Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 680 Fighting to snatch the National People's Congress!

Chapter 680 Fighting to snatch the National People's Congress!
The singing session is over.

The audience has already begun to organize the exit.

However, everyone's mood is still not parallel!

Many spectators were confused as they exited the stage!

"Zi Ye is Professor Ye?"

"The night cat is Professor Ye?"

"Syphilis is also Professor Ye? Huh?"

"I wipe! I feel like I'm going to die!"

"The four of them who co-authored Ye Zi were all trumpets run by Professor Ye back then?"

"Damn it, think back to when Ye Ziye and the two of them were still interacting in the circle, I wipe... I want to vomit blood."

"Who says it's not! Professor Ye deceived us so hard!"

"Too good at acting!"

"I'm really convinced!"


"No, my high blood pressure seems to have turned over."

Many spectators complained in a daze when they left the stage. This news is too explosive!
Everyone is a bit overwhelmed by the explosion!
I thought it would be a surprise that the "I Am a Singer" singer Shui Liuyun would come today!

Who would have thought that Zhao Meng would appear again later?This is Su Ning's sworn enemy!It is absolutely unimaginable that the two of them are on the same stage!
But everyone never expected that this is still a small scene!

The real "surprise" is yet to come!

Purple night!owl!syphilis!

The appearance of the three of them is the biggest surprise of this show!
wrong!This isn't a surprise anymore, it's a fright!

Countless viewers left the stage clutching their hearts, mainly because the show was too exciting.

And when the audience left the venue, the staff was also busy counting the votes.

The singers also returned to their rooms.

The recording is not over yet, and there will be a link in which the agent finds the singer to sign a contract and announces the ranking.

When the chief director Feng Lei announced that he could snatch people, several managers in the backstage rushed out screaming one by one.

"Don't squeeze me!"

"No one is good today! I have to mess with Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye? What Professor Ye? That's called Zi Ye! Ahh, Zi Ye!"

"Go to Professor Ye, don't rob Her Lady Queen with me!"

"Stop talking! It must be Professor Ye!"

"Don't push it! We are still recording, pay attention to the image!"

These hosts are not the biggest ones on Haicheng Satellite TV. They are basically young hosts who are familiar to the audience. This is also specially requested by Ye Feng. After all, those top hosts will definitely not let go, there is no such thing The atmosphere was lively.Now it seems that Ye Feng's decision is still very correct.

The role of these agents is to "make noise", the more noise the better, only when there is noise and interspersed in the show will there be something to watch.

While playing and joking, the managers went to the rest area of ​​the singers on the second floor.There were no names written on the doors of the rooms, they were all serial numbers, and no one knew which one was which. The fastest running male host opened a door at random, and when he saw the person inside, he had to close the door behind his back , not to let the people behind come in.

A hostess at the back hurried up, blocked the door, and probed inside: "Who is it?"

Another female agent glanced in and exclaimed in surprise, "It's Sister Ning!"

Hearing that it was Su Ning, the people behind pushed the door open together.


"It's really Miss Ning!"

"Sister Ning, Sister Ning!"

The crowd gathered around excitedly.

Looking at the chattering hosts, Su Ning didn't have the same indifference as before in variety shows, but instead had a smiling face, "Be careful, don't fall."

Su Ning's smile, like the warm sun in three winters, instantly melted everyone's hearts!

"Wow! Sister Ning smiled! I saw Sister Ning smiled!"

"No! I have to mess with Sister Ning! Let Professor Ye go back a bit! How dare he eliminate his wife?"

"If he eliminated himself, he wouldn't dare to eliminate me, Sister Ning!"

Each host held a contract in his hand, and immediately surrounded Ningning.

The male host who came in first stood beside Ning Ning and said with a smile: "Sister Ning, let me introduce myself first, you can call me Xiao Wu, I am a professional manager! Choose me, choose me Exactly!"

Ning Ning smiled, but didn't speak.

Everyone was so enthusiastic and casual, and her emotions were mobilized.

Another hostess ran behind Ning Ning, rubbed her shoulders, and said with a smile: "Sister Ning, don't believe him, he is lying to you, what is his profession, he is always making mistakes when hosting. Sister Ning, you choose me Well, I will definitely take care of you clearly!"

"No no, choose me choose me!"

