Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 696 Feelings don't need reason!

Chapter 696 Feelings don't need reason!
After Ye Feng made a phone call to Ningning, the production of the advertisement started in the afternoon.

In a modern office, Ye Feng is the chief conductor. Although he doesn't know how to make advertisements, he is the only one who has seen the melatonin advertisement on the earth.If he doesn't understand, he can direct an expert to make it.

In fact, this is a typical layman guiding an expert, but at this time, no one can say.

Moreover, because Ye Feng didn't understand, he could only come up with some rough outlines, which made it very troublesome for everyone to make.Moreover, after the production is completed, Ye Feng has to have a look.As long as Ye Feng is not satisfied with it, he has to modify it.

Fortunately, this person is Professor Ye. If it were someone else, these designers would have been turned upside down!
In fact, Ye Feng didn't want to do this either, but he couldn't help it.If you want to reproduce the heaven-defying move of melatonin on earth, you must be strict!If there is something unqualified, who knows what kind of accident will happen?Therefore, to be on the safe side, all Ye Feng followed the melatonin advertisement on the earth.

Just like this, everyone made little by little, revised back and forth, and the picture of the advertisement gradually overlapped with the one in Ye Feng's mind.

"What the hell? You don't dub?" Fatty looked at Ye Feng with a constipated expression.

"Nonsense." Ye Feng looked at the fat man as if he was mentally retarded, "You let me dub such a stupid word? Are you kidding me?" He thought to himself what is his brother's identity?How could it be possible to match you with such a stupid advertisement?If this is broadcast, will I still have to mess around?

"Then who are you looking for? My sister-in-law?"

"go away."

Ye Feng said: "Look for a professional commercial dubbing."

"Then why don't you tell my sister-in-law to come?"

"I mean let your sister-in-law be the endorser!" Ye Feng explained: "Do you understand the endorsement? Didn't you say that your sister-in-law will shoot this advertisement? When you print your sister-in-law's photo on the product, print ads can also use you The portrait of the sister-in-law is the kind of advertisement in the mall, do you understand what I mean?"

The fat man was dumbfounded, I understand your uncle, I understand!

He has seen shameless ones, but he has never seen one as shameless as Ye Feng!
Let the two of you take advantage of the benefits of co-authoring?
The fat man gritted his teeth and asked, "How to shoot the advertisement?"

Ye Feng said: "Didn't you say that? Just use those two old men and old ladies. The cartoon ones are so cute and twisted. Don't worry, they will definitely be popular!"

"Brother! You are my own brother, I beg you, can you show your face anyway?"

Fatty is about to cry, you fuck me, you have to have a limit, you can play like this without you!
"Big brother!"

"I beg you!"

"We've been together for so many years, don't make fun of me."

"Help! Help!"

"I can bear this stupid advertisement, you can do it."

The fat man is full of snot and tears, he knows Ye Feng quite well, this guy just eats the soft but not the hard.If I confronted him just now, it would definitely backfire.However, if he cried miserably to express his feelings, Ye Feng couldn't refuse.

Sure enough, Fatty still understood Ye Feng, and Ye Feng couldn't stand this, "OK, OK, then I'll show my face at the end." Speaking of this, Ye Feng suddenly remembered that there was another sentence at the end of the advertisement, "Oh Just right, I came up with another sentence, and I can say this sentence.”

"What word?" The fat man asked anxiously.

Ye Feng smiled, and said in a straight voice: "Young, healthy!"

"This sentence is good! This sentence is good!"

The fat man finally laughed, this is like a human saying!

"President Li, did you hear that?"

The fat man excitedly ran over to Mr. Li and said: "Professor Ye said one more thing, and the last second of the scene is left to him, and he will also show his face."

Fatty's elated look was like winning a lottery.

Mr. Li pursed his lips, forced out a smile, "I heard that, it's good."

