Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 684: Fight Again!

Chapter 684: Fight Again!

"I Am a Singer" program group.

The office is already boiling and can't boil anymore!

Even the main leaders of Haicheng Satellite TV hurried over to celebrate. At this time, the eyes of the people in the whole office looked at Ye Feng differently!It was a look of worship mixed with admiration!
Now they understood the meaning of the three fingers that Ye Feng stretched out at that time!

Emotional people are not talking about the third!
People said that the ratings broke three!
Break three!

Unparalleled achievement in the entire history of variety shows!

But they just broke the record with just one premiere!
What a godlike figure!Now they understand Ye Feng's position in the world of mathematics, literature, and history!

This is so god!
This can only be described as a miracle!
An assistant director screamed excitedly, "Damn it! 3.3! 3.3! It's too strong!"

A female assistant was so excited that she was about to cry, "It's unbelievable! We are number one!"

"Not only the first! We broke the historical record!"

"The ratings of this variety show have never broken three!"

"We are still in the first period! The first period is so fierce! I can't even imagine what will happen after that!"

"Professor Ye! Awesome!"

Chief director Feng Lei looked at Ye Feng in amazement, and clapped his hands unconsciously.

Afterwards, everyone at the scene clapped their hands together. Gradually, the applause in the entire office became louder and louder, and finally spread to other floors.

In the offices of other program teams of Haicheng Satellite TV, many people wondered, "What's going on? What's the sound?"


"Where is the meeting?"

"I do not know!"

"You haven't heard of this yet?"


"Damn it! Our TV station's "I Am a Singer" broke the first three!"

"Broken three? What three?"

"The ratings are three!"

"The ratings...what? The ratings have broken three? A new variety show?"

"I'm going to fuck him! Isn't it too cruel?"

"Oh my God!"

"Is Professor Ye still human?"

"What about 'Superstar'?"

"It's ranked second, but the ratings have been slammed, and it hasn't reached one yet!"

"It's amazing! This time it's awesome! Our TV station has hammered Mango Channel? The number one variety show brother!"

"That's right, variety show brother!"

In less than 10 minutes, the great news spread throughout Haicheng TV Station, and even the leader of Haicheng Satellite TV specially sent a text message on the intranet, announcing the good news specially!It can be said that the entire TV station has fallen into a carnival!
Of course, the craziest one is the "I Am a Singer" program group!Think about what everyone guessed before, saying that the third is enough, other programs have an audience base, we have to catch up slowly, now that the ratings are out, I can go to your uncle!Nothing works!What third?What basis?What is chasing slowly?To hell with everything!We are super gods from the beginning!
At this time, Ye Feng was already calling to announce the good news.

Call your own wife first.

"Oh, daughter-in-law."

"How about it?"

"Ha, it's out, 3.03, number one!"

"Oh, number one is good."

"Huh? Why aren't you surprised? We are the first! We are three times higher than the second!"

"What's so surprising about this? I expected it a long time ago. I'm not surprised even if you are ten times more than the second."


"Okay, I won't go back to eat at noon, Taili is celebrating."

"Yeah, drink less wine."

"Okay, bye my wife, mua~"

"Goodbye, mua~"

After Ningning hung up the phone, Li Xiang, who was narrating, quickly asked, "Ye Feng? Did the ratings come out?"


"How many?"

"3.03, the first, is three times the second."

Ning Ning's cloud is calm and the wind is light, and it is reasonable to say that this achievement is normal for Mr. Ye.

However, what Li wanted to hear was stunned!


Premiere No. [-]?

Is three times the second?
Li Xiang couldn't help but gasp!This is too exaggerated!

On the other side, Ye Feng called Fatty again.


"The person you dialed is temporarily busy..."


Ye Feng was stunned, what is this fat man doing?It's not like you haven't woken up yet, right?

Can't get through the phone?
Ye Feng hit both sides again, but the goods were still not accepted.Forget it, if he didn't answer, Ye Feng called Zhao Meng again.

The phone was connected, but Ye Feng didn't know how to address her, cousin?That must not work!Ye Feng didn't want to call her cousin!But directly by name?Not good either!

"Hmm... what, the ratings are out, let me tell you." Ye Feng said vaguely.

However, a male voice came from the opposite side, "I have already told her."

"Huh? Lin Yi?" Ye Feng was taken aback.

"Well, nothing else?"

"No. No, you are now...?" Ye Feng was a little curious.

"Then leave it alone."


Lin hung up the phone, but Ye Feng still looked at the phone in a daze for a few moments. In the early morning, he called Zhao Meng, but Lin Yi answered it. This...

