Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 682 Audiences all over the country are stupefied!

Chapter 682 Audiences all over the country are stupefied!


Eight o'clock in the evening.

This is the broadcast time of the major variety shows in this issue, and it is also the premiere time of "I Am a Singer".


The whole family has long gathered in front of the TV.

"Brother-in-law, quickly switch to Haicheng Satellite TV, why are you watching Mango TV?"

Auntie complained.

"I have to see how "Superstar" is, or I don't know what to do."

It is said on the Internet that the special program of "Super Star" is very good, Ye Feng is also curious, after all, he is an opponent now, how can he know himself and the enemy.

However, the family disagreed, and my sister-in-law shouted: "Why watch their shows? Why don't you watch your own show? Hurry up, brother-in-law, it's about to start."

Ning Ning also said speechlessly: "Mr. Ye, you have watched it yourself, why don't you let us watch it?" This program was edited by Ye Feng and the others, Ye Feng must have watched it, but Ning Ning and the others have never watched it ah.Even though Ning Ning is a guest, even singers like Ning Ning and the others don't know what the whole show is like.

Leng Mei also said: "Brother-in-law, there is still one minute."

"All right, all right, let's see."

Ye Feng was so worn out that he couldn't help it, so he threw the remote control to his sister-in-law.He put his arms around his daughter, "Girl, let's check our phone."

"No, I want to see Ma Ma, hee hee."

The little guy shrank and got into Su Ning's arms, not wanting to play with Ye Feng at all.

"Come on, I'll see for myself."

Ye Feng lay down on Ning Ning's lap, turned on his mobile phone, found the Mango Table on the mobile phone, and began to look.

"Wear it with headphones."

Ning Ning spoke.

"All right, really."

Ye Feng curled his lips, the little guy had already brought the earphones to his father.

A little past eight.

All major programs are on the air.

Ye Feng, who was lying on the sofa, watched "Super Star" and began to complain, "Huh? This is optimized at the beginning? It looks pleasing to the eye, but the sound quality is still not good!"

"Oh, this is not that who is here? Invited him? This big guy is really a bit big. However, the content of this show is still so mentally handicapped as always!"

"The guest looks familiar, but there is no content!"

"Is this a children's movie for my daughter?"

"What does this thing mean?"

"This is the show that blows up on the Internet? Huh? Is there any way to compare it with my "I Am a Singer"?"

"Comparing with them is the greatest shame in my life!"

In the whole living room, Ye Feng was alone talking to himself. This guy was completely caught up in the plot with his earphones on. Originally, he was a little bit looking forward to this special program. After all, he was also bored and had to have fun.But after watching it for a while, Ye couldn't help but start complaining.There was not a single good word out of his mouth, and he basically sprayed people all over the body.In fact, it’s not Ye Feng’s fault. Originally, he had no regard for variety shows in this world. Now that he has participated in the production of "I Am a Singer", he is considered a semi-professional. When watching these variety shows, You can see their problems even more, and your words are much sharper than before.

At this time, my sister-in-law's exclamation came from the side.

"Shui Liuyun!"

The sister-in-law was quite surprised: "Sister, are the waters and clouds here?"

Ningning glanced at her, "Don't you know?"

After a while.

The little baby blinked his big eyes and nestled in Ning Ning's arms, raised his head and said, "Ma Ma, isn't that my cousin?"

The sister-in-law was even more surprised, "I'll go! Cousin Zhao Meng? Why did she go too? Sister...?"

Ningning glanced at her and ignored her.This younger sister is simply too lively, she doesn't have the consciousness of a girl, look at her cold girl, she is not surprised by anything, it would be nice to be a beautiful girl quietly.


Water Cloud Brokerage Company.

"Sister Shui did a great job!"

"Can you still be a host? Isn't this the highest appearance rate?"

"Professor Ye is really good! You actually left this kind of thing to Sister Shui?"

"Sister Shui seems to be right to participate in this show!"

"It depends on the ratings!"

"Huh? Zhao Meng went too?"

"This fat man has never heard of it."

"Su Ning is out!"

"Su Ning is a strong enemy!"

"Yes, as long as you beat Su Ning!"

"Who? Zi Ye? Zi Ye is not the one... I'm sorry! Your uncle! Who is this mother? Ah? Zi Ye? Is this Zi Ye?"

"Isn't this shit Professor Ye? Huh? Why Zi Ye?"

