Chapter 689

"As long as I think it's not a misunderstanding"

"Everyone is a baby, what's the truth?"

"What is right and wrong is specious"

"Looking at the world with drunk eyes, the world is intoxicated with me"

"It doesn't matter if it's trivial"

"I can't see fate, I only see Ziwei"

"You can only see the beauty but not the absolute"

“The best taste is the intriguing”

On the stage, Zhao Meng sang with great devotion, and it could be seen that she also put a lot of effort into this song.The reaction of the audience in the audience was also very strong. Some people applauded and some people screamed. The atmosphere was not inferior to the song "You Are Not Really Happy" just now.

Backstage, everyone is also discussing constantly.

An agent said with emotion: "The song "You Are Not Really Happy" sung by Sister Ning was already the biggest highlight of the show, but I didn't expect that Sister Meng would also come up with a new song."

A singer who participated in the competition said with a wry smile: "Such a song, not to mention participating in the competition, even if it is released directly, can get a great sensation."

"Is this considered bullying?"

"The audience definitely loves to hear new songs."

"The crushing on the song, there is no way."

"Hey, who let people have such good resources."

A female manager also said: "The first and second to go on stage will directly increase their moves, and the pressure on the singers behind will be greater."

Shui Liuyun was the third to appear on the stage, and her manager was looking at Shui Liuyun with a sad face and worried: "Sister Shui, what should we do?"

Shui Liuyun didn't expect it either, and sighed, "Su Ning's song must have been written by Professor Ye, but where did Zhao Meng's song come from? Who can write such a good song in such a short time? Song? Couldn’t it also be written by Professor Ye?”

Not only Shuiliuyun, but everyone is thinking about this question.

Needless to say, Su Ning's song must have been written by Professor Ye. After all, writing a song by Professor Ye is like drinking water. They didn't meet each other once or twice.

What about Zhao Meng?
Where did her song come from?
Besides Professor Ye, is there such a fierce person in the lyrics and music industry?Or maybe this song was written by Professor Ye?This is not scientific!How could Professor Ye write a song for Zhao Meng at this juncture?His wife won't kill him?

Ye Feng was also thinking about it, but he already had the answer in his heart.However, he is not quite sure yet.But if the song was actually written by that person, then this thing is a bit of a bullshit.

The game is still going on, and Shui Liuyun has already taken the stage.However, Ye Feng's mind is not on this anymore, he just wants to quickly find out who wrote Zhao Meng's song, this matter is really important to him.But now is not the time to ask these questions, I can only wait until the recording is finished.

On the stage, Shui Liuyun is singing.She sang a relatively unpopular love song, which sounded good, but with Ning Ning and Zhao Meng's previous foreshadowing, it seemed that the song Shui Liuyun was relatively ordinary.

Not only Shui Liuyun, but the singers who appeared later were basically at a disadvantage.

There is no way, Ning Ning's "You Are Not Really Happy" and Zhao Meng's "Not Drunk Can't" are really amazing. If Zhuyu is in front, the people behind will naturally feel uncomfortable.

In the end, when ranking, Zhao Meng ranked first!

Ningning is second!

This is not to say that Ningning's singing is not as good as Zhao Meng's this time, but because Ningning was the first to appear on stage, she still suffered a bit.

Anyway, this time it was indeed Zhao Meng who made the first move.

When returning home, the big baby was still pouting, Ye Feng smiled and comforted him: "It's okay, I'm to blame this time, my sister expected it."

"Mr. Ye, did I not sing well..."

"of course not."

Ye Feng stroked Ningning's hair, and said softly: "Zhao Meng's song is indeed very good, you sang very well. It's okay, we just work hard, as for the results..." Ye Feng paused, " Don't worry, it's fine."


Big Baby is actually not worried about her grades. What she cares about is whether she can sing the songs written by Mr. Ye well. She never cares about whether she can win the championship. She just doesn't want to disappoint Mr. Ye.


The semi-finals of "I Am a Singer" have already spread all kinds of publicity on the Internet.In fact, there is no need for too much publicity. After all, it is no exaggeration to say that "I Am a Singer" is a national variety show. Everyone has been waiting for it for a long time.

And once this episode of the program was broadcast, it quickly aroused a lot of heated discussions.

On the Internet, netizens have gone crazy.

"Everyone worked hard in the semi-finals!"

"Yeah, this episode is really cool to watch!"

"Just like a concert!"

"Especially Su Ning and Zhao Meng, I didn't expect them to play a new song!"

"And it's of such high quality!"

"Actually, Shui Liuyun's cover song is also very good, but it's a pity that I met them singing a new song!"

"It was a surprise."

This episode of "I Am a Singer" has set another record in ratings, and it can be said that it is the highest ratings among these episodes.Accompanying it is the rising fame of the singers, whether it is Ning Ning, Zhao Meng, or Shui Liuyun, singers who are extremely popular on "I Am a Singer", have a lot of traffic in the celebrity circle. surge again.Although the rankings of the three have not changed, the gap between them is rapidly narrowing.Especially between Shui Liuyun and the eighth Wan Ming, there is almost no gap.

Normally, Ye Feng would be quite happy, but today he didn't even pay much attention to this matter.Because he has more important things to do.

in the tea house.

Ye Feng hasn't been to the teahouse for a long time, but as long as he has a special important person to meet, he will habitually put the place in the teahouse.

At this time, he was sitting with Lin Pairing.

That's right, it was Lin Yi he wanted to see.

"What's up?"

Lin Yi smiled and sat opposite Ye Feng, with his legs crossed, drinking tea.

"I never knew, so you know music."

Ye Feng looked at Lin Yi, his voice was very soft.

Lin Yi grinned, and said with a smile: "I'm not as versatile as you. But music can be copied."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes, "It's really you?" Ye Feng's energy and spirit were different at this time, he was not as careless as usual, he was like a bottomless black hole, completely invisible Can't figure out what he was thinking.

"Didn't you already have the answer?" Lin Yi smiled, "I remember I told you before that I know the earth."

Ye Feng looked at Lin Yi and said, "But you never said that you still know the song of the earth."

Lin Yi did tell Ye Feng before that he knows the earth.He is not the first person to talk about the earth. Ye De also said it before, but Ye Feng never paid much attention to it. Until a few days ago, when he heard the song "I will not be drunk", This song stimulated Ye Feng a bit.

He even wondered if Lin Yi, like himself, had traveled from the earth?
"I know what you're thinking." Linyi played with the cup in his hand, looked at Ye Feng on the opposite side with a smile, and said, "I'm not from Earth."

Ye Feng squinted slightly, didn't speak, just looked at Lin Yi quietly.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "However, I have been to Earth."

Ye Feng's eyes widened immediately, and the momentum on his body exploded immediately.

However, Lin Yi didn't finish this, he continued to say without any surprises: "Not only have I been to the earth, I have also seen you on the earth."

(End of this chapter)

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