Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 685 Issue 2 airs!

Chapter 685 The second episode is broadcast!
the second week.

Seeing that the new issue of "I Am a Singer" is about to be broadcast.

This whole week, the hottest topic on the Internet is about "I Am a Singer".

"What day is it today? How many days are there left to air?"

"It's Friday, today should be the time to record."

"I'm so nervous, I don't know who will be eliminated today?"

"Looking at the ranking in the last issue, it seems that syphilis is at the bottom of the ranking, right?"

"Syphilis? Will Professor Ye be eliminated? Don't be ridiculous."

"That's right. Last time, Professor Ye's three identities were ranked last. It wasn't because he was not good enough, but because everyone was so shocked that they forgot to vote."

"Well, I also heard from friends who have been to the scene. It is said that everyone was so confused at the time. Let alone vote, they even forgot to applaud. Everyone has counted in their hearts in this issue. I guess the number of votes will definitely come up."

"Besides, this show was planned by Professor Ye. He was the first one to be eliminated? Isn't Professor Ye not good-looking?"

"That's right, who will be eliminated?"

"I hope it's that fat man!"

"Haha, I hope it's him too. After all, who else can be eliminated besides him? Shui Liuyun is the queen of the song, how could he be eliminated? Zhao Meng is Su Ning's strong opponent. If he is eliminated like this, it is absolutely It's a shady scene! Not to mention Su Ning and Professor Ye, they can't be more stable if they are stable. It seems that there is only that fat man with no background."

"What kind of fat man? He's called Mei Pu! Besides, I really like him, and his previous songs are also very popular."

"Oh, that's hard to say."

"By the way, what do you guys think about the ratings of this episode? Can "I Am a Singer" still stand out?"

"It's hard to say, the popularity of the last issue of "I Am a Singer" seems to be a bit of a coincidence. After all, there are so many hot spots, it is impossible not to be popular."

"Looking at "Super Star" this time, they can catch up. If they can't catch up, then it's really hopeless."

There are constant topics on the Internet.

the other side.

Record the scene.

The singers and staff had already arrived in the morning, but Ye Feng, who is the chief planner, person in charge, and participating singer, was having a meeting with chief director Feng Lei and the others.

"Professor Ye, most of the music circles are contacting us now, let's choose someone randomly."

Feng Lei's eyebrows were flying, and he was full of energy when he spoke. He had never been so proud before.

Most of the singers in the music world are asking for connections and looking for people, and they hope to be able to be on the first issue of "I Am a Singer". His mobile phone is going to be blown up every day, and there are countless people begging him.

Feng Lei said: "According to your request, we must choose the capable ones. I have a few good ones now. Can you take a look?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "In the music circle?"

"Yeah." Feng Lei nodded, "Definitely a professional singer!"

Ye Feng asked: "How many ranks are on the leaderboard?"

Feng Lei said proudly: "They are all in the middle and upper reaches of the first line! None of the lower ones in the first line!"

Really, I didn't even dare to think about this before, just pick it from the first-line singers!

However, Ye Feng babbled and said, "The middle and upper reaches of the first line? No way! No!"

"Ah?" Feng Lei was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his hands in a bit of embarrassment, and tentatively said: "Then... the top nine people may also be invited."

When Ye Feng heard it, he stared straight away, "Top nine? That's even worse!"


Feng Lei was dumbfounded, what does Professor Ye mean by this?
Ye Feng shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll find someone."

Feng Lei has a good heart, for the sake of the show.But the problem is, he doesn't understand Ye Feng!

Ye Feng wants to make "I Am a Singer" more and more popular, but his fundamental purpose is not to do variety shows at all!He wanted to praise Hong Ningning!If you hire some mid-to-upstream people, if they become popular, won't this cause trouble for Ningning?Not to mention inviting those singer kings and queens, this is simply "enemy"!Now that there is a water flow cloud is enough to make Ye Feng regret, and invite the king of songs and the queen of songs?Unless Ye Feng doesn't want a second child!

But if these stars can't be found, who can they find?

Ye Feng thought about it, and finally remembered a person.

He took out his phone and called.

"Hello? Professor Wei? I'm Ye Feng."

After 10 minutes, Ye Feng smiled and put down the phone, "It's done."

Feng Lei looked confused, "Professor Wei? Who is it?"

Ye Feng smiled and said a name.

"What? It's him?"

After Feng Lei heard this, his scalp felt numb!


next night.

The second episode is on.

Martial arts audiences all over the country stood in front of the TV, some watched "I Am a Singer", and some watched other programs.As for which program has the most viewers, no one knows, this thing can only wait for the ratings.

in front of the TV.

