Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 695 Is This An Advertisement?

Chapter 695 Is This An Advertisement?


This product is really popular on the earth. Even if you have never bought their products, you have definitely heard their advertisements.It can be said that melatonin was in a mess back then.The reason why melatonin became popular all over the country with lightning speed is not because of its own quality, but because of their advertisements!
The melatonin advertisement can be said to be one of the most successful cases in the history of advertising!Even, this advertisement has been written into the teaching materials of university communication!There are many factors behind the success of the melatonin advertisement, but what cannot be ignored is that its name is absolutely brilliant.

Many people think this name is tacky, or even stupid, but it is undeniable that this name is so easy to understand and easy to remember.

The name of a product should be simple and easy to remember. In this respect, it can be said that the name "Melatonin" is basically perfect.

Of course, Ye Feng brought up this name to save energy, and he didn't bother to think about it himself if he had a ready-made one.

"Okay, since everyone thinks it's not bad, let's use this name."

Ye Feng said with a smile, "After the name is decided, then the rest is easy to talk about. As for the advertisement, it is not difficult. Advertisement is nothing more than an advertisement to inform, and eventually it has to be turned into sales. This is the meaning of advertisement." .”

Mr. Li said: "It seems that Professor Ye already has an idea?"

The fat man also asked curiously: "Professor Ye, tell me? How do we do this advertisement?"

Everyone in the meeting room looked at Ye Feng with anticipation, and some even took out their notebooks to record.


Ye Feng coughed dryly. He knew about the melatonin advertisement, but he only knew it. When it came to the detailed operation, he was a little vague, after all, he was not a professional.But the matter has come to this point, and there is no way out, he can only say according to his own understanding, "I do have a preliminary idea, but it is not perfect, everyone can refer to it together."

"You say."

"All ears."

Everyone got serious.

Ye Feng cleared his throat, and said, "The core of my advertisement is actually relatively simple. It's just a sentence, but it's just sung."

Sing it?

Expressed in the form of songs?Professor Ye hasn't come out of "I Am a Singer" yet?

However, this form is very novel.

After all, Professor Ye is a master who planned an unprecedented music variety show like "I Am a Singer"!

It is innovative!

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes lit up!
They all looked forward to it, looking at Ye Feng's face without blinking.

Then Ye Feng said, "It's probably like this, I'll sing it for you, um, ha." Ye Feng swallowed, eased his throat, and then sang loudly in the eyes of everyone: "This year No gifts during the holidays! No gifts! Only brains! White! Gold!"

Then, in the entire conference room, one after another, everyone was dumbfounded, and everyone looked at Ye Feng dumbfounded!
The fat man looked confused, "It's gone?"

Ye Feng hummed for a moment, "It's gone."

Mr. Li's eyes were also twitching wildly, but he still remained respectful and said, "Professor Ye, don't be joking about this, we all know that you just did a variety show, and your sense of humor is really amazing, no wonder you overwhelm the variety show." The whole world can't breathe. This is a good joke! It's really funny! What do you think?"

"Ah? Ah! That's right, Professor Ye's joke is really just right."

"Humor, really humor."

"No wonder "I Am a Singer" curated by Professor Ye is so popular. Your talent in music and talent in humor are a perfect match."

Everyone responded, and a few even clapped their hands.

Mr. Li said: "What is Professor Ye's real advertisement? Don't tease us."

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, "I didn't tease you! This is the advertisement."

The smile on Mr. Li's face froze instantly, and he almost fell under the table.

this one?
What the hell is this called an advertisement?
Everyone present here almost spat a mouthful of old blood on Ye Feng's face!
Isn't this fucking advertising slogan too fucking nonsense?

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched, "What, Professor Ye, stop teasing me, think about it, it's not stressful for you at all, help, help." The fat man was still winking at Ye Feng crazily.

The fat man has no experience in business, but he is not an idiot. Let alone this advertisement can drive sales, this thing must be ridiculed by the public, is it crazy?This is so fucking stupid!

use this ad?

Do you think I'm fat and someone is a dick?
Mr. Li also sweated: "Then what, Professor Ye, I think we should change it."

Ye Feng did not agree, "No change! Just this! If you are not satisfied, you can find someone else." Ye Feng glanced at the fat man, and said: "And my wife will help you endorse, I definitely hope you sell well, Will I harm my wife? You just listen to me, just use this, and I guarantee that your sales will skyrocket."

Fatty: "..."

President Li: "..."

other people:"……"

Soar your sister ah soar!
If this advertisement is broadcast, it will definitely become the laughing stock of the industry!
The fat man was about to cry, "Brother! Don't make trouble, can you? This advertisement is so stupid! Change one for another! If this thing is broadcast, let alone my company, even the image of a sister-in-law will suffer." Is it bad? Besides, if word spreads that you planned this stupid advertisement, you won’t lose face, will you? You don’t think about me, but you have to think about your sister-in-law and yourself, right?”

Ye Feng glanced at the fat man, curled his lips and said, "If it wasn't for your sister-in-law, do you think I would come to plan an advertisement for you?"

The fat man hugged Ye Feng's arm, "No, big brother, you can do it, this ad is really stupid! You definitely won't use this, right? Are you kidding me? Stop joking, brother, Let's work hard, shall we?"

Ye Feng smiled and flicked away the fat man's hand, "I'm serious."

Fatty: "¥#¥%#¥¥@!!"

This made the fat man angry, and he yelled: "Okay! Then I don't need you! In the worst case, I'll let Mr. Li and the others make one. It's better than this stupid advertisement!"

"Boss Mei!"

Mr. Li next to him quickly said: "There is something to discuss, don't get angry. Professor Ye, don't be offended."

Ye Feng shook his hand at Mr. Li, and then said to the fat man with a smile, "Okay, you don't need me, right? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" The fat man scratched his neck, looking desperate, "Who told you to play with me!"

Ye Feng turned cold, and said, "If you say you don't need it, then don't use it? Then where do I save face? Today, you have to use this ad if you use it, and you have to use it if you don't use it!"

"you you……"

Fatty pointed at Ye Feng, trembling with anger, his face turned green.

At this moment, looking at Ye Feng's expression, Fatty felt like an idiot!What an idiot!The idiot among idiots!What the hell is he looking for this crazy person to write your uncle's advertisement when he has nothing to do?If this psychopath surnamed Ye can do one thing, then any other sow can climb a tree!
The fat man gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Feng, "You threaten me!"

"No, I call it fulfilling the agreement." Ye Feng smiled lightly, "After all, I promised you."

you sir!
You fulfill the promise of a chicken!
Are you just bored and making fun of me!

Fatty is so angry, he can't wait to give himself a big mouth!

But after a period of calmness, the fat man still chose to give in, and said weakly: "Okay, just use your stupid advertisement."

Fatty also noticed that this psychopath must not give up today if he fails to achieve his goal. If he doesn't agree with him, maybe this guy will deal with him.

Forget it, just be a fool, and when the time comes, I will immediately announce that this advertisement is planned by you, Ye Feng!
Oh shit!Big deal die together!Anyway, you are a well-known professor, so don't laugh at anyone when the time comes!

"That's right."

Ye Feng smiled in satisfaction, and ignored Fatty's resentful little eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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