Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 693 Health supplements?

Chapter 693 Health supplements?
The first season of "I Am a Singer" has been aired.

And this last issue greatly shocked the hearts of all viewers.

Especially when the championship was born at that time, almost the entire Internet was boiling!
"The overall champion of "I Am a Singer", the queen of the song is Liuliuyun!"

When these words were uttered from the mouth of chief director Feng Lei, it instantly ignited the emotions of all the audience!

Whether it is on-site or online, there is a heated discussion.


"I didn't expect Sister Shui to win the championship in the end. To be honest, I was a little surprised."

"Yeah, I thought it was either Su Ning or Zhao Meng."

"Everyone has brought out their trump card. Singing new songs in the competition must have the upper hand."

"It's a pity. Sister Shui sang a cappella in the end. No one expected that she sang so well."

"The queen of the song is the queen of the song!"

"I love you Shui Liuyun!"

"Long live Sister Shui!"


"Queen! Champion!"

"At least it can prove that Professor Ye is not partial to Su Ning!"

Shui Liuyun finally won the championship, in fact, even she herself was quite surprised.Maybe Shui Liuyun was very confident at the beginning, but since the semi-finals when Su Ning and Zhao Meng sang new songs one after another, she knew in her heart that she might miss the championship.As it is said on the Internet, after all, singing new songs is really an advantage.

So when there was a problem with the band on the stage, Shui Liuyun was relieved. Since he has missed the championship, why not let it go and sing again?
Without accompaniment?

So what?At worst, I will sing a cappella!

She really didn't think much of it at the time.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectation.

Shui Liuyun won the championship!
How many viewers does "I Am a Singer" have?

Nobody knows this one, but there's no doubt that it's the most popular show today!none of them!

Not to mention the gold content of this championship, but the traffic of this championship is too exaggerated!

It was so exaggerated that on the next day, Shui Liuyun surpassed Wan Ming in the ranking of the music scene!
Flowing clouds!Enter the music world No.8!Became the queen who deserved the eighth position!
This step seems to be very small, it is just a rise in ranking, and the impact it can bring is almost earthquake level!

The music scene has not undergone such a big change for many years!
The major media reported like crazy.

"I Am a Singer Ends!" "

"The Champion Is Born!"The queen deserves her name! "

"Shui Liuyun sings a cappella, overwhelming the crowd!" "

"The Top Nine in the Music World Has Changed! "

"Wan Ming was strongly replaced by Shui Liuyun! "

"The most eye-catching singer in the music world-Shui Liuyun! "

"Shui Liuyun published a public thank you to Professor Ye! "

"A program that changed the music world! "

Shui Liuyun never expected that he would get such a big gain after taking a big gamble.To be honest, Shui Liuyun was so happy that he couldn't find Bei at this time.

In stark contrast, besides Wan Ming who exploded to the extreme, there was another person.

That is Ye Feng.

Professor Ye's mentality has collapsed now!
It's autistic!

I worked so hard to make a show, and then I somehow praised others?
First, Lin Yipeng Zhao Meng jumped out!
And then came out a water cloud?

I spent a long time fetching water from the bamboo basket and it was all gone?Have you made a wedding dress for someone else?

Someone Ye was really angry!

But he couldn't help it, after all, he and Ning Ning really did their best on this matter.It can only be said that everything is fate, and it cannot be controlled at all.

Who would have thought that something was wrong with the band at that time?

Who would have thought that Water Flowing Cloud would sing a cappella?
Will it impress everyone in the end?

To be honest, if it is true, Shui Liuyun's last cappella was really amazing, even Ye Feng had to admit it.All I can say is that it was a coincidence.

But no matter what, Ye Feng's plan to use "I Am a Singer" to push baby Ning Ning to the position of queen, so far, has not been achieved.But fortunately, it is not for nothing.At least now Ningning's ranking is much higher than before!

No.2 first-line singer in the music world!

And I don't know how much more popular than No.3!

Ning Ning is second, Zhao Meng is first, their popularity is actually about the same, they are almost close to the ninth position!

As for who can go up, we can only see the follow-up actions.



Ye Feng called his eldest cousin again.

Xiaobaobao and Lingling are playing in the backyard. Lengmei has been busy recently, saying that the school seems to have some tasks.

Speaking of this, Leng Mei is now teaching at Haida University. In fact, Wu Dehai called Ye Feng before, but Ye Feng was busy at that time, so he didn't ask in detail. Ye Feng really doesn't know Leng Mei and the others very well. What are you busy with?But Ye Feng doesn't care about these things now, he puts all his energy on Ning Ning's side.

in the study.

Ningning Yefeng and Li Xiang are all there.

The few people didn't talk nonsense, Ye Feng asked directly: "Cousin, how far are we from the ninth?"

