Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 683 He is really invincible!

Chapter 683 He is really invincible!

Last night, the internet exploded.

It can be said that last night was a carnival that had never been seen in the entire history of variety shows!

The special program of "Super Star" gathers big names!
The content of "Fun Ace" is refurbished, full of laughter!
The story of "Baiwei Life" is fascinating!

Of course, if you want to say the most ignited and explosive, it must be "I Am a Singer"!

The premiere of "I Am a Singer" last night really caught the attention of too many people!

There are so many surprises in this show!

The queen of the song Shui Liuyun joins!

Su Ning and Zhao Meng are openly rivals in the entertainment industry!
Even the identities of Zi Ye, Ye Mao, and Syphilis were revealed as if they were nuclear bombs!

This episode of the program can be said to be full of climaxes!When the audience has not reacted, the next point has already appeared!It can be said that throughout the whole show, the audience's nerves of excitement and astonishment have never been sent down!No pee in the whole process!Even, you may miss a wonderful picture in the blink of an eye!

There were too many carnival shows last night, almost all the power of variety shows accumulated during this period of time exploded last night!Not only is it dazzling, but it is also a gluttonous feast!
This enthusiasm even lasted until the next morning.

Get up early in the morning.

On the road, in the subway, on the bus, at breakfast spots, etc., there are still hot discussions about last night's variety show event.

"Did you watch TV last night?"

"Look at it."

"Which one are you looking at?"

"Watching a TV show!"


"What TV show are you watching?"

"You've lost a lot!"


"You don't know about the variety show last night! Forget it, I won't tell you, Brother Wang, did you watch the variety show?"

"I watched it, I glanced at those variety shows, but the last one I watched was "I Am a Singer"."

"These guests are really shocking!"

"The format of this show is also interesting. I have never seen a variety show with this kind of singing style."

"Yes, I didn't expect that singing could be made into a variety show. It's also very interesting, especially the part where the manager snatches people, it's so interesting."

"The most shocking thing is that Zi Ye and the others are three, who would have thought of that!"


"Last night's "Superstar" was also pretty good."

"It's pretty, but Professor Ye's three new identities have been exposed, who can stand it?"


At the same time, the morning newspaper was also crackling.

First, those newspapers in the entertainment section.

"Variety Shows, Many Variety Shows Blooming! "

"Super Star invites singer, actor, and star to join us!" "

"Fun Ace Shocking Effects! "

"I Am a Singer Blockbuster! "

"I am a singer caused a sensation! "

"I am the singer's eye-popping guest!" "

"I Am a Singer" show has a shocking reveal! "

"Defying equipment, defying lineup, defying mode - I am a singer, defying existence! "

"Zi Ye, Night Cat, and Syphilis Are the Same Person? "

"Unexpectedly, Zhao Meng and Su Ning are on the same stage! "

"Queen of the Song Shui Liuyun guest star host! "

"A hundred flowers contend for beauty, whose family will win?" "


The major entertainment newspapers, almost all of the headlines on the front pages were last night's major variety shows, and even the cheating of an actor was suppressed.It can be said that these variety shows stole the limelight!It can be said that it has affected half of the entertainment industry!After all, there were too many celebrities who appeared on the variety show last night!
It can also be seen from the reports that almost any program is reported. Although "I Am a Singer" may receive more attention, other programs are not too bad.After all, it is an entertainment newspaper, so you can spend some money.

However, in the mainstream reports, it was all about "I Am a Singer"!
Correct! That's right!

It's mainstream media!

They reported on "I Am a Singer"!

Front page of People's Daily: "What is the identity of Professor Ye Feng?" "

Xinhua Morning Post front page: "Professor Ye You Don't Know! "

Haicheng Morning Post: "Yesterday in the I Am a Singer program, Professor Ye Feng announced his hidden identity! "

Jiangnan Daily: "Zi Ye, who once caused a sensation in the literary world, is he so? "

"Professor Ye who can never see through! "

"Understood, Unexpected! "

Although the major newspaper reports focused on the exposure of Ye Feng's identity, the program "I Am a Singer" was mentioned without exception in the articles!
This has never happened before in the variety show industry!