Forget it, don't care about his shit.

He called Shui Liuyun again.

"Miss Shui, the ratings are out."

"Yeah, I've seen it, and it's spread all over the circle."

"Huh? So fast? I called you right away!"

"Hehe, thank you, Professor Ye!"

"Haha, you're welcome, prepare well for the second round, my Ning Ning can overtake at any time!"

"OK! The show is so popular, I must stay two more episodes, I haven't done enough hosts yet."

"I Am a Singer" can be said to be an instant hit, but it is super invincible!Maybe everyone didn't care about this show at all before, even Shui Liuyun and the others must have felt uneasy in their hearts, but now, there is nothing!Now all the stars in the entire entertainment circle are trying to squeeze in!Shui Liuyun and the others were already there in Zhexi, and they will definitely try their best to keep their place!

The entertainment park is indeed a frying pan.

Wan Ming looked confused: "What the hell? Broken three? "I Am a Singer" became so popular? Impossible!"

Liu Yushi was dumbfounded, "Isn't Su Ning unsuitable for variety shows? Will the ratings of our show be so high?"

"This is really unscientific!"

"It's simply unbelievable!"

Many celebrities were stunned, puzzled, completely unable to understand how this show became popular.However, more stars, they don't even want to know how the show became popular.They only know that the hottest show right now is "I Am a Singer"!

All of a sudden, countless celebrities and agencies started to move, especially the singers, who used all their abilities one by one to participate in "I Am a Singer".


And in the circle, it was even more violent!

"I didn't expect that!"

"Is this an upset?"

"What a disparity! Three times! This is simply incomparable!"

"This is the strongest premiere in history, right? No! It's not just the first broadcast record, it can be said to be the record in the entire history of variety shows! This is an epic show! It will definitely be written into the history of variety shows!"

"Actually, this episode of "Super Star" special program is really good. I think it's much better than before. It's a pity. Who would have thought that "I Am a Singer" would be so fierce!"

"Yeah, "Fun Ace" is also the same, no one can think of it!"

"Since Shengyu, He Shengliang!"

"Being crushed, no one can do anything."

"But speaking of it, there are actually many reasons for the popularity of "I Am a Singer". Their variety show format is indeed interesting and novel. In addition, Shui Liuyun, Zhao Meng, and Su Ning are all talented singers, and they have many fans. Of course, With Professor Ye, the news is simply explosive! How many ratings will he get if a new newspaper breaks out?"

"Yes, "I Am a Singer" is also really good."

Netizens are amazed!

Hot discussion continues!

The popularity of Shuiliuyun is rising again!
Zhao Meng's popularity rises again!

Su Ning's popularity rose again!

The popularity of these three powerful female singers in the entertainment circle is almost visible to the naked eye!Moreover, this is not only the popularity of variety shows, but also the enthusiasm of singing!

This is one of the horrors of "I Am a Singer", it is not just a variety show, it is also a singing stage!

The popularity of "I Am a Singer" has made the traffic of these singers soar!

at the same time.

Variety show industry.

But Yaque was silent.

how come?
How can it be?

Is something wrong?

Are the celebrity circle statistics wrong?


Or premiere?

Are you kidding me?
All the high-spirited programs before are now like eggplants beaten by frost.

They lost so badly!
It's so miserable!

For example, "Superstar" has always been the number one variety show, but this time not only fell to the second place, but the ratings even fell below one!

This is unacceptable to them!
If this is the case in the future, then they are really finished!

There is no longer a day to turn around!

not like this!

It must not be like this!

cheer up!

cheer up!

"Yesterday's "I Am a Singer" became popular mainly because of Shui Liuyun, because of Zhao Meng, and because of the exposure of Professor Ye's identity. The accumulation of these big news is really eye-catching. His ratings can break three, It’s just that all these hot spots are gathered together. But in the next issue, do they still have so many hot spots? No more! If they don’t have hot spots, will they still have ratings? No! Even if they do, but It will definitely not be such an exaggeration! Everyone is discouraged, but we still have a chance! We still have hope!"

This is a private letter sent by the chief director of "Super Star" to colleagues in the industry, calling on everyone to cheer up and fight against the enemy together!
These words of his still made everyone recover a little bit of fighting spirit.

They haven't lost yet!
The ratings of "I Am a Singer" exploded last night, there is a reason for that!
Waiting for the next issue, it is absolutely impossible for them to achieve this result again!They will absolutely fall!Definitely a high drive low go situation!
The entire variety show world once again raised its spirits, preparing to fight Ye Feng again in the next episode of the show!

(End of this chapter)

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