Holding the data report in his hand, Li Xiang said: "We have caught up a lot, but Shuiliuyun went up, Wan Ming came down, and the distance opened up a bit. And there is Zhao Meng in the middle, but we and Zhao Meng The difference is almost insignificant.”

Ning Ning smiled and said: "I didn't expect Xiao Shui to be very good. It's not so easy to go further after singing."

"You're still laughing." Ye Feng glared at his silly daughter-in-law angrily.


Ning Ning stuck out her tongue with a smile.

Li Xiangdao: "Shui Liuyun's going up is not good news for us, and Wan Ming is now squeezed to the ninth place. He will definitely not be reconciled. He will definitely do something."

"Well. I thought so too."

Ye Feng nodded and said: "However, Ningning is now at the peak of popularity, we must take advantage of this heat to increase the fire. Otherwise, after the heat of "I Am a Singer" is over, it will be more difficult to win the championship. gone."

"Well, I thought about it before." Li Xiangdao: "For us, "I Am a Singer" can't be said to be a success, but it is definitely not a failure. This is a music program, and now it is time to release a new song. What do you think? What about it? Can you write a new song in a short time? Preferably a new album."

"Release a new song?"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiang asked, "Is it difficult?"

"That's not true." Ye Feng shook his head and said.

"That is?"

Li Xiang was a little puzzled, indeed, writing songs must not be difficult for Ye Feng.

Baby Ning Ning also looked at Ye Feng obediently, without asking, nor in a hurry, she waited quietly for Ye Feng.Anyway, what my husband says is what he says, and he can do what he says.Now the big baby is really following the lead of Mr. Ye. Although he came to the meeting to discuss matters about himself, the big baby doesn't speak much in almost every meeting, and just obediently watches his own Mr. Ye strategizing.

To be honest, Ye Feng is almost all in the eyes of baby Ningning now.And this also made Ye Feng's love deeper.

Who wouldn't love a beauty who sees herself all in one's eyes?
No one refused.

So is Ye Feng.

He naturally took Ning Ning's hand and put it in his own to play with. Ye Feng always likes to gently touch his wife's little hand when thinking about problems.

After a while, he looked at the two of them and said, "What do you think Zhao Meng will do?"

"Zhao Meng?"

Both women were stunned for a moment, Li Xiang frowned and said, "That girl Zhao Meng didn't know where to find the new song, you mean she will release a large number of new songs recently? Can't it? Even if she has this idea, the song Can the number keep up?"

"Really keep up."

Ye Feng smiled wryly, "There is a songwriter who is similar to me beside her."

"about the same as you?"

The big baby's beautiful eyes widened immediately, "How is it possible?" The dear daughter-in-law didn't believe it at all!There are still people in this world who can be similar to my husband?The daughter-in-law doesn't believe it!

Ye Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "Really, I'm not lying to you." Ye Feng simply mentioned something, then changed the subject and said, "I think Zhao Meng must think the same way as us. Hit that position with new songs.”

Li Xiang frowned and said: "If this is the case, then we have collided? If this is the case, the energy of the netizens will definitely be dispersed, and the effect will not be very good."


Ye Feng also thought so, and he knew Zhao Meng's strength better than Li Xiang.That bastard Lin Yi is not a cat or a dog, Ye Feng can crush him with just a few songs.It can be said that if Ning Ning and Zhao Meng really collide this time, the final result will definitely be a loss for both sides.

It is very possible that neither of them can rush forward!
"What should I do?"

Li Xiang said: "We can't just give up, can we?"

"Give up? Of course not."

Ye Feng held Ning Ning's little hand, lowered his head and thought.

In fact, this matter is really not easy to solve, and that bastard Lin Yi will definitely not give up.

What should I do?

Is it really going to be head-to-head?

For a while, Ye Feng had nothing to do.

But at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Fat man?"

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Meipu, so he answered it directly.

"Busy, is there anything?"

"Yes, yes! Big event! Very important event!"

"Speak within three seconds."


"???" Ye Feng looked confused, and sighed: "Forget it, you can talk about it."

The fat man on the other side of the phone said with a smile, "You asked me to finish talking in three seconds."

"Say it!"

"Okay, okay." The fat man said: "Brother, my dad gave me a project, and now this project needs to be advertised, I was wondering if you could write me a song commercial or something, and by the way, give me an endorsement? "

"No time to."

Ye Feng was about to hang up as soon as he heard it.

"No, brother, don't! It's just a health product, it's so simple, it won't waste your time!"

Originally, Ye Feng was about to die, but when he heard that it was a health care product, he suddenly froze for a moment.

"Health care product? What's the name?"

"I don't have a name. The company at home came up with it casually. What can you say to fill your brain? How about you give it a name?"

No name?
Health products?
Also said that it can nourish the brain?
Ye Feng's eyes suddenly lit up!

He suddenly thought of an industry that could make Ningning super exposed!

(End of this chapter)

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