Moreover, to be honest, the people who saw these news were not the audience or the entertainment circle, but the literary circle!Or to be more precise, it is the poetry world!

Zi Ye is Ye Feng?

When the poetry circle saw the news, they completely collapsed!

Think about all the stupid things you did before!

And let Zi Ye and Ye Zi compare poems?

Bigger than you!
Originally, they thought that at least someone in the poetry world could compete with Professor Ye. After all, Zi Ye's "The Great Tang Dynasty" is definitely not for nothing!But in the end, did you say that Zi Ye and Ye Feng are the same person?

you sir!

There is no such thing as a joke!

On this day, I don't know how many big names in the poetry world collapsed!

Of course, these are minor issues.After all, no one in the poetry world dared to jump out and criticize Ye Feng.


Haicheng TV Station, the office area of ​​the "I Am a Singer" program group.

Early this morning, everyone came to work, including Ye Feng.

An assistant director in the office bought all the newspapers that reported on "I Am a Singer", stacking up two stacks!
Moreover, not only were the media frenziedly reporting, their show last night even turned the major music charts upside down!

The latest music charts in the music circle.

First, Shui Liuyun's "The Enemy".

Second, Su Ning's "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

The third is Zhao Meng's "Only Love You".

Fourth, Zi Ye's "Pipa Xing".


There are many songs that were sung in "I Am a Singer" last night in the top ten list. Although these songs are not new songs, they are all covers, but it is precisely because of this that everyone feels fresh!
Zi Ye's "Old Enemy" sung by Shui Liuyun?
"For Love You" sung by Zhao Meng?
This was something I couldn't have imagined before!
How could singers like them cover other people's works?

But on the stage of "I Am a Singer", it appeared alive!

Moreover, the songs they cover have a special flavor!It can even be said that it is no worse than the original singing!
It's like Shui Liuyun's cover of "The Enemy", which feels more subdued and more melancholy than Zi Ye's, making it even more sad.

Even just relying on these old brothers, they have surpassed the new song released last week by a singer and a song queen!
This is "I am a singer"!
An assistant director exclaimed excitedly: "We are on fire!"

A female assistant also looked excited, "Who else is there this time? No one can do it!"

The chief director, Feng Lei, was relatively calm, "Don't be too happy, it still depends on the ratings."

A director of Haicheng Satellite TV laughed and said: "You don't need to watch us. We are also popular. We are a new show. Even if the ratings are not as good as theirs, no one will say anything. How long have they been? The ratings must be high! But we It's different, we don't have an audience base, and it's a miracle to be able to do what we are doing now!" The director pointed to the newspaper next to him and said excitedly: "Look at these reports, which program has more space than ours? It’s all on the People’s Daily! Which of their programs has this kind of treatment?”

Someone laughed and said, "Yes! We don't have to be number one in ratings, we've already won!"

"Professor Ye is simply invincible!"

"Yeah, I was worried before, but now it seems that worrying is unfounded!"

Feng Lei also smiled and said: "Okay, since everyone is full of confidence, I won't say much, the top three!" Director Feng stretched out three fingers and gestured: "We only need to enter the top three, and at noon I invite everyone Celebration banquet!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Long live!"

"That must be fine!"

Everyone in the office cheered.

Ye Feng also nodded, teasingly said: "Then I must eat your meal."

"Professor Ye, what do you think of our ratings? Can you give us a prediction?" the director said with a smile.

Feng Lei also said: "That's right, Professor Ye, you can give me a prediction, I'm pretty sure."

"Yeah, Professor Ye will give you a prediction."


Ye Feng rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "I can't predict that well."

"Oh, Professor Ye, don't be modest."

Feng Lei smiled and said, "Predict, predict."

"You really want me to predict?"

Ye Feng asked tentatively.

"Well, we believe whatever you say."

Ye Feng didn't speak, he just stretched out three fingers.

"Three? Third?"

Feng Lei smiled and said, "That's about the same as what I predicted."

