Chapter 691

It's autumn.

The autumn wind by the river is cooler than other places.

In the backyard of the tea house, in an open space facing the river, Ye Feng and Lin Yi faced each other, and the distance was not too far.

"I hope you won't be the same as Tianshan this time."

Ye Feng looked at Lin Yi on the opposite side and smiled lightly.

"Maybe you think you are already very strong, but..." Lin Yi raised his eyes and said softly, "That's because you have never seen a real strong man!"

"Oh, let's try."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them joined hands.

This is not the first time the two have played against each other. They had already fought once when they were in Tianshan Mountain.That time when Ye Feng dreamed about the unique skills of the various sects, it was when his hands were itchy, so he tried it out with Lin Yi.

As a result, Lin Yi was beaten up by Ye Feng!
And this time, Ye Feng simply wanted to vent his messy emotions.Of course, there are also elements of wanting to be punished one by one in the Hammer Forest.After all, this guy was the "murderer" who killed him back then, so it wouldn't be too much to beat him up to vent his anger.

However, in fact, the gap with Ye Feng's idea is a bit big!

They fought against each other for more than ten minutes. Ye Feng, who was able to beat Lin Yi violently before, was somehow unable to beat Lin Yi this time!
Lin Yi has the upper hand!
After another ten minutes, Ye Feng was beaten violently!
Ye Mou is so popular!

Originally, his mood was very complicated, but now he is even more complicated!I don't care about any unique moves, someone Ye stood where he was, and when Lin Yi came over, he just punched him!
An ordinary punch!
No way!

Very bland!

But with this punch, Lin Yihammer flew more than ten meters away.

"Cough cough~"

Lin Yi's face flushed abnormally, which was obviously the result of the surging blood in his chest.

"What kind of trick are you doing? So strong?"

Lin Yi couldn't believe his eyes, he was blown out with just one punch?
Ye Feng said lightly: "Have you heard of One Punch Man?"

"Have you ever dreamed of One Punch Man? Teacher Qiyu?" Lin Yi twitched his lips, dumbfounded.

"Must!" Ye Feng smiled triumphantly.

Lin Yi: "..."

Then hit your uncle!
His mentality is a bit broken!

"No more fights, no more fights, One Punch Man has come out..."

Lin Yi shook his head speechlessly, and muttered something else in his mouth, but couldn't make out what he said.

Ye Feng smiled, "Don't you say you recovered? Come on, continue?"


Lin Yi glanced at him in disgust, and said mockingly, "Don't think that if you dream of One Punch Man, you will be invincible. If I were at my peak back then, no matter what kind of superman you are, it wouldn't work."

"Don't blow it." Ye Feng didn't believe it at all, "No matter how strong the strong man is, I can punch him!" This guy is quite proud.

Lin Yi looked at Ye Feng, gritted his teeth, and held back for a long time before he could say, "Young man."

Ye Feng: "..."

This guy actually called himself a bumpkin?

"Come on, come on, don't you agree? If you don't accept it, continue!"

"Ha ha."

Lin Yi sneered twice, and sat by the river by himself, not bothering to talk to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng insulted Lin Yi a few more words, maybe because he felt more comfortable, he stopped and sat by the river.

The two sat like this, and the air became quiet again.

They both have their own concerns, and they both stare at the quietly flowing Xiangjiang in a daze.

After a long while, Ye Feng looked at the river and asked casually: "I always heard you said that you are recovering, but how did you get injured?"


Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at him, and said with a little emotion: "I paid a very high price to go to Earth before."

This time it was Ye Feng's turn to be stunned, "Go to Earth?"

Lin Yi was very free and easy, and said bluntly: "Yes, I went to the earth for you. In fact, it wasn't just me, third uncle, Tianxia, ​​and the old man all paid a very high price."

Lin Yi showed a little reminiscence on his face, and said: "Although the second uncle left his own arrangements before, this world has been exhausted by the spirit of his transformation, and some of the backhands are useless. So, at that time Hua paid a great price.”

Ye Feng's expression changed, "You mean my father-in-law, Su Tianxia and grandpa all know my identity?"

"Ha, of course."

Lin glanced at him and said, "Especially the third uncle, he was the majestic 'Huo Qin Huang' back then. I stayed, and as for the specific reason, no one knows. But I guess, it may have something to do with you or us juniors."

"As for Su Tianxia, ​​he is the successor trained by the third uncle himself. He was probably better than me when he was at his peak." Speaking of this, Lin Yi seemed to laugh at himself, and for some reason, there was a little loneliness on his face. Feeling lonely.

However, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to these, but asked: "Isn't Su Tianxia in peak condition now?" This surprised Ye Feng.

"No." Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Back then, in order to send me to Earth, everyone's strength was greatly damaged, especially Su Tianxia and I, basically there was no one out of ten."

"The old illness on his body is because of this?"

"No, that old disease is something else."


What Lin Yi said from the beginning to the end today had a great impact on Ye Feng.However, he never doubted that what Lin Yi said was false.It's just that he has to digest it well.

Lin Yi's words did not actually help Ye Feng in any real way, but they helped him solve many doubts, and even gained a deeper understanding of some secrets.

"Is there anything else?" Ye Feng asked again.

"What else?" Lin Yi raised his eyes and asked back.

"Something I don't know."

"That's too much."


Ye Feng: "Forget it, then I don't want to hear it."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "For the sake of telling you so many secrets, I will discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng asked.

Lin Yi sighed, "Let Zhao Meng take a moment."


Ye Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses, "You said "I Am a Singer"?"


"That's impossible!" Ye Feng said, ""I Am a Singer" was created by me for my daughter-in-law. You want me to show Zhao Meng? How is that possible!"

"The championship! It must belong to my wife! The queen of the song must also belong to my wife!" Ye Feng stepped on his tail.

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, don't make fun of my wife!

Ye is very upset!
"Really?" Lin Yi glanced at him, "Don't let it fall, I will fight for it myself!"

"Why do you want to help Zhao Meng?" Ye Feng said a little incomprehensibly: "Aren't you his bodyguard? Why don't you care about this?"

"It is indeed a bodyguard." Lin Yi said nonsense seriously: "However, it is a bodyguard who lost his body."

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, "What a lost bodyguard." He also gave Lin Yi a thumbs up, "But, I definitely won't let it go."

"Understood, then wait for the war."

"Hehe, afraid of you? You can't beat me, and your wife can't beat my wife either!"

"Who doesn't brag?"

"Wait and see!"

"Okay, let's see!"

The two men were at war, but the next second they looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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