"The night cat... is also Professor Ye?"

"My mother! Syphilis too!"

"Pfft! I'm dead."

"There are so many powerful enemies!"


The "Super Star" program team was also dumbfounded.

"Shui Liuyun? Zhao Meng? Huh? This is so impossible!"

"How could they invite Shui Liuyun?"

"How could Zhao Meng go?"

"I, I wipe!"

"Your uncle!"

"What the hell did I see?"

"Professor Ye? Huh?"

"Zi Ye? Night cat? Syphilis?"

"Quan Te is Professor Ye?"

"Professor Ye holds three posts by himself?"

"I can't, I'm slowly... I'm a little dizzy."


at the same time.

The Internet also exploded at the same time in an instant.

"I wipe!"

"Go watch "I Am a Singer"!"

"The first one to appear is Shui Liuyun, the queen of the song!"

"Oh my god! There is no professional host? Shuiliuyun is a guest host?"

"My God! Su Ning's nemesis, Zhao Meng, has gone!"

"Shui Liuyun Zhao Meng is really here!"

"I'll wipe! I'll wipe! I'll wipe! Who is that? God Ziye?"

"Zi... Damn! Professor Ye?"

"My mother! Zi Ye's real body is actually Professor Ye?"

"Oh my god! This world is going crazy!"

"Yezi! Zi Ye! Night cat! Syphilis! Is he Professor Ye?"

"Professor Ye said before that he would never participate in "I Am a Singer". What the hell is that?"

"He didn't participate, it was Ziye Yecat Syphilis who participated!"

"What does the matter of the Great God Ziye have to do with me, Professor Ye?"

"Cowhide! What a cowhide! This wave of operations made me kneel!"

"That buddy who said it was reasonable before, please broadcast it live!"

"The lineup of "I Am a Singer" really blinded my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!"

"Zi Ye and their identities are really amazing!"

"Who is that fat man?"

"I don't know, anyway, these seven people are only unfamiliar with that fat man, and the other six are figures at the level of gods!"

"Shui Liuyun is enough to shock people! I didn't expect that there would be Su Ning's deadly enemy in the back, but what I didn't expect was that there would be such a bomb-level bombshell in the back!"

"This show is so fucking fake! Let's not talk about the guest lineup, just talk about the sound effects, I will believe you when you say it's a concert!"

"The singing is so fucking good!"

"The fat man sang "My Sky" which made my blood boil!"

"Hahaha, the managers are too funny!"

"Interesting! This show is interesting!"

"I have a hunch that "I Am a Singer" will definitely become a god!"

"That's not necessarily the case. The special program of "Super Star" is also very exciting! Besides, they still have an audience base. It's hard to say who has the highest ratings, right?"

"Don't be funny, it's not good to be wonderful, who can just get the big exposure of Professor Ye?"

"That's right! Just wait, the headlines of tomorrow's news will definitely be about Zi Ye and the others' identities!"

"Besides, in terms of program quality, "I Am a Singer" is invincible. This program is so good! I have never seen such a variety show!"

"Yeah, it turns out that variety shows can still be run like this! This is a veritable new program format!"

"It's hard to say that "I Am a Singer" will really break the traditional model of today's variety show industry!"

"Look! The ranking is announced!"

"Hurry up!"

"I'm in such a hurry!"

"Shui Liuyun should be number one, right?"

"Not necessarily, Su Ning may be number one!"

"Zhao Meng is not bad either!"

"Where's Professor Ye?"

"Actually, didn't you find out? The songs everyone sang in this episode were all written and composed by Professor Ye."

"I'll go! Really!"

"It's cowhide!"


Not only was the audience looking forward to the ranking of the first issue, but even participating singers like Shui Liuyun and Zhao Meng were staring at the TV closely.To be honest, they are all famous singers for a long time, and they have never participated in this kind of ranking competition. If they are ranked last, wouldn't it be a joke?

To be honest, many people's hearts are pounding nervously right now.

Finally, under the eyes of everyone, at the end of the program, the ranking of this issue was announced:

First: water flow cloud.

Second: Su Ning.

Third: Zhao Meng.

Fourth: plum spectrum.

Fifth: Purple Night.

Sixth: Night cat.

Seventh: Syphilis.

There is only a ranking, but no votes. This is a suspense intentionally left by the program team. The final number of votes will be announced in the next knockout round.

(End of this chapter)

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