Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 681 Stop talking nonsense!

Chapter 681 Stop talking nonsense!

The day it airs.

Almost anything is available online.

"I heard that this episode of "Superstar" has a super luxurious guest lineup!"

"I've heard that too, it's said that they are all big names! Singer Wanming, film king Liu Qiming, and Shidi Wangchen are all big names!"

"I went to the site and it was so much fun!"

"I also went to the scene, it was super shocking! Let's put it this way, this episode of "Super Star" is basically the ratings champion!"

""Super Star" wants to win? Hehe, I went to the recording site of "Fun Ace", and this episode is also a surprise that you can't imagine!"

"I heard that this issue of "Infinite Possibilities" is also full of big names!"

"Ha, it's a fight between dragons and tigers tonight!"

"Yeah, today is a feast for the eyes! It's almost like inviting half of the entertainment industry!"

"Oh, by the way, how about "I Am a Singer"? Why haven't you heard about Professor Ye's program?"

"Yeah, I heard that it was recorded yesterday, why hasn't the news come out yet?"

"Wouldn't it be too disappointing?"

"Uh, that's not the case, is it? After all, it's Professor Ye!"

"Maybe, after all, this show has Su Ning, so it's normal to hit the street."

"Has anyone been to the scene of "I Am a Singer?"

"Yeah, someone said no?"

There is a lot of chatter on the Internet, and everyone can say that they are quite optimistic about programs such as "Superstar".After all, they really spent a lot of money this time. They invited all big names, and the response was good.

But the strange thing is that there is no news of "I Am a Singer" until now, which makes netizens have some bad premonitions.

Did it hit the street?

Otherwise, there will be no sons, say it online.

"I went to the scene of "I Am a Singer", but I don't want to say it."

Finally, a netizen spoke.

However, what he said made everyone even more confused.

What do you mean you don't want to say it?


"Don't want to say? What do you mean?"

"It's really not good-looking? Or something?"

"Tell me!"

"What mode is it?"

"What mode... can't tell..."

"I'm dizzy!"

"What do you mean you can't tell?"

"It's just that I can't tell clearly. You will know when you see it for yourself."

"Then you always know who is cleared?"

"Yeah, who did you invite?"

"I'll just say one, Shui Liuyun."


"Hahaha, bragging!"

"If Shui Liuyun can go, I will stand on my head and have diarrhea!"

"Shui Liuyun is the most serious singer in today's music scene. Will she participate in a new show?"

"Besides, when Shui Liuyun and Su Ning held a concert before, the conflict was quite serious!"

"Yes, she will go? What the hell!"

"Damn it! Don't say it's Shui Liuyun, there's Zhao Meng!"


"Zhao Meng?"


"You might as well say it's Shui Liuyun, who doesn't know the relationship between Zhao Meng and Su Ning?"

"That's right, is it possible for them to be on the same stage? Don't be ridiculous!"

"Besides, you said that Shui Liuyun has gone, Zhao Meng has also gone, plus Su Ning, these are almost the three most powerful female singers in the music world, right? Why are they three on the same stage?"

"That's right, it's impossible."

"Zi Ye also went, and Zi Ye is Professor Ye!"

"Zi Ye is Professor Ye?...Hahahaha! You laughed me to death!"

"Why don't you say that the night cat is also Professor Ye?"

"Is syphilis also Professor Ye? Hahaha! How funny!"

"Professor Ye is Ye Zi, Zi Ye is Zi Ye, don't brag if you don't understand!"

"Besides, Ziye is a bigwig in the literary world, so it's impossible to participate in some variety show when he has nothing to do!"

"I also went to the scene, and the song king Meng Fankuo went!"

"Yeah, I'm also at the scene, and I saw Qing'er from the girl group."

"I heard that Xu Feng, the prince of love songs, has also gone?"

"Hehe, you know why I don't want to say it? You idiots can't understand at all!"

"Okay, okay, don't brag, the more you talk, the more nonsense you are."

None of Haicheng Satellite TV, Ye Feng, and Shui Liuyun, these singers, have said anything about it. Sometimes keeping a sense of mystery is more exciting than making a lot of publicity.But the audience that came that day was more than 1000 people after all, and they didn't sign any confidentiality agreement.

However, the strange thing is that it is rare to see the audience talking about "I Am a Singer" on the Internet that day, and it seems that everyone has chosen to remain silent.

Because, there is really nothing he can say about this thing!
What do you say?
You said that the water flowed to the clouds?
You said Zhao Meng went?

Does anyone believe this?
Well, this may still be believed by a very small number of people.But, you said that Zi Ye is Professor Ye?You said the night owl is Professor Ye?You said syphilis is Professor Ye?

You said that all three of them have gone, and they are all Professor Ye's trumpet?
No one believes this thing at all!

Don't even think about it, absolutely no one will believe it!
Needless to say others, even those who were there at the time even doubted their own eyes!Not to mention Zi ah said these things on the Internet!
It would be strange not to be sprayed out!

Someone told some of the guests of the day, but no one believed it!

Because these words are too bizarre!It has exceeded people's imagination, and of course everyone will not believe it.

Even, when some viewers told the truth, some netizens smiled and made up together, saying that Meng Fankuo, the king of singers, Qinger of the girl group, Xu Feng, the prince of love songs, and more and more The characters were dragged in, and the water became more and more muddy.


"Superstar" program group.

"Director, I heard that "I Am a Singer" invites super big names!"

"Yeah, even Meng Fankuo, the king of singers, has been invited! He is the second king of singers!"

"Hehe, don't be ridiculous. I just called him. He is traveling in Hawaii. He didn't participate in "I Am a Singer" at all."

"Huh? Fake news?"


"What about Shui Liuyun and the others?"

"It must be fake."


"Fun Ace" program group.

"Director, I've confirmed that Qing'er and the girl group are in Bangguo together, and they didn't participate in the show at all."

"Ha, I knew that this kind of low-level way of building momentum is only used by Professor Ye who doesn't understand the entertainment industry."

"Then we can rest assured."

"Just wait and see, if you deceive the audience like this, they will cry when it is broadcast."


That night.

Countdown to broadcast.

Several domestic high-profile super variety shows will be broadcast simultaneously on this website!
It can be said that this is a war without gunpowder smoke!However, this war is full of bloody taste everywhere!

Everyone is full of confidence!

Each program has aspiring ones!
But who will win in the end?
No one said it was bad.

(End of this chapter)

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