Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 694 Come Out!Melatonin!

Chapter 694 Come Out!Melatonin!
in the tea house.

This is Ye Feng's second visit to the teahouse this month.But this time it was not Lin Yi who was sitting opposite Ye Feng, but Mei Pu.

"Fatty, you are sure there will be no problem with your health care products, right? Is the quality passed?" Ye Feng asked.

"Brother, don't worry."

Mei Pu said: "We at Mei Ting International rely on medicine to make a fortune. There must be no problem in this aspect. Let alone cure all diseases, it must also prolong life!"

"Pull it down, don't brag about this with me."

Ye Feng twitched his lips, Mei Pu's words could only deceive laymen, but Ye Feng is a professional!On the opposite side of medicine, Ye Feng is definitely better than those so-called experts.However, there is one thing that Fatty really did not talk nonsense about, that is Mei Ting International.

Mei Ting International, as one of the four major domestic groups, the core industry is the pharmaceutical industry, and the health products they produce have a very low possibility of problems.

Ye Feng asked again a little strangely: "Didn't you say that you don't want to go home to do business? Why did you suddenly take over this?"

"Hehe, I'm still talking about it." The fat man gave Ye Feng a white look, and said full of resentment: "It's not because of your "I Am a Singer" that participated."

"Ah?" Ye Feng was taken aback, "Why did you still hurt you by participating in that show? Your fans have also increased, right?"

"Yes! It's not less!" The fat man complained: "But the problem is that my parents also watch that show. After seeing me for a few episodes, they were eliminated. At that time, they called me and scolded me, saying that I didn't The level of music..."

Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, and the fat man continued: "I can't help it, I really can't stand it anymore. No, it just happened that I started a new company, so my dad threw it to me, let me practice my skills."

"Okay, the rich second generation is amazing."

"Pull it down, as you are far away."

"Come on, don't talk about it, you said that's because I agreed." Ye Feng got down to business, "However, I can plan an advertisement for you, but you must let Ningning be the spokesperson. Oh yes, it's best Let Ningning do all Mei Ting's advertisements."

"Ah? Why?" Mei Pu was taken aback, "You are good at endorsement of health care products."

Mei Pu is not stupid, what is Ye Feng's identity?He is the most famous professor in the world!That is the authority to walk!As long as Ye Feng is willing to show his face in the advertisement, even the words of the advertisement are not needed, the effect will be better than any celebrity.

"As for why, you don't need to worry about it." Ye Feng moved a little, "No, I have explained to you what I am doing now, right?"

"No, no, no." The fat man quickly smiled and waved his hands and said, "Brother, you can do whatever you want! You are awesome! You can do whatever you want him to do!" Like a fool.

"go away."

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily. Ye Feng now knows many people and has many friends.But to be honest, Mei Pu is the only one who can talk to him so freely.

"That's the deal. I'll plan the advertising copy, and let your sister-in-law do the endorsement."

Ye Feng immediately made a decision, and the fat man twitched the corners of his mouth, and could only nod.If he was beeping too much, Ye Feng probably should hit him.And this matter, the fat man did not suffer.

"However, brother, this is a new company, do you understand what I mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"You do not understand?"

"not understand."

"No money."

"What do you say?"

"No, if I had money, who would look for you!"

"You're dead! Don't run! Stop!"


The two started chasing each other in the teahouse, bumping into many tables and chairs in the lobby.Gao Chang in the room was dumbfounded, when did Professor Ye live like this?



The two casually ate noodles outside, so the advertisement was settled and no contract was signed.After all, Fatty didn't intend to give money at all!It's not that he doesn't have money, he just doesn't want to give it. Seeing Ye Feng's expression of wanting to beat him to death but not being able to beat him to death, the fat man feels very comfortable!Of course, he was indeed beaten.

"Brother, why haven't you finished eating yet?"

Don't look at the fat man, but he doesn't have a big appetite, and he eats pretty fast. He is just waiting for Ye Feng. How big is this? Does my sister-in-law have to cook for more than an hour?"

"Can you shut up?"

Ye Feng swallowed the last bite, "You're teasing me, believe it or not, I made your parents not recognize you?"

"Emmm, forget it, finish eating? Let's go to the company to have a look after eating."

"Check out."

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at him, stood up and walked out.

The two of them walked towards the advertising company in a leisurely manner.

To advertise, you must go to an advertising company.


Advertising company.

This is also a company under Mei Ting.

When he arrived at the company, Meipu's demeanor suddenly changed, and he became much more serious.After entering the door, there were already many people waiting, and the fat man introduced Ye Feng one by one.

Everyone in the company is very respectful, especially after seeing Ye Feng, their eyes shine.

"Hello, Professor Ye." A middle-aged man said.

"Hi Mr. Li." Ye Feng shook hands with him.

"I'm in charge of the production of this advertisement. Let's discuss it internally?" Mr. Li wears glasses and is relatively thin. He is about 40 years old and looks very smart and capable. "There is no one in Haicheng who doesn't know your name. , We are really flattered that Mei can invite you here today. We are also honored to have you personally performing the surgery."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "I'm just a planner, and you'll have to do the final production."

"Professor Ye was joking. Planning is the soul. We are under a lot of pressure to cooperate with you. If there is something that does not achieve the effect you want, you must bear it."

Although it was the first time they met, everyone's sincere admiration for Ye Feng was definitely not a fake.Whether it is Mr. Li or some of the designers present, when they looked at Ye Feng, their eyes were full of stars, just like seeing a giant panda.Of course, if someone gives face, Ye Feng will definitely reciprocate.

The atmosphere was great and everyone had a great time chatting.

A group of people entered a conference room.

After closing the door, everyone sat down one after another and began to talk about the project.

They are all owned by Mei Ting's own company, and the future successors of Mei Ting are here to fight in person. President Li and the others naturally attach great importance to it.

Ye Feng naturally took the main seat, after all, he was the one to preside over this meeting.

"President Mei, you don't have a name for this product yet, right?" Ye Feng didn't talk nonsense, and got straight to the point.

"Well, just wait for Professor Ye to give me a name." Mei Pu's title is also very formal.

"I remember you told me that your health supplements are good for the brain, right?"

Ye Feng smiled, "Then why don't we just call it 'Melatonin'."


Fatty's eyes lit up when he heard the name, "This name is good, what do you think?"

"Yes, that's a great name!" Mr. Li echoed.

"Yes, I think this name is also very good."

"As expected of Professor Ye, the casual name is so excellent!"

"Melatonin, this name is easy to understand and catchy, you can't go wrong with this name."

Seeing that everyone agrees, Mei Pu immediately made a decision: "Okay, that's it, our product is called 'Melatonin'!"

Ye Feng smiled.

Melatonin, of course the name is good!
However, better things are coming!
(End of this chapter)

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