Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 690 The Immortals Are Fighting

Chapter 690 The Immortals Are Fighting

Ye Feng is really confused now!

The main reason is that no one can stand this matter on anyone's body!

What did Lin Yi say just now?

Not only has he been to Earth, but he has also seen himself on Earth?
"No, what do you mean?"

Ye Feng held his forehead, feeling that his blood pressure was a little high, "Speak clearly, what do you mean you have met me?" Ye's whole head is buzzing now.

"It's just the meaning of words." Lin Yi seemed to find Ye Feng's expression very interesting, and looked at him with interest and said, "You on earth are not a killer, you are also known as the king of killers." This, Lin Yi didn't know why he burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I just remembered the time when you destroyed that killer organization in the West."

"What the hell? You know all about this?"

When Ye stared, it was as if he had seen a ghost, oh no, he wasn't in a daze when he saw a ghost back then, he really didn't know what mood he was in now.

Lin Yi leaned back in his chair, lit a cigarette, and said with a smile: "One person slaughtered the most domineering killer organization in the underground world back then, and since then 'Eastern Leaf' has become the strongest king in the underground world."

Ye Feng stared straight at Lin Yi, what he said was absolutely right.That was indeed the case back then, and he became famous in that battle.

"However, this sounds very majestic, but in fact you should know what's going on." Lin Yi took a breath and said lightly: "With your strength back then, do you think it's realistic to want to be the enemy of ten thousand people? But at that time you were not afraid of death." Speaking of this, Lin Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Yes, after all, you are a member of the Ye family, and you are full of blood."

"That...was you?"

Ye Feng was a little unbelievable, he felt a little strange back then, but that time he went there with the heart of death, because that was actually deceiving too much, Ye Feng wanted to die at the same time, but even he never thought of it, He actually wiped them all out of nowhere!


It is inexplicable!

At that time, he felt that there was an expert helping him secretly, but he never expected that this person was actually Lin Yi now?

Lin Yi looked at Ye Feng and said softly: "Actually, I have been watching you secretly. It's just that you on earth are too weak and have never found me. And to be honest, with your character, you really Not fit to be a killer."

Lin Yi is telling the truth. When he was on Earth, he didn't even bother to complain.This big brother Ye is simply a mudslide in the killer world!When encountering things that you don't understand, you never say that you want to figure it out, and you always forget it later.During those years when Ye Feng was on Earth, if Lin Yi had not been secretly protecting him, he would probably have died long ago.

Ye Feng was a little silent, he couldn't refute what Lin Yi said to him.Moreover, if what Lin Yi said was true, then many of the things he encountered on Earth before would also make sense.Ye Feng had many things that he couldn't understand before, but just like what Lin Yi said, he never thought about it deeply.But now, he understands everything.

In the past, Ye Feng would definitely wonder why Lin Yi would protect him, but now Ye Feng is no longer the one who didn't know anything about him before. After he read the genealogy, he learned too much about himself. secret.He has every reason to believe that Lin Yi protects him.After all, Lin Yi is also a descendant of the Ye family.

However, Ye Feng understands all these things, but now he has a new problem. If Lin Yi has been secretly protecting his former self, why didn't this force show up when Ji Mao burped?
According to what he said, Lin Yi on Earth is like a super strong existence!If you wanted to save yourself back then, it should be very simple, right?

"Are you thinking about the time when you were killed?"

Lin Yi seemed to know what Ye Feng was thinking.

Being told what was on his mind, Ye Feng was not embarrassed, but like Lin Yi, he leaned back, lit a cigarette, and said calmly, "Don't you think you should explain?"

I am the head of the Ye family!

The head of the family has been wiped out, and you are indifferent?Is this bodyguard just kidding?

However, Lin Yi did not answer directly, but asked, "Do you think the current life is better, or the life on Earth?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it better to live now?" Lin Yi himself replied: "On earth, you live in darkness all day long. How can life be as enjoyable as it is now?"

"Don't talk about those useless things, one key opens one lock, one yard is one yard!"

Although Ye Fengye felt that he was much better now than before, he still wanted to ask the question just now.

The owner of the house is hiccupping, why don't you make a move?

"Actually, I made a move, and you saw me too."

"Don't be funny? Am I blind?"


Lin Yi smiled and said, "The person who killed you back then was me."


Quiet as death!

Ye Feng dropped the cigarette from his mouth, and looked at Lin Yi dumbfounded!
What did you just say?
Kill, kill yourself that fool is him?

Ye Feng's mentality has collapsed!

"Are you sick? Huh?"

At this moment, someone Ye almost did it directly!Ten thousand mud horses whizzed by in my heart!
This explanation, too Nima Superman expected, right?
Lin Yi didn't have any big mood swings, he was still so calm, and said lightly: "It was planned to kill you back then, and this is the real purpose of my going to Earth. Otherwise, you think, I am really idle Is it okay to go to the earth to protect you? The descendants of the Ye family, how can anyone need protection?"

"Planned? What plan?"


Lin Yidao: "It is for your soul to travel through. All of this has been planned as early as Yi's father's age. You and He, and even Ye De, are just following the plan."

Ye Feng was about to speak, but Lin Yi interrupted him, "Master Ye, it's glory, but it's also sorrow. Do you think we have a choice?" At this time, Lin Yi looked out the window. For some reason, Ye Feng suddenly I feel that the look in Lin's eyes is very complicated, with sadness and pride.Maybe it's just like what he said, Ye's descendants are both honor and sorrow.

Both of them were silent at once, and even the atmosphere became a little depressed.

"Then who am I?"

After a while, Ye Feng lowered his head and asked this sentence.

As soon as Lin looked at him, Ye took a long time before replying: "The complete Ye Feng is also Su Ning's husband, Yiyi's father, and the head of Ye's family. You, heh, living is more tiring than me. There are too many." Lin Yi kept looking out of the window, not knowing what else to look at.

"Heh." Ye Feng suddenly laughed, and his eyes became extremely complicated.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing."

Ye Feng looked at Lin Yi, and suddenly said: "You said I couldn't do it when I was on Earth, so what do you think of me now?"

"Now?" Lin Yi glanced at him sideways, "Still a younger brother."

"Brother?" Ye Feng smiled playfully, "Did you forget the last time you were in Tianshan?"

Lin Yi looked at Ye Feng, but he didn't know what was going on in his heart, he just said, "Do you know how long it has been since the Battle of Tianshan?"

"What? Have you become stronger again?"

"No, it's not getting stronger, it's just recovering a bit."

"Really? That's just right, practice by the river."

Ye Feng got up and went directly to the backyard without waiting for Lin Yi.

"Practice?" Lin Yi lowered his eyebrows and chuckled, "Practice, practice."

(End of this chapter)

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