"Sister Ning, I'm your die-hard fan!"

"I am the most professional!"

Everyone was screaming and wanting to sign a contract with Ningning.

The manager standing behind Ning Ning took a look and said anxiously: "Sister! Choose me, you are my own sister!"

Ning Ning giggled, "Why do you still recognize your relative? Okay, then I will choose you."

"Oh yeah!"

The hostess yelled excitedly, and the rest of them saw that Su Ning had finished the selection, and everyone was a little bit disappointed, but it was only a little bit lost.Almost instantly, these managers who were not selected rushed out again in a single step!
Didn't say a word!

It rushed out like a rocket!

In the blink of an eye, only Ningning and her manager were left in the room, and Ningning was dumbfounded by the speed, "This..."

The manager at the back scolded with a smile: "What are you talking about as your fans? They are all liars, hmph."

Hearing this, Ning Ning also smiled.

I know everyone is making a fuss.


On the other hand, everyone has learned to be smart this time, and will not enter the same room.Su Ning has an agent, but there are others!
Flowing clouds!
Professor Ye!
Zhao Meng!

Which of these three is not a super big coffee?
As long as it's not that fat man!
room one.

There was a burst of excited screams, "Ah! Sister Shui signed me! Signed me! Hahaha!"

room two.

A female manager danced excitedly, "Sister Meng is the best! Our combination must be invincible! Hahaha!"

This manager is quite lively, Zhao Meng was amused by her and kept laughing, the atmosphere was lively.

This scene was recorded by the camera in the other room.

Room five.

"Huh? Nobody?"

"Where's Professor Ye?"

"God Ziye?"

Room six.

"I go!"

"What about people?"

"Where did it go?"

Room seven.

"Hahaha! I made it! I'm developed!"

"I signed three contracts alone! Hahaha!"

A male host was laughing like crazy, he signed Ye Feng.

But obviously he was too happy too early, how could he be allowed to sign three contracts.

Soon Ye Feng found two more agents, two men and one woman.

They signed contracts with Zi Ye, Night Cat, and Syphilis respectively.

Among the seven singers, he is the most special one. He has to play three roles.But he doesn't know how to do doubles, he can only bring three agents in one room.

But to be honest, Ye Feng is special, but he is not the most special. If you want to say the most special, it is Mei Pu!
In room three.

Mei Pu's mentality collapsed.

"Brother, don't pull me, I think I can still save it."

"No! It's just you! I'm going to sign a contract with you!"

"No, brother, I don't think I'm good enough for you!"

"No, no, more than enough!"

"No, that, I haven't done this before, you'd better wait for other predestined people, okay?"

"No! Just you! I think you and I are destined!"

"No, I don't want it!"

Mei Pu dragged a male manager, and refused to let him go!

The male manager was about to cry, but it was useless!Fatty finally waited for a predestined person, and he will never let him go!

Fatty is also very hard-working. Just now, two managers came into his room, both of whom were women. They came here and chatted with each other with a smile. They didn't mention the signing at all, and turned around and left.At first, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but later he realized that this group of managers didn't like him!

I can't look down on it!

This Meipu is so angry!
Now another person is here, and the fat man will not let him go!
This male manager is also very desperate!I'm really afraid that anyone will come!

The last thing their managers want to sign is Mei Pu!
Because, in their view, Mei Pu is really too weak, right?
Putting singing skills aside, first of all, compared to others, he is the least famous!

Other people's water flows like clouds, that's the queen of the song!

Zhao Meng is a well-known and capable singer in the music world!

Needless to say, Su Ning is Professor Ye's daughter-in-law!
As for the three of them, Ziye Yemao Syphilis, let alone the three of them!That is Professor Ye himself!

Who planned this show?

That was planned by Professor Ye!

It doesn't matter if Meipu wants to be famous or not, it doesn't matter if he wants to be related, this guy is simply here to make up the numbers, right?
Such a singer, everyone definitely doesn't want to sign a contract with him!
Therefore, the fat man naturally became the most despised one.

Fortunately, in the end, they all signed the contract smoothly.


The recording of the program is being recorded in an orderly manner. Everything is proceeding according to the plan. The rest is the later editing and broadcasting.

Whether or not this show will be successful, all the verification needs to be judged by the audience!
(End of this chapter)

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