Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 687 Singer Ranking!

Chapter 687 Singer Ranking!


That is, the second day after the third episode aired.

On this day, the director of Haicheng Satellite TV personally paid for a banquet for the main personnel of "I Am a Singer".People like Ye Feng and Feng Lei were all present.

In a nice private room in Haicheng Restaurant, everyone exchanged cups, laughing and laughing without interruption.

"Come on, everyone cheers."

"Master Zhao, I respect you."

"Hey~ I respect everyone, Professor Ye, Director Feng, everyone did a great job this time!"

"It's mainly thanks to Professor Ye!"

"Hahaha, our new show has brought down the entire variety show industry, and even the ratings of the first broadcast broke three. This is unthinkable in the past!"

"Professor Ye is really a fairy-like figure!"

"I think of a sentence on the Internet that describes Professor Ye. I'll borrow it today."

"Words on the Internet? What kind of words?"

"I don't know where it came out. It's called 'Holding the sun and the moon to pick up the stars, how can there be such a person in the world? With the shadow of the clouds covering the sky, he is a banished fairy!', I think this word describes Professor Ye It couldn't be more appropriate."

"This little poem is wonderfully written!"

"Yes, it's wonderful!"

"Professor Ye is an expert in this field, let's ask Professor Ye to comment?"

"I'll forget it. This poem is too exaggerated. I'm just an ordinary person."

"Ordinary Professor Ye?"


"This time I can achieve such a good result, it depends on everyone's hard work, otherwise, even if I have the best idea, no one will implement it."

"Professor Ye is polite, come on, let's toast Professor Ye together."

"Hahaha, cheers!"

They held a celebration banquet, and it was indeed worthy of celebration. Yesterday, the entire variety show industry avoided their sharp edge.

What does it mean?
This is what the variety show industry has been ashamed of!

Can't beat them!They are now the well-deserved overlords of variety shows!It is no exaggeration to say that for a long time to come, everything in the variety show industry will depend on their faces.

Moreover, without the shared traffic of programs such as "Superstar" and "Fun Ace", the ratings of "I Am a Singer" may even consume a lot of energy!

Of course, what Ye Feng is most concerned about is not whether "I Am a Singer" is popular or not, it is just a means, his ultimate goal is to help Ning Ning reach the top!And it's a quick overhead light!Because, father-in-law doesn't have much time left for them!
Tonight, twelve o'clock.

The celebrity circle singer ranking list is updated again.

Shui Liuyun's popularity has risen rapidly. Although he is still ninth, the gap with Wan Ming, who is eighth, is already very small.

Zhao Meng was originally a top ten existence in the first line, but now he has abruptly improved his ranking.

Meipu's ranking is the fastest rising, although he is often disliked by the audience, but he has now entered the ranks of second-tier singers.

As for Ning Ning, her popularity has also increased a lot. She used to be in the middle of the first line, but now she has entered the top fifteen of the first line.This span is actually quite large, after all, this is only three episodes, after the show is broadcast, Ningning's ranking will surely rise.

However, in fact, this is indeed the case. After the fourth, fifth, and sixth episodes were broadcast, Ning Ning's ranking really soared a lot!
A month later, Ning Ning is already the second in the first line!

And the first one is Zhao Meng!
Shui Liuyun is still ninth, but there is almost no difference in popularity between her and the eighth.

It can be said that this program has created the three most legendary singers in the music world!
Today, among the original seven singers, only three of them are still on the stage.

The fat man was eliminated.

After all, he is indeed not a professional, and he is still a little short of competing with these professional singers.

Even Ye Feng was eliminated.

Not one identity was eliminated, but all three identities were eliminated.Of course, it was mainly her own intention to keep him from being eliminated.Otherwise, if he sings really well, it's not sure who will win. Although the three of them are professional, Ye Feng is also professional!However, he doesn't have to stay on stage anymore.Originally, he was trying to gather the number of people at the beginning, and it was useless for him to gain popularity.

The first season of "I Am a Singer" is gradually coming to an end, and everyone can gradually see that the three of them, Su Ning, Shui Liuyun, and Zhao Meng, are not only the strongest in the competition for the "Queen of the Singer" on stage Opponents, even in the rankings of the celebrity circle!

When the netizens found out that Zhao Meng and Su Ning had already become the No. [-] and No. [-] in the first line, everyone was stunned!

I can't believe it!

This speed is the same as riding a rocket!

But, that's the truth!Believe it or not!
Many people feel that Shuiliuyun has lost a lot of money, and they have created two such strong opponents for themselves for no reason.Many fans of Shui Liuyun even felt that if she hadn't participated in "I Am a Singer" at that time, if she hadn't been the host, the show might not have been so popular.

However, only Shui Liuyun knew the real situation.

Perhaps judging from the ranking of the celebrity circle, Su Ning and Zhao Meng are indeed very fierce, and they mean to replace them.But in fact, this is not the case at all.Or it can be said that Shui Liuyun got more than Ningning and Zhao Meng!
Although her ranking has not changed, the gap between her and Wan Ming has been reduced to the very last!She has sat in the ninth position for a long time, but how difficult is it to get another one?Without the help of noble people, Shui Liuyun would never have surpassed Wan Ming!
So, she took a gamble!
She bet that Ye Feng is her nobleman!She bet that "I Am a Singer" is the key to her further progress!

So far, she seems to have made the right bet!Because, the eighth position she is away from is already close at hand.

There are still two final episodes of "I Am a Singer", and it can be said that it is time for the final championship.

And the most powerful aspirations, of course, are these three.

Many netizens have already become irritable.

"The show "I Am a Singer" not only overwhelmed the variety show world, but now it seems that it turned the music world upside down!"

"That's right. In the past month, the top few songs on the major music charts are all songs from "I Am a Singer". In the entire music scene, those who released new songs this month are almost wiped out."

"Many singers have canceled their song release plans. This show is simply terrible."

"The most frightening thing is the ranking in the music circle. Zhao Meng is first in the first line, and Su Ning is second in the first line. What were their rankings a while ago? Let's look at it now? The star-making ability of this show really makes people feel chills down the spine! "

"Whether it's Zhao Meng or Su Ning, they all have the heart to aspire to be the Queen of Songs!"

"That's for sure. Su Ning won't talk about it. She used to sit in that seat. Zhao Meng also wanted to go up there for so many years. Shui Liuyun is dangerous!"

"There are still two final episodes of "I Am a Singer", watching it is heart-wrenching."

"Really, I really don't dare to watch the current situation. I like all three of them, and I can't stand whoever is eliminated."

"I used to think that Her Majesty the Queen is always very cold, but after watching this program, I realized that Her Majesty the Queen is also quite funny sometimes."

There are constant heated discussions on the Internet. This final battle has made countless people entangled. This is too cruel, and no one wants to see who is eliminated.Today's "I Am a Singer" has almost reached the point of discussion among the whole people, and it can be said that it has become extremely popular.

It stands to reason that Ye Feng is already very happy that "I Am a Singer" is so popular.

Yes, Ye Feng is indeed happier.

However, it can only be said to be more happy.

He was happy that Ningning was already second in the first line, but what broke him down was that Zhao Meng was the first in the first line!
There are also water clouds!
These two people are simply thorns in Ye Feng's eyes and flesh now!
And thinking of the two of them gaining a lot of popularity through "I Am a Singer", Ye Feng felt like vomiting and learning!
At the beginning, my brain was really flooded!
Why did Mao agree to the two of them participating in the show?

Otherwise, Ning Ning has reached the top by now!

To be honest, Mr. Ye is completely regretful now.

(End of this chapter)

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