Mr. Li and the others have opened their eyes today, and it's the first time they can do this when they see an endorsement!The TV commercials are fooled by animation, but the products and the print ads in the mall have to be others!And it's their boss Mei who is the most arrogant, what's wrong?People have fooled you like this, and then they played for a few seconds at the end, and you were so excited that you couldn't find Bei?Did you forget that stupid ad just now?
Seeing Mr. Li's expression, the fat man gradually realized, no, why am I so happy?I was still tricked!The smile on his face just now collapsed with a click.The little eyes looking at Ye Feng were full of resentment.

"No, I'm closed to myself. Let me watch from here. I'll go out to smoke a cigarette."

The more the fat man thinks about it, the more angry he gets, but he still has nothing to do with Ye Feng. This is the modern version of leading a wolf into a house!
The fat person shut himself up and went to the corridor to smoke.

Ye Feng ignored them and continued to direct.

"Professor Ye, can you take a look at this image?"

"It's almost mean, there are some wrinkles on this face, it doesn't look old enough."

"what about this?"

"Isn't this too ugly? This is a cartoon image, let's not say how beautiful it is, but at least it can't be scary! It must be cute and not offensive. The old man is wearing a suit, and the old lady is wearing a wedding dress. You can't do it, you have to Redo."

"What about this?"

"That's it, that's it."

"it is good!"

The image was finally done, which made everyone feel relieved. The rest is the animation production. Ye Feng doesn't understand this, and he doesn't need to review this link, as long as the dance moves, it's simple.



By the window at the end of the corridor, the fat man was staring out in a daze.

"You guy." Ye Feng walked over with a smile, took out his own cigarette, and handed him one, "Come on?"

The fat man turned his head away and ignored him.

Ye Feng didn't care, he knew that the fat man was angry, so he ordered it for himself.

Ye Feng leaned against the wall and took a breath, then looked at the fat man, "I see you are unhappy, what's the matter? Tell my brother."

"What's wrong?"

The fat man laughed angrily, "What do you think is wrong with me?"

Ye Feng naturally knew what was wrong with him, but he didn't know how to explain it to Fatty, so he thought for a while and said, "Fatty, you said that brother hasn't cheated on you since we met, right?"

"You don't cheat me anymore?" The fat man cut his head and said, "You almost cheated me to death when we met for the first time!"

"Cough cough."

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It was all an accident, did you say I tricked you later?"

"You should know me. I'm just a friend, and there are not many people who can talk to me." Speaking of this, Ye Feng's tone was a little emotional, "Although I always scold you, you don't always Are you scolding me? Have you ever seen someone scolding me? It’s not brother blowing. Wherever brother goes, who can’t respectfully call Professor Ye? Who would dare to call me ‘crazy’?”

The fat man lowered his head and smiled subconsciously, yes, he dared to speak to Ye Feng in this tone, and Ye Feng would not be angry.

Ye Feng said seriously: "Brother, I'm not bragging to you. I have done mathematics, written literature, taught history, understood medicine, and carried out educational reforms. I have more fields than you have been in contact with. See me Have you ever stumbled?"

The fat man pouted, he knew what Ye Feng said, and he also believed that his elder brother was invincible.However, he just felt that Ye Feng was teasing him with that advertisement.And Ye Feng has too many criminal records, not to mention cheating him when they first met, just singing on the top of the building that cheated him enough, the fat man can't help but be afraid.

"Actually, I'm too lazy to say this, but I regard you as a friend."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took the last puff of his cigarette, leaned against the wall and looked at the fat man for a few seconds, then left without saying a word.

"Big brother!"

The fat man turned his head, looked at Ye Feng's back, and said with a smile: "Forget it, just cheat me if you cheat me, whoever made you a bad friend, it's just a broken company, go as you please. I believe it too You, although you are very tricky, you will not harm me."

"Come on."

Ye Feng shook his hand to the back, "Don't worry, you can just wait to count the money. It's not enough if there are advertisements, I'll go in and arrange other links."

"Okay, I'll fight for you, our own company, do whatever you want!"

The fat man laughed and followed quickly.

Ye Feng walked with his head down, and suddenly smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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