Chapter 692

No third person knew about the matter between Ye Feng and Lin Yi.

For the public, the earth, cultivating immortals, traveling through time, etc., are even more nonsense within nonsense!Now everyone is concerned about one thing, and that is "I am a singer"!
The semi-finals of "I Am a Singer" really exploded the adrenal glands of all the audience!
It can only be described as wonderful!
The semi-finals are so exciting, what about the finals?

Countless people are looking forward to the next finals!
The audience is looking forward to it, while the entertainment industry is tense!
Especially the music scene!
Zhao Meng is first in line!

Su Ning is second in line!
Shuiliu Yunge was ninth after Shui Liu Yunge, but there was no difference between him and Wan Ming who was eighth!

These three singers who suddenly rose to prominence with the program "I Am a Singer" directly stirred up the entire music scene!
Seeing that there are only a few days until the next finals broadcast, many big names in the music world are moving.


An evergreen tree in the music scene!
Ever since reaching the top, he has always been crowned as the King of Singers, and even entered the top three at his peak!But it is such a fierce man, who is panicked at this time!

Shui Liuyun is going to surpass him?
It almost made him explode!
"Xiao Shui? What's the situation?"

"Don't answer the phone, don't reply to the message?"

"Do you think Brother Wan is dead?"

"Don't think that you will be able to do anything if you climb up to that surnamed Ye. Let me tell you, the entertainment industry is not something that a professor can handle!"

"Shui Liuyun, you stinky bitch, why do I praise you so much, you finally repay your kindness, and you join forces with outsiders to cheat me! You bastard!"

"Xiao Shui, can we discuss it? How much do you want? I'll give it all! Don't mess with me!"

Wan Ming really exploded!
He frantically contacted Shui Liuyun, but Shui Liuyun ignored him at all.Before, the entertainment industry was almost semi-public. Everyone knew that Wan Ming was pursuing Shui Liuyun, and even at certain times, Wan Ming did give Shui Liuyun a lot of help.However, Shui Liuyun never gave Wan Ming a good face.Because, she knew exactly what Wan Ming meant!

Therefore, she has been rejecting Wan Ming, and then directly ignored Wan Ming.The last time Wan Ming helped Shui Liuyun plan the concert against Ning Ning, Shui Liuyun never expressed his opinion.But maybe it was Shui Liuyun's ignorance that caused Wan Ming to become more and more obsessed with Shui Liuyun.

Maybe it's not getting it, always in a commotion?

In short, Wan Ming licked the dog online.

Before, Shui Liuyun was not easy to openly reject Wan Ming, after all he is the big brother in the entertainment industry.But now it's different, Shui Liuyun took a big gamble, not only because of "I Am a Singer", her popularity soared, but the most important thing is that she met Su Ning through this show!Even with her being able to make friends, Ning Ning, who has no friends in the entertainment industry, was successfully attracted by Shui Liuyun to become his best friend.

Shui Liuyun doesn't know Su Ning's real identity.But she knew that Su Ning was Professor Ye's favorite wife, and that was enough!

Climbing up to Professor Ye, Shui Liuyun has the confidence to confront Wan Ming openly!
She was really fed up with Wan Ming's endless harassment.

Therefore, Wan Ming is sitting on the wax now.

He is exposing himself crazily now!

On the variety show!
Go to the movies!
On TV!
Post a new song!
Be active in various circles and get close to the farts!

In order to increase the popularity!

It wasn't just him, the top singers in the music scene felt a little bit of crisis.Although they didn't panic as much as Wan Ming did, they can clearly feel that their recent schedules are a bit frequent.

It can be said that people in the music world are begging their grandparents to sue their grandma, hoping that "I Am a Singer" will end soon.This program is like a catfish, which makes the fish in the whole fish pond have to move, which makes many people feel uncomfortable.

Shui Liuyun is working hard to practice singing, she doesn't have a husband like Ning Ning who can cheat, so if she wants to achieve better results, she has to work hard.

However, the frightening thing is that someone like Ningning who has a husband who can cheat is also working hard!

Whether it was Ning Ning or Zhao Meng, they had already got new songs, but they were not satisfied with it, but practiced over and over again seriously.


Time passed little by little, and finally, this day came.

At [-] o'clock on Saturday night, "I Am a Singer" will be broadcast on time!
On the Internet, it has been fried!

The number of traffic in Haicheng Satellite TV's official circle soared to 3000 million in an instant!

Moreover, it is still growing!

The number of topic discussions exceeds [-]!

"It's started, it's started!"

"It's the finals!"

"Who will be the champion?"

"I guess it's Her Lady Queen!"

"Impossible! It's definitely Shui Liuyun! After all, she's the queen of the song!"

"Zhao Meng! I bet Zhao Meng is the champion! Just because of the song "I Can't Get Drunk"!"

"It's strange that you can guess this thing!"

"That's right, maybe there will be an upset."

"Unpopular? No way?"

"If it wasn't for one of Su Ning, Zhao Meng and Shui Liuyun, I would have diarrhea on my head!"

"Absolutely impossible to upset!"

"Yes, it is likely to be Her Lady Queen, after all, she is Professor Ye's wife."

"It has nothing to do with that, don't trick me, Professor Ye."

Before the feature film started, heated discussions had already begun on the Internet.

When the feature film was broadcast, the comments from all parties never stopped.

The first singer comes on stage.

second, third...

the fifth!
Zhao Meng!

She is a popular contestant for the championship in everyone's mind!

When Zhao Meng stood on the stage and the melody sounded, the audience was instantly ebullient.

"New song!"

"Sure enough! Sure enough, it's a new song!"

"Where did Zhao Meng's new songs come from? When did such a powerful songwriter appear in the music world?"

"Comparable to Professor Ye!"

The audience applauded excitedly, and the scene was quite happy.

Ye Feng in the backstage listened to this song, he also had a little headache, Lin Yi is for real!
It's really a hit, isn't it?
Ye is not afraid either!
Isn't it just copying?
Who is afraid of who?

Soon, the sixth singer will be Baby Ningning.

Her popularity is much more exaggerated than that of Zhao Meng. After all, Ningning gathered the voices of herself and Ye Feng. Whether it was on the scene or online, the moment Zi ah Ningning took the stage, she was almost in a state of excitement!

Similarly, the big baby is also singing a new song.

Applause and screams are naturally indispensable.

And the last one is Shui Liuyun.

She's wearing a navy blue gown today, just as she did when she first took the stage.

At that time, she was the first to appear on the stage, amazed and stunned countless people.And tonight, she was the last to appear on the stage, and she was still so amazing.

She stood on the stage, but there was no accompaniment for a long time.

"what's the situation?"

"The stereo is broken?"

"What is the band teacher doing?"

The audience looked around.

On the TV, Ye Feng frowned, went out in a hurry, and specially showed him a shot.



"Director Feng, what's going on?"

"Professor Ye." Feng Lei was sweating profusely: "There is a problem with the band. Several pianos and drums are broken."


Ye Feng's expression froze, "Are you kidding me? No backup?"


Ye Feng's head was full of black lines, and he was about to get angry, but suddenly, a voice came from the stereo.


Feng Lei was stunned.

"She... sings a cappella?"

Ye Feng was also taken aback.

That's right!

Shui Liuyun on the stage saw that there was no accompaniment for a long time, so he simply didn't wait!

So what if there is no accompaniment?
What about live singing?

I didn't call it for nothing after the song Shui Liuyun!
(End of this chapter)

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