Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 678: Zi Ye Appears!

Chapter 678: Zi Ye Appears!

The first one is Shui Liuyun, the queen of the song, and the second one is Su Ning's nemesis, Zhao Meng. Who will be the third one?
Could it be Su Ning?
The audience is looking forward to it, and soon, they will know who this person is.

A tall figure slowly appeared in the passage behind the stage, and the eyes of the audience, managers and singers behind were all wide-eyed.

"Who is this person?"

"Look at this figure, it seems to be a man?"

"Yes! It's a male singer!"

"Ah? Who is this person?"

"It's strange!"

"I'm going! I remembered, this is the person who sang "Dissipating Sorrow". It was popular for a while last year, and then disappeared."

"Yes, yes, I also remembered, and "I Believe", what is the name of this singer Mei Pu?"

"That's him! The show crew brought him here?"

"It seems that this show is really not about fame. This fat man sings very well."

"Yeah, I really like the song "Sorrow"."

right!That's right!The third singer is Fatty!

When the audience saw Fatty, they were stunned at first, and then a little disappointed. After all, the first two were really amazing, and he, an "unknown man", suddenly appeared, and everyone would inevitably feel a little bit disappointed.

However, when the fat man opened his mouth, the audience exploded in an instant!

"good bye my love"

“I wanna say goodbye”

"Goodbye to my past"

"I want a new life"

"Goodbye my tears fall and failure"

"Goodbye to that youthful and frivolous era"

"Goodbye my troubles no longer alone"


He sang "My Sky" by Ye Feng. This song was passionate and passionate, and Fatty was still in his youth, so that kind of drive was vividly performed by him!
It can be said that the song is over, and the whole audience is immediately excited!
The degree of passion in this song is definitely not comparable to that of "The Enemy" and "Only Love You"!The atmosphere at the scene was pushed to a climax!

Although his reputation is not good, the song he chose is really suitable for the scene!
The audience also crazily agitated their hands, and there was endless applause at the scene!

Soon, to the fourth singer.

When Ningning walked from the aisle backstage to the stage, the whole scene exploded!
"Su Ning!"

"My Lady Queen!"

"Her Lady Queen has finally come out!"

"I knew it, Her Lady Queen will never be absent!"

"This is a variety show. Doesn't it mean that Her Majesty the Queen is not suitable for variety shows?"

"Is this a variety show? This is obviously a singing competition! If you want to say that Her Majesty the Queen is not suitable for a variety show, I won't say anything, but in terms of singing, who is Her Majesty the Queen most guilty of? On this stage, Shui Liuyun can't do it! Zhao Meng can't do it!" The plum score just now is not good either! In the music world, if you want to say that someone who has reached the top purely by singing ability, only Her Lady Queen is the only one!"

"Support Your Lady Queen!"

The audience below is already boiling!

Shout out loud one by one!

It can be seen that Su Ning's popularity has recovered too much!Although she has not reached the top of the song again, her voice at the scene has already overshadowed the water flow!
This is the strength of the once veteran singer!
Ning Ning was dressed in a white floor-length dress, quietly standing in the center of the stage, and slowly raised the microphone to the rhythm of the music.

"the brightest star in the night sky"

"Can you hear me"

"The one who looks up"

"Loneliness and sighs in my heart"

Everyone is familiar with this song, it is "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" once sung by "Poison".

Naturally, there was roaring applause at the scene, which lasted for a long time.Some audience members even cried, and shed tears with excitement.This kind of picture will naturally be captured by the camera.

And backstage.

Those brokers are also about to fight.

"Stop talking! You have to mess with Her Lady Queen!"

"I'll go! Sister Su Ning comes on stage, whoever eliminates her will not be eliminated!"

"Sister Shui is eliminated, and I, Sister Ning, will not be eliminated either! This is my husband's show!"

"Oh, this is so straightforward, there is a camera! What, brother camera, cut this part and don't broadcast it."

"Anyway, I'm going to be with Sister Ning!"

"Who do you think the program team is? Professor Ye will never be selfish! This program is absolutely fair and open. Didn't you see that everyone from the Haicheng Notary Office came? I think Sister Meng is better. , I want to be with Sister Meng!"

"Sister Meng? Then you have to pass my level first!"

