Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 686 Variety Show World, Cowardly.

Chapter 686 Variety Show World, Cowardly.

The next day.

The ratings are out.

National Variety Show Rating Rankings:

First, "I Am a Singer", 3.23%.

Second, "Superstar", 0.88%.

Third, "Fun Ace", 0.76%.

Seeing this result, many people had mixed reactions.

The industry was silent.

media smack,

Netizens talked hotly.

"The popularity of "Superstar" has declined seriously."

"Yeah, it's not just "Super Star", it can be said that the popularity of the entire variety show industry has been sucked away by "I Am a Singer"."

"I can't help it. Who said "I Am a Singer" is really good-looking. It was interesting to watch other variety shows before, but now after watching "I Am a Singer", I really can't watch other shows. .”

"Well, me too. It's really hard to swallow after eating delicacies from mountains and seas."

"To quote a line from Professor Ye's poem, it is, 'Once the sea was too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud'. "I Am a Singer" immediately raised the upper limit of variety shows, and I really can't watch other shows."

"Everyone's taste has been chosen."

"There is no one in the entire variety show industry who can compete with Professor Ye. In the blink of an eye, Professor Ye has become an insurmountable mountain in the variety show industry."

""I Am a Singer" is really good-looking, and it should have achieved this result. It can only be said that "Super Star" and other programs are unlucky. It happened to be broadcast at the same time as "I Am a Singer"."

"No way, this is Professor Ye, whoever meets him will die."


Mango table.

"Superstar" program group.

"how is this possible?"

"Their ratings have actually increased?"

"We fell again?"

"Hey, the audience has all gone to see the singer, it's strange if we don't drop."

"It turns out that we really can't be singers."

"Impossible! We have been popular for ten years! Ten years of audience background, is their new program comparable?"

"Wake up, the facts have proven it, alas, although I don't want to admit it, the world of variety shows has really changed."

"What should I do?"

"Yes, what should I do?"

"We can't just wait to die like this, can we?"


All the staff members of "Super Star" were quite low-key, and a little anxious.According to the current trend, not to mention that they will not be able to overtake "I Am a Singer" at all, and they may even be completely defeated by "Singer"!
In the end, there was no other way, the chief director sighed, "Let's change the time."


"Change time?"

Everyone was stunned.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no other way.We can only change the time to broadcast it to avoid its edge.

In the office, everyone pursed their lips and remained silent.

Finally, at noon, "Superstar" officially issued a statement:
"Due to the change of programs on Mango Channel, the broadcast time of "Super Star" will be adjusted to [-] o'clock on Sunday. We will see you there."

As soon as this announcement came out, it was immediately imitated by many programs in the variety show industry.

Many of the shows that aired at [-] o'clock on Saturday, at the same time as "Singer", almost all issued a statement.

"Fun Ace": "Due to technical reasons, the program will adjust the broadcast time, at [-] o'clock on weekends, so stay tuned."

"Cooling off": "The airing time has been changed to Sunday at 07:30."

"Haha Laugh": "Adjustments in the station, the broadcast time of the program change is Sunday at eight o'clock sharp."

You know, the prime time for variety shows is at eight o'clock on Saturdays.Otherwise, Ye Feng would not have aired on Haicheng Satellite TV at this time, but now, the most popular programs in the variety show industry have all changed their time at the same time.

Because of what?
Is it a TV program adjustment?

Is it a technical glitch?
What is the reason, everyone knows very well!
"I'm a singer"!
No one can stop this new show!Whoever meets him will die!

It can be said that this large-scale adjustment of the broadcast time directly proves that the variety show industry has bowed to Ye Feng.

Netizens were stunned by this.


"It's time for "Superstar"? They've spent almost ten years at this time!"

"I'll go, "Fun Ace" has also been changed?"

"All these variety shows went to Sunday?"

"It can't handle the diversion of "Singer"."

"Actually, this is the last way out. "Singer" has only been aired for two episodes, and it has already broken through three. This means that everyone is watching "Singer". If it has to be broadcast at the same time as "Singer", then It’s really asking for death.”

"Facts have proved that no one can beat Professor Ye."

"I thought the variety show industry wouldn't just admit defeat so easily."

"It's not a matter of admitting it or not. Who would be so stupid as to struggle with the iron truth?"

"Forget it, it's actually quite good to do this, and it will save me a little bit of entanglement when watching "Singer" in the future."

"I've never struggled with it. I have to watch "I Am a Singer". Compared with this show, the others are rubbish!"

"The last episode of syphilis was eliminated, who will be in this episode?"

"I don't know, wow, there is no news at all."

"I guess it must be some big name in the music scene?"

"Look at this lineup, the background is not small."

"look forward to."

Everyone chatted and chatted and talked about "I Am a Singer". In fact, as netizens said, this is the last retreat of the variety show industry. If the time is changed like this, the ratings may be higher in the future.



The third issue of "I Am a Singer" was broadcast.

In this episode, everyone's attention is on the replacement singer.

When he appeared on the stage, countless viewers in front of the TV were surprised and shouted incredulously.


"This is?"

"Professor Wei Ping!"

"It's Professor Wei!"

"Why is he here?"

"This is a national first-class singer who sings bel canto!"

"That's why it scares the shit out of me!"

"Professor Wei, who sings bel canto, can he compete with those who sing pop music?"

"I see Xuan!"

"Don't be funny, I'm old Wei! This is a real professional singer!"

"But you appreciate the bel canto?"

"You can't say that, you don't understand Professor Wei!"

Professor Wei Ping, honorary professor of the Music Department of Haida University, a national first-class singer, has served as the lead singer of many national performances, and is a veritable music artist.

Everyone never expected to see Professor Wei Ping on the stage of "I Am a Singer"!
Shui Liuyun's beautiful eyes widened: "My God, Professor Wei is here?"

Zhao Meng was startled, "This is a real master!"

The fat man swallowed, "I'm really screwed now."

Ning Ning said respectfully: "I was fortunate enough to have listened to Professor Wei's teachings."

When Wei Ping opened his voice on the stage, he immediately amazed everyone.

What he sang was a very old pop song, probably from 20 years ago, but everyone was mesmerized by this song.Perhaps, this is the old artist's control over the songs.

Finally, Feng Lei announced the ranking of this issue.

First, Wei Ping.

Second, Su Ning.

Third, the water flows into the clouds.

Fourth, night cats.

Fifth, Zhao Meng.

Sixth, plum spectrum.

Seventh, Purple Night.

Maybe it's Professor Wei Ping's special singing style that makes everyone feel fresh, or maybe it's out of respect for old artists. In short, the first one in this issue is Wei Lao's.And the most surprising thing is actually Su Ning's ranking, she surpassed Shui Liuyun for the first time!Of course, in addition to this, rankings such as Zhao Meng and Zi Ye have also attracted much attention.

It can be said that after this episode was aired, there was once again a heated discussion about "I Am a Singer" on the Internet.

This seems to have become a regular phenomenon.

And this "phenomenon" completely destroyed the last confidence in the variety show industry.

Because, they, or the entire variety show industry, will never be able to produce such an epic variety show.

(End of this chapter)

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