Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 688 Damn it!Ye was stunned!

Chapter 688 Damn it!Ye was stunned!

"Dad, I know, we're hurrying."

"There's nothing you can do if you're in a hurry, um, I understand."

"Don't worry, I'm working hard."

At home, Su Ran called again.Although it's not as urgent as before, my father-in-law still needs to make a phone call from time to time to ask.

Actually, Ye Feng really didn't lie.Now he and Ning Ning are really working hard, although he wants Ning Ning to reach the top, but with both hands, there is no delay in preparing for a second child.

According to Ye Feng's original plan, after the recording of "I Am a Singer", Ningning should have successfully entered the top nine positions.But what's embarrassing now is that Shui Liuyun has also participated in "I Am a Singer", and even made Zhao Meng.This caused Ye Feng's previous plan to be greatly affected.

Although the overall champion of "I Am a Singer" has not yet come out, Shui Liuyun's popularity has risen a lot. If she really ranks eighth and squeezes Wan Ming down, it will be even more difficult for Ning Ning to reach the top. Difficult.

To be honest, Ye Feng feels a little bit regretful now, if he had known earlier, he would not have let Shui Liuyun participate in "I Am a Singer".However, it is useless to regret now, he must not go to Shui Liuyun, right?He stepped forward when Ye Feng couldn't find a singer, so he helped Ye Feng.Ye Feng could only swallow this bitter fruit silently.

At this time, Ye Feng could only make a follow-up plan again.

But to be honest, Ye Feng is also a human being, and he is not a real god. He has to spend time thinking about this kind of plan.Especially since he is not from the entertainment industry, he needs to analyze some things.

Of course, to put it bluntly, he hasn't figured out what to do next.

The most important thing right now is to prepare for "I Am a Singer". Now that it is about to end, the last few issues are particularly important.After all, Ye Feng made this show specially for Ning Ning. If the final champion becomes someone else, then Ye's mentality will really collapse.


"Daughter-in-law, the semi-finals are coming up, have you thought about what song to sing?"

"No, you won't help me choose?"

"It will definitely help, but I wrote a new song for you, let's sing a new song."

"New song?"

"Yeah, it's the semi-finals, we're going to use our trump card."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Well, this song is a bit difficult, you need to practice more."

"Ann, the song written by Professor Ye Da, how dare the little girl not practice well? Don't worry, you won't lose face."


this day.

"I Am a Singer" semi-final recording site.

There are still seven singers, but the faces have changed. The singers in the first period are only Xia Ningning, Zhao Meng and Shui Liuyun. At the same time, the three of them are also the most powerful contenders for the championship.In fact, this is exactly the case. The three of them are impeccable in terms of singing skills and popularity. In the end, it depends on the choice of songs and live performance.

And this show was produced by Ye Feng for Ningning, of course he wouldn't make a wedding dress for others.

So, this product is ready to open!

First there is the drawing of lots.

But today the luck of the three of them seems to be not very good, Ning Ning is the first, Zhao Meng is the second, Shui Liuyun is better, but also the third.

"Wow, this sequence is really good."

"My Lady Queen is a little too memorized."

"The first to appear? This is too bad for Her Lady Queen."

"So is Zhao Meng."

"Ha, Sister Shui is third, a little bit better."

"Look at the performance, I believe in Her Lady Queen's level."

"Yes, me too!"

"Su Ning!"

"My Lady Queen!"

The audience in the audience has already entered the state, and began to shout Ning Ning's name.After so many episodes, the emotions of the audience are getting higher and higher, especially today is the semi-final.

Soon, Ningning took the stage.

Music starts.

However, when the band teacher played the music, the audience froze for a moment.

"This music?"

"Why is it so strange?"

"Which unpopular song is it?"

"I don't think I've heard of it either."

"Could it be...?"

The audience was wondering, at this moment, Ningning suddenly spoke.

"crying in the crowd"

"You just want to be a transparent color"

"You will never have dreams or pain or heartbeat again"

"You've made up your mind"

"You've made up your mind"

A small opening, but instantly amazed the audience.

"I wipe!"

"New song!"

"My Lady Queen has magnified her move!"

"It turned out to be a new song!"

"Wow! Come on, Your Lady Queen!"

The audience shouted loudly, and Ning Ning on the stage sang hard.

The accompaniment is high-pitched, and Ning Ning's voice is high-pitched, singing:

"you are not really happy"

"Your smile is just a protective color you wear"

"You decided not to hate"

"You Decided Not to Love"

"Take Your Soul"

"Closed in an eternally locked shell"



"My Lady Queen!"

"It sounds so good to cry!"

"Singing is really great!"

"This song is so good!"

"My Lady Queen must be number one!"

"The new song is paired with Her Lady Queen's live singing, this song is invincible!"

The song "You Are Not Really Happy" blew up the audience!Countless audiences applauded desperately, and some audiences even shed tears of excitement!Maybe this is the power of music.

Backstage, Ye Feng also nodded, Ning Ning's singing this time is basically perfect, and this song is really suitable for the stage.After all, Deng Ziqi became a blockbuster with this song back then, and the effect was almost better when he sang Ning Ning, as you can see from the reaction on the scene.

From Ye Feng's point of view, Ningning is basically stable now.However, he soon became confused.

Zhao Meng took the stage.

"Who is bored to look at the scenery with a magnifying glass?"

"But I forgot to see who I am"

"My universe is light and floating"

"beautiful crumbling"

"Others come and go like clouds and flowing water"

"Blurred vision regardless of whether it is dark or not"

"If you don't have a ghost in your heart, you don't have to be on guard everywhere"

"Rain is misty but love is deep"

"Just Drunk"

"Ambiguous love depends on whether you are beautiful or not"

"oh, if you don't get drunk, you can't learn"

Zhao Meng sang tactfully and affectionately, and the audience was mesmerized by it.


"It's a new song again!"

"Zhao Meng's singing is also a new song!"

"This song is also quite good!"


"Zhao Meng, come on!"

"Today is really not in vain!"

"Have you worked hard? Su Ning is a new song, and Zhao Meng is also a new song! It's amazing!"

There was thunderous applause and screams.

However, Ye Feng, who was in the background, felt ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping in his heart!
Ye was stunned, with an unbelievable expression on his face!
I rub!

I rub!

I rub!

What the hell is this Nima?

This is so unscientific!
How could Zhao Meng sing this song?

Ningning next to her noticed that something was wrong with Ye Feng, and shook his arm gently, "What's wrong with you?"

"Me? Oh, it's okay, it's okay."

Ye Feng was still in shock, but his face calmed down quickly.However, his heart is really crazy!
"Who wrote Zhao Meng's song for her? It sounds pretty good."

Ning Ning pursed her lips, but then said with a smile, "But Mr. Ye's writing must be better."

Ye Feng looked at Ningning with a smile, and pampered the big baby's hair.

However, a trace of deep doubt flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Meng sang this song, others don't know, but Ye Feng knows, logically speaking, she can't sing this song!

Because, this song is not from this world at all!

"Won't Not Get Drunk"!
This is also a song that once appeared on Earth's "I Am a Singer", sung by Xu Jiaying!

Could it be that someone in this world happened to write it?
But is this too coincidental?
Is it also on the stage of "I Am a Singer", or is it the same song, the same song that hasn't changed at all?

Ye Feng didn't believe there was such a coincidence.

But if it's not a coincidence, it's...

Thinking of this, a thin figure appeared in Ye Feng's mind.

Is it him?
(End of this chapter)

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