun of it, but now Zhao Meng has come to participate in "I Am a Singer"?

This show was planned by Su Ning's husband!

You came to this show, aren't you looking for excitement?
Moreover, this is not the point!The point is, there will definitely be Su Ning in this show!
Su Ning must have participated in "I Am a Singer", this is something that need not be thought about at all.That is to say, Su Ning and Zhao Meng, the rivals, will sing on the same stage?And it still needs to be ranked?

This is too exciting!

I can't even think about it!
At this time, the music sounded.

Zhao Meng was already standing in the center of the stage, listening to the cheerful prelude, she quickly entered the song.

"Maybe this is fate"

"I heard you like this"

"Possessing silent splendor"

"like a distant star"


For the song "Only Love You", Zhao Meng sang thousands of times, and also won a lot of applause and cheers.Although Zhao Meng's ranking in the celebrity circle is not as high as that of others, there is no doubt that she is a rare and capable singer in the music world!

After Su Ning retired back then, in terms of pop music among girls in the music scene, it was almost Zhao Meng who carried the banner!I think she was also popular all over the country back then. Although she failed to become a queen, the conditions for becoming a queen were too harsh. Not to mention other things, if only talking about singing skills, Zhao Meng's strength is absolutely terrifying.

At this time, the background also exploded.

The fat man looked confused, "Zhao Meng? Is she here too?"

Ning Ning bit her lower lip slightly, her face was so confident, but she still complained in her heart: "Hmph, sing my husband's song again!"

Those economic people are even more fried.

A female agent exclaimed, "Cute baby! Sister Shui has met her opponent!"

"Sister Shui is also one of the best singing skills in the music world, but against Sister Zhao, it's really hard to say who will win!"

The male host who was clamoring to be Shui Liuyun's manager before shouted: "No! I have to be Meng Bao's manager, I'm her big fan!"

"Ah? Don't you say you're a big fan of Sister Shui?"

"Don't you just say that whoever competes with you for Sister Shui's position, are you in a hurry with whoever? Why has it changed now?"

The male host scratched his neck and said: "Spread rumors! Don't spread rumors! I never said that! I swear to follow Mengbao to the death!"

Zhao Meng is really capable, her penetrating singing is really too strong.It seems that her grasp of each note is like the feeling of grasping.

Shui Liuyun is really facing the enemy!
The appearance of Zhao Meng pushed the atmosphere of the scene to another breaking point!

Everyone is looking forward to, when will Su Ning appear?
When the two of them meet together, it seems that they are even hotter than the queen of the song Shui Liuyun!

(End of this chapter)

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