Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 679 Everyone is confused!

Chapter 679 Everyone is confused!

purple night.

Although he doesn't often appear in everyone's field of vision, and even has been quiet recently, almost everyone is familiar with this name.

Because his book is too popular!
"Eight Dragons"!
"The Great Tang Dynasty"!
Just these three books almost swept the literary world!

If Ye Feng's "Fortress Besieged" set the highest record for a single book in China, then Zi Ye's "The Prosperity of the Tang Dynasty" set the highest record for a single magazine in China!
However, Zi Ye, a fantastic literati, has never appeared in public, and there is not even a picture of him on the Internet, and no one knows his true identity.What everyone knows is only the pseudonym "Zi Ye".

But today, when everyone heard Shui Liuyun say his name, the scene erupted instantly!
Did Zi Ye see "I Am a Singer"?

Countless people are looking forward to it!
Countless people are watching!
Ziye is out!He has indeed come!Everyone can finally see the true face of this fantastic literati!What kind of person is he?
Everyone was excited, but when they saw his face clearly, they were all stunned.


Everyone was stunned!

All the cheers at the scene stopped abruptly!

The audience is dumbfounded!

The brokers in the background are confused!

Even Shui Liuyun, who had been staring at the stage, was stunned!

Zhao Meng also opened her eyes wide!
Even Feng Lei, the chief director of the program group, was stunned!Even the staff of these program groups have expressions of disbelief! ,

Who is this?
This is Zi Ye?

This is obviously Professor Ye Fengye!

Professor Ye!
Instant frying pan on the spot!
"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God!"

"What is Professor Ye doing here? Didn't you mean Zi Ye? Don't tell me that Zi Ye is Professor Ye?"

"Fuck! I don't believe it!"

"Impossible! It's definitely a mistake! Professor Ye is the chief planner, he must have something to say!"

"Yes, yes, the Great God Ziye hasn't appeared yet!"

"This can't be the Great God Ziye!"

Seeing this person standing on the stage, everyone couldn't accept it at all!
Zi Ye is Professor Ye?
Isn't this bullshit!


Absolutely impossible!

This is everyone's first reaction!

Just don't believe it!
I can't believe it either!

Because this is really unacceptable!

But just when everyone dared not accept this fact, Ye Feng spoke up.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zi Ye."

Ye Feng on the stage smiled and faced the audience, and said this sentence that everyone couldn't accept.

He is really Zi Ye!

He didn't come up to announce anything, he came on stage as Zi Ye!


The scene completely exploded!
"I wipe!"

"I'm mad!"

"Zi Ye is Professor Ye? Professor Ye is Zi Ye? Huh?"

"My God! This world is so fucking crazy!"

The backstage also exploded.

Zhao Meng's eyes widened, "Zi Ye is actually him?"

Shui Liuyun was even more shocked, his watery eyes were full of disbelief, "So it's Professor Ye..."

Brokers are even more crazy.

A male host shouted: "I have to be with Professor Ye, no, it's Zi Ye, I have to be in a group with Zi Ye!"

"Didn't you say you want to be in a group with Su Ning?"

"Su Ning? Su Ning is not as safe as Professor Ye!"

"Yes! Whoever eliminates Professor Ye will not be eliminated!"

"That's not the point! Zi Ye! Zi Ye is Professor Ye! My God! Isn't this news too shocking?" A hostess said incoherently: "You may have paid less attention to it before, when Zi Ye and Ye Zi were not the same. It is called the 'double walls of the poetry world', sweeping the entire poetry world! But who would have thought that these two people would be the same person? It's incredible!"

"Who said it wasn't."

"What I am most concerned about is that Professor Ye actually participated in the competition!"

Everyone was chattering, saying everything, but nothing less, they were almost shocked!
At this time, Ye Feng on the stage had already started singing.

He sang Su Ning's "Pipa Xing". This song was written and composed by him. It is almost the same as his own song, and he sang it perfectly.

However, there were hardly many people listening to the song seriously during the whole process, and everyone hadn't recovered from it yet. The main reason was that the impact was a bit too big!

After Zi Ye stepped down from the stage, everyone finally calmed down a little.

After Ye Feng's song ended, he had already stepped off the stage, but there was no applause at the scene, and no one applauded until Shui Liuyun came on stage again.It's not that Ye Feng sang badly, but that everyone has forgotten to applaud!
"I really didn't expect it."

Shui Liuyun expressed emotion, "I didn't expect that the famous Zi Ye would be Professor Ye. It's really unexpected." She was sincerely emotional.

"But think about it. Zi Ye can only be Professor Ye. How can there be two such characters in this world at the same time? In the whole of China, only Professor Ye has this kind of strength. This is reasonable. Unexpected."

What Shui Liuyun said is correct, and everyone thinks about it, it is indeed the case.

Zi Ye is Professor Ye, which is actually quite reasonable.

If Zi Ye wasn't Professor Ye, who else could it be?No one left!

It can only be Professor Ye.

But I think so, but what should be shocking still has to be shocking.

Fortunately, Shui Liuyun's next words diverted everyone's attention, she looked at the card in her hand and said, "Zi Ye's identity shocked us, but I think everyone must be very curious about the next singer. Because not only is he as mysterious as Zi Ye, but at the same time, he also has a very special status in the fan world!"

Speaking of this, Shui Liuyun paused for a moment, and the audience's expressions also changed. Has a very special status in the fan world?
Is it...

"Let's welcome the 'leader of the fandom'—Mr. Night Cat—with warm applause!"


It's him!

It's a night owl!
There was a burst of extremely warm applause at the scene!

Even the night owl is here!
Night owls belong to the fandom...huh?What the hell?

The audience was looking at the Moon Gate with great anticipation, but suddenly a familiar figure caught everyone's eyes.

This... Nima looks too familiar, doesn't it?
This figure, this pace, this temperament, even this clothes seem familiar!

Depend on!
Could this be familiar?Just watched it 3 minutes ago!Isn't this really Professor Ye?

Why did Professor Ye come up again?

isn't it?
Is it...

Everyone's eyes widened, including Shui Liuyun and Feng Lei.

"Hi everyone, I'm a night owl." Ye Feng said with a smile, he didn't even change his clothes.

The place was dead silent.

Only Ye Feng's words echoed in the air.

I am a night owl...

I am a night owl...

I... am your uncle!


No one even paid attention to the songs Ye Feng sang this time, each of them was like losing his soul!My mind has been completely messed up!

However, this is not over yet!
When the last singer appeared, that is, "Poison", the super master of the song and song world who took syphilis on the stage, the scene seemed to freeze even the air!

This is not a matter of shock anymore, this time everyone is like seeing a ghost!

It's Ye Feng again!

It's Professor Ye again!
Syphilis is also Professor Ye!
Oh my God!
I am Nima!


Either I'm crazy or the world is crazy!
When Ye Feng finally stood on the stage as a syphilis, everyone was completely dumbfounded!

Whether it's the audience, the show crew, the manager, Shui Liuyun, Zhao Meng or the others, everyone!Everyone was stunned!The only people on the scene who were still awake were Ning Ning and Fatty, and the rest of the people had short-circuited their brains!

Zi Ye is Ye Feng!
The night cat is Ye Feng!
Syphilis is Ye Feng!
This shit is all Ye Feng!
These three people are all famous Zeng Zai from all walks of life!

After a long time, is this all Professor Ye's "trumpet"?
We all know Professor Ye's cowhide, but the level of cowhide is too scary!
(End of this chapter)

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