"I'm still firmly on Sister Shui's side!"

"I think that fat man is not bad!"

"Let me just say this, Her Lady Queen is absolutely invincible!"

This group of managers is almost arguing madly, you are refusing to give in to each other, either for the sake of robbing people, or for the singers you support, arguing with each other non-stop.However, what Ye Feng wants is this kind of effect, only in this way can this show be interesting.

At this time, Shui Liuyun, who was the guest host, came on stage again.

She looked at the audience with a smile on her face and asked, "Is sister Su Ning singing well?"

"it is good!"

There was applause below.

Shui Liuyun was also generous, "You sang really well. If everyone votes, you should still vote for me." He made a joke, which made the audience laugh out loud.

Shui Liuyun also had a smile on his face, looked at the card in his hand, and said: "There are already four singers who have appeared, so do you want to know who the next one is?"

The audience shouted: "Think!"

Shui Liuyun smiled, "Not only do you think, but I'm also very curious, and I want to know who he is!"


"You don't know?"

"No! Sister Shui should have a list of singers!"

"How could she not know? Sister Shui should have seen his name!"

"Yes! What do you mean?"

Shui Liuyun's words made the audience confused.

Even the managers in the backstage were confused, and a hostess said: "Sister Shui said something wrong!"

"I always feel that this person is not simple."

"What is the origin of the fifth number? Sister Shui doesn't know it or something?"

"do not know."

The entire scene, whether it was the audience or the backstage, was lost in confusion because of Shui Liuyun's words.

Shui Liuyun has a list, she should have seen the name, why would she say she wants to know who he is?

Isn't this a bit contradictory?

She should already know who he is!

"Come on, let me invite number five contestant—Zi Ye!"

Shui Liuyun said loudly.

Purple night!

After hearing the name, the scene suddenly exploded!
"I wipe!"


"Zi Ye! The Great God Zi Ye is here?"

"My mother! This time I really played too big!"

"No wonder! No wonder Sister Shui would say that! She really doesn't know who Zi Ye is!"

"That's right! So it's the Great God Zi Ye who has never shown his face before!"

"Is the program team too awesome?"

"I was able to invite Great God Ziye!"

"Who the hell is Ziye? I'm curious too!"

"look forward to!"

As soon as the name Zi Ye came out, the scene exploded immediately!
Because, this person is too mysterious!And it's too famous!

I don't know how many people have read and listened to his novels, his poems, and his songs. This is the only ruthless person in the Chinese literary world who can compete with Ye Feng!His martial arts novels are sold overseas, and his poems are regarded as classics!
A copy of "The Prosperity of the Tang Dynasty" swept the poetry circles and established Zi Ye's supreme position in the poetry circles!
Even Ye Feng, in terms of poetry, can at most rival Zi Ye!If Ye Feng's later "Yuefu Poems" hadn't been published, then Zi Ye would be the undisputed No.1 in the poetry world!Even now, Professor Ye's name is famous all over the world, and Zi Ye can keep pace with him in terms of poetry!

He is a literati, but he is also a singer!
For example, the song "The Enemy" sung by Shui Liuyun before is Zi Ye's famous song!

Therefore, it is reasonable for Zi Ye to appear on this stage!However, his appearance was absolutely unexpected!

And it exceeded everyone's expectations!
The Great God Zi Ye, who has never shown his face, will actually participate in "I Am a Singer"?
No one expected this!

Just when everyone was thinking wildly, the lights on the stage dimmed, and the spotlight hit the passage door.The eyes of all the audience focused on the mysterious moon gate again, looking behind the gate full of expectation.

A figure slowly appeared.

He came walking, his body and spirit were a bit thin, but his face could not be seen clearly yet, but this appearance was very in line with the image of Zi Ye in people's minds.

A master of poetry like Zi Ye should have such a temperament.

"Purple Night!"

"Purple Night!"

"Purple Night!"

Although everyone couldn't see their faces clearly due to the lighting problem, the scene was already full of excitement!
Everyone was shouting Zi Ye's name!
However, when Zi Ye appeared in the center of the stage on the side of the lights, and everyone saw this face clearly, the sound of the entire recording scene stopped abruptly!

This Nima's Zi Ye?

Everyone is stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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