Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 698 Wait!

Chapter 698 Wait!
In the past few days, the music world or the entertainment industry seems to be calm, but in fact it is undercurrents. It can be said that it is the calm before the storm.

After Shui Liuyun defeated Wan Ming and went one step further, everyone knew that this was just the beginning!The main event is yet to come!

Because, the music world may experience a huge turmoil-the fall of the king of singers!
Not to mention the singers and celebrities in the circle, even the most ordinary netizens on the Internet can almost see it.Wan Ming, the king of singers, may lose his status.

Originally, everyone didn't notice this. After all, the top nine positions in the music scene hadn't been moved for a long time, but at this time Shui Liuyun squeezed Wan Ming down, which made the public pay attention immediately.Then look again, I'll fuck it, when did the gap between Zhao Meng Su Ning and Wan Ming become so small?
The first and second in the first line is almost equal to the ninth Wan Ming?
This surprised countless people!
It also instantly made people realize that the music world might be about to change!
Either Zhao Meng reached the top, or Su Ning went one step further!In short, one of them will definitely go up!As for Wan Ming, it was obvious that he couldn't stop their attack!

Although, he has been trying his best to make up for it recently, but the effect is too small.

There is also a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Brother Wan Ming seems to be really struggling."

"Brother Wan is a memory from the past, what a pity."

"It's been a long time, and I can't stand the impact of the current people."

"I have to say that Su Ning and Zhao Meng are really popular now."

"Actually, when Wan Ming was squeezed down by the water and clouds, I had a premonition."

"Are you talking about Zhao Meng being able to get up, or Su Ning returning to the top?"

"Not good."

"Now it seems that Zhao Meng is almost older."

"But Su Ning is not far behind."

"It's not good to say."

The turmoil in the music world has attracted the attention of almost everyone on the Internet, and all major circles are talking about it.

However, when the whole people were paying attention to the music scene, some people who spread "popular science soft articles" suddenly popped up on the Internet.

Like "How does a woman in her forties take care of herself?" "," Eighty-year-old man longevity secrets! ", "Are you still troubled by insomnia?That's what your body lacks! "And so on, almost all of them are popular science articles.

"What are these?"

"Is it true?"

"I just asked a friend of mine who studies medicine, and he said that these articles make sense."

"This can't be an advertisement, can it?"

"Advertisement? I don't think there is any product advertised here."

"It's not like an advertisement, and it doesn't sell anything."

"It's probably the country's popular science promotion."

"It's weird that there are so many of these articles all of a sudden."

It’s not too much, these articles are all written by professional science popularization writers hired by Ye Feng, and Fatty hired more than 100 million sailors to read these articles every day!
Is this an advertisement?
In fact, it is not!

But does this thing work?

It can be said that it is too useful!

I can't see it now, but when that stupid TV commercial comes out, the role of these popular science articles will be revealed.

These large numbers of popular science articles did not arouse too much splash on the Internet.And Lin Yi and the others have been waiting for the news from Ye Feng and the others. They wanted to see what song Ye Feng and Su Ning would post, but they waited and waited, but nothing came of it.In the end, Lin Yi couldn't wait any longer.

Finally, on this day, Zhao Meng's new album was released online simultaneously!
It's like splashing a drop of water in the oil pan, and it exploded immediately!

Many singers in the industry changed their faces.

"Zhao Meng really released a new album!"

"This is inevitable!"

"Brother Wan Ming will feel even more uncomfortable now."

"Look how the album is selling."

Many professional singers listened to Zhao Meng's new album right away. Everyone was trembling in their hearts. After listening to this new album, they were not trembling anymore. They were directly desperate!
What kind of fairy album is this!

Wan Ming's face turned green!

The last time he saw this kind of album was at the level of golden songs, it was Su Ning!When did Zhao Meng have such an awesome songwriter?
This is completely at the level of Professor Ye!

When did another existence comparable to Professor Ye appear in the world of lyrics and music?

Indeed, Zhao Meng's album is definitely the best of the best!

As soon as it was released, it swept the major music charts in an instant, and the Internet was even hotter!
"Damn it! Zhao Meng's new album is cowhide!"

"I knew Zhao Meng would make some noise, but I didn't expect it to be so big!"

"This album is so good that I cried."

"I seem to feel the taste of Professor Ye in this album. Where is this sacred L? Is it Professor Ye's trumpet again?"

"Impossible, why is Professor Ye running a trumpet when he is free now? Let me tell you, this L is definitely not from the entertainment industry, or else he would not be anonymous. Maybe he is a professor from a university."

"I guess only Zhao Meng knows these things. Anyway, it doesn't matter who this L is, as long as the song sounds good."

"I didn't expect that besides Professor Ye, there would be someone with such strength!"

Just on the first day of release, the number of online views has exceeded 3000 million!

The number of comments in the celebrity circle exceeded 2000 million!
Zhao Meng's new songs accounted for at least five of the top ten lists!Most of them have horror situations occupying eight songs!
Slaughter list!

This is undoubtedly a slaughter list!

It can be said that it swept the Chinese music scene in the same period!

It was Su Ning who was so fierce last time.The music scene was already dumbfounded. They never thought that besides Su Ning, there would be someone else with this ability in the Chinese music scene.

This means that they will have to live in the shadow of Su Ning and Zhao Meng in the future?

Wan Ming was even more desperate, he watched helplessly as the gap between himself and Zhao Meng narrowed little by little!
Shui Liuyun, who is already eighth, is also lucky. Fortunately, she took a gamble and took part in "I Am a Singer" and took a step forward. Otherwise, the person who is about to squeeze out today is her Shui Liuyun!
Zhao Meng's popularity almost soared!

There will be very considerable growth every day!
The gap between her and Wan Ming is shrinking rapidly. If it continues at this speed, Wan Ming won't be able to last for three days!
terrible!It's really terrible!

The music scene was amazed!

The industry sighs!

The people watch the fun!
Zhao Meng is so fierce, what about Su Ning?Or what will happen after Professor Ye takes action?

And everyone is very sure that Professor Ye will make a move!She will definitely help her daughter-in-law reach the top!They won't miss this opportunity!

Lin Yi is waiting!

The industry is waiting!

Netizens are also waiting!

Everyone knows that Zhao Meng's real opponent is not Wan Ming, but Su Ning!

Zhao Meng has already shown his sword. According to Professor Ye's personality, he will definitely accept the move!
Everyone is waiting, waiting for this unparalleled battle in the music world, this peak duel!

(End of this chapter)

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