"The third is enough!"

"That's right, we're in the first round, so we're going to be third directly, so when it's the third round, aren't we going to be first directly?"

"Hahaha! Great!"

Professor Ye expressed his opinion, and everyone was very happy.

However, Ye Feng just smiled and didn't say much.

He already analyzed the ratings last night, third?Ye Feng didn't mean that!

"Superstar" program group.

"Have the ratings come out?"

"No, soon."

"Definitely number one!"

"But I think "I Am a Singer" has a good reputation. I don't know how they are."

"Come on, how many ratings can a new show get when it premieres? It's their bullshit!"

"That is, how good can a singing show be?"

"Although their shows have a lot of hits, it's nothing to be afraid of. We also have a lot of them."

"Yes, don't worry."

"We will always be number one in variety shows!"

"Yes! We have never lost!"

Indeed, since the program "Superstar" was aired, its ratings have been very stable, and even once achieved a proud record of 2.5.They are indeed the well-deserved number one variety show!And they really never lost!
However, you must know that the professor surnamed Ye has never lost!He is always number one!


"The first place to clean up is definitely "Superstar"."

"Not necessarily, I think "Ace of Fun" has a chance this time."

""Fun Playing Cards""? Wannian's second child is probably a lot of work. Although their show was quite exciting last night, to be honest, the scale is still much smaller than "Superstar"."

"If there is no accident, the first one is either "Superstar" or "Fun Ace"."

"Well, I think so too."

"No, don't you think "I Am a Singer" also has a chance?"

""I'm a Singer"? Although it's true that I watched this show last night, to be honest, it's a new show! It's a bit unrealistic to win directly in the first episode."

"Well, to be honest, "I Am a Singer" is pretty good, but last night's "Super Star" was also good. It's basically impossible for them to beat the old variety show No. [-] brother."

"I think so too."

"If "I Am a Singer" is really No. [-], it can only show that Professor Ye is no longer a human being."

"Hahaha, makes sense!"

Finally, at exactly nine o'clock in the morning, the ratings of the major programs were released.

However, this result has left countless people in the industry and the audience dumbfounded, and it can even be said to be terrified!Looking at these data, I don't know how many people suddenly felt a chill hit their foreheads, making people shudder!

This is absolutely impossible!

How is this possible?
This is so unscientific!

The audience and netizens were dumbfounded!
The entertainment star was dumbfounded!

People in the industry are terrified!

This result is hard for everyone to accept!
National Variety Show Ratings Ranking:
First, "I Am a Singer", 3.03%.

Second, "Superstar", 0.96%.

Third, "Fun Ace", 0.91%.

This result made the entire variety show industry go crazy!

The first is "I Am a Singer"?ah?good!This result can be accepted with gritted teeth!After all, it was planned by Hua Xiaren, Professor Ye!Professor Ye is awesome!
But, the ratings of the first episode of your fucking show directly broke 3?
What kind of operation is this Nima?
3.03% what the hell is he?

Moreover, the ratings of "Superstar" actually fell below 1?

"Fun Ace" also fell below 1?

How can this be?

The lowest in the history of these two programs has never fallen below 1!
Isn't it good to say?

Didn't it mean that these two programs are full of interesting and big names?

But why are the ratings so bleak?

Countless variety artists really felt a chill in their hearts at this moment!Professor Ye doesn't understand variety shows!What kind of old variety show has an audience background!What kind of singer doesn't care about singing!

Quan Nima is bragging!

Didn't see Nima!

The ratings are more than three times higher than theirs!

What's this called "ignorance"?
How can this be called a variety show?

Is this Professor Ye?
Is this the ruthless man who used to cross borders constantly?
Now he is here!
He came with the program "I Am a Singer"!

With an invincible attitude, he abruptly broke into the variety show world!
Perhaps, before this, many variety show people would doubt, is Professor Ye really invincible in all industries?Maybe he can't do it in the variety show industry?
But, it turns out!
He is invincible!

Today, the fact that the variety show world is dripping with blood has once again told the world that Professor Ye is truly invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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