"here we go!"

"The stage order has been drawn."

"Shui Liuyun is really good at hosting. Not only is it eye-catching, but the voice is also nice."

"Su Ning also doesn't have the cold feeling before. It turns out that Her Majesty the Queen can also laugh, which is very good."

"Yeah, what happened to the performance of those variety shows?"

"Nonsense! Don't you understand? Professor Ye is next to him, and he shows affection and can still keep a cold face? Seeing that Su Ning is at home, she is spoiled by Professor Ye!"

"With Professor Ye pressing the field, Her Majesty the Queen can let go."


"Hahaha, Su Ning's manager's hands are too stinky, so draw number one!"

"Sister Shui's number is not very good either, number three?"

"I'll go, this fat man is righteous, did I give up number five to Su Ning?"

"Huh? Professor Ye Ziye's No. [-] is given to that fat man? It's ok!"


"This show is really human."

purple night.

Zhao Meng.

water flow cloud.


Su Ning.

One after another, everyone came to the stage to sing.

The audience also watched with relish.

"Professor Ye's singing is delicious."

"Zhao Meng didn't choose this song well today!"

"Yeah, this song is not suitable for the scene, it's a bit depressing."

"Sister Shui is worthy of being the queen of the song, she is still stable!"

"Wow, it's Professor Ye again! Eh? Is this an ancient song?"

"Tsk, Professor Ye is too suitable for Gu Feng."

"My Lady Queen has appeared."

"Wow! Su Ning's voice is amazing!"

"Today's best singer!"

"As soon as this song came out, Su Ning was the first one not to run away today!"

Soon, the singing session ended.

After counting the votes, it's time to announce the rankings.

It was Chief Director Feng Lei who announced the ranking. When he walked out, the audience in front of the TV was already very nervous.

"Sister Shui won't be eliminated?"

"Impossible! Last time I was first, even if this time is last, I won't be eliminated!"

"Yes, I think it's fat."

"Yeah, who are the others eliminating?"

The audience waited in fear for a long time before the final ranking was announced.

The overall ranking of the two phases:

First, the water flows into the clouds.

Second, Su Ning.

Third, plum spectrum.

Fourth, Zhao Meng.

Fifth, Zi Ye.

Sixth, night cats.

Seventh, syphilis.

"What the hell?"

"Syphilis last?"

"Professor Ye's avatar has been eliminated?"

"Is this disrespecting Professor Ye?"

"This shit is too much! Has the person in charge been eliminated?"

"The first is the water cloud, I thought it would be Su Ning!"

"Where is Fatty the third? Taller than Zhao Meng?"

"No, Professor Ye was eliminated by a clone?"

For this result, many people were stunned. In everyone's opinion, Ye Feng is the least likely to be eliminated!Although he has three identities, after all, this is in front of the public, and he was eliminated in the first round. Isn't it too disrespectful to Professor Ye?Moreover, the ranking of Ye Feng's three identities turned out to be the bottom three?
This made many Ye Feng's diehard fans a little bit unacceptable.

However, fortunately, the final number of votes was announced at the same time.When everyone saw the number of votes, they were actually relieved.

Ye Feng's ranking is so low, not because he didn't perform well, but because his votes in the last round were really too low!Especially the identity of syphilis was the last one to come out. At that time, few people voted!There were only dozens of votes in total, even if he got the first place today, he would still be the last!

So, syphilis was eliminated.

On the TV, Ye Feng sighed, and stood on the stage pretending to be very sad, and his eyes were red when facing the camera, "I am very grateful to the program "I am a singer" for inviting me to this stage. It has brought me a lot of happiness. Although I have only spent a short time with the singers, I can feel that everyone really likes the songs. Especially thanks to Su Ning, who helped me all day long. Thank you so much. Also Ziye, Yemao and the others, although they haven't been together for a long time, their relationship is already very good, and the real society can't bear you." Ye Feng seemed to be about to cry when he didn't want to part with it, and his eyes were red.

What I said, especially Ye Feng's expression on his face is really sad, if you don't know, you really think he is reluctant to let go!
However, when he said this, the audience almost choked to death!
"I'm so convinced!"

"You thank Su Ning? Help you all day? Help you cook all day!"

"Love the dog! What a dog! Show off all the time!"

"Are you still friends with Ziye Yemao? I am friends with myself?"

"Three me? Huh?"

"Pfft! Professor Ye is such a joke!"

"Really, this guy will kill me sooner or later! Goose goose goose!"

"Professor Ye, wake up, you are a national treasure!"

"Actor-level performance!"

"I am convinced."

(End of this chapter)

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