Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 699 Advertisement Appears!

Chapter 699 Advertisement Appears!

Everyone was waiting for Su Ning's movement, but they waited and waited, but they still didn't arrive.

Just like that, time passed. Everyone predicted that Zhao Meng would surpass Wan Ming in three days, but no one expected that Zhao Meng would reach the top on the second day!

Zhao Meng, rushed to the ninth position in the music world!
Wan Ming, a veteran singer who has been in the Chinese music scene for more than ten years, has fallen!
A new song queen was born!

In an instant, the news poured out overwhelmingly!
"A Big Event in the Entertainment Circle - Zhao Meng Reached the Top!" "

"A new song is born! "

"Zhao Meng, the final winner! "

"Wan Ming fell to the altar, the king of singers became a thing of the past!" "

"A new era of music is coming! "

"Unexpected ending, why did Su Ning take no action?" "

"The former queen, what happened?" "

"Warmly congratulate Zhao Meng for becoming the Queen of Music! "

"The No. 11 queen in the history of Chinese music is born! "

"Upstart in the music world, singer Zhao Meng! "

The news is everywhere. After all, the impact of this matter is not small. The change of the top nine positions in the music world, especially the change of this kind of strong climb to the top, the impact is not limited to the music world!The top nine singers are already top-notch figures in the entertainment industry. Although they are not comparable to those actor and actress queens, their influence is not weak at all.

There has been a lot of discussion online.

"I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

"Brother Wan has worked very hard, but, alas, there is no way."

"It's not that Wan Ming is bad, it's mainly because Zhao Meng is too good!"

"Zhao Meng is really too fierce recently, it's as if he has been beaten with chicken blood!"

"Queen of the song! Although this position is only one place higher than the No. [-] in the first line, the meaning it represents is completely different. Not to mention anything else, just say that you will receive commercial endorsements, commercial performances and the like in the future, and the price will be very high." Not the same."

"That must be the highest honor in the music world."

"Zhao Meng deserves her name."

"It deserves its name? I don't think so!"

"How to say?"

"She reached the top before Su Ning even made a move. Is this really deserved? I think Su Ning is more qualified to be the Queen of Songs!"

"I think so too!"

"Yeah, Su Ning hasn't moved yet."

"That's right! Su Ning must have seen that Zhao Meng's new song is so popular, she was so scared that she didn't dare to confront each other, so she just surrendered."

"Admit defeat? Do you mean that Su Ning has given up or Professor Ye has given up? Which of the couple do you think will give up?"

"But why haven't they moved yet?"

"Maybe there was a delay."

"What is more important than this? This is a competition for the queen of the song!"

"Hehe, maybe there is nothing more important than this in other celebrity families, but don't forget, who is Su Ning's husband? That's Professor Ye! Maybe Professor Ye is working on a new topic now, maybe it's related to Are you sure about the development and progress of all mankind?"

"Well, if you put it that way, it's really possible!"

Just when there were endless discussions on the Internet, that is, the day after Zhao Meng reached the top of the song, another big event suddenly happened!
This matter can be said to belong to the entertainment industry, or it can not be said to belong to the entertainment industry.

Because, this is an advertisement.

Melatonin ad finally aired!

In many TV stations, there are rolling advertising time, it can be said that Fatty's investment in advertising costs is really not small.




Ye Feng was washing dishes in the kitchen, and his daughter-in-law sat on the sofa to watch TV with his daughter after dinner. Suddenly, a burst of familiar music sounded.

Ye Feng pricked up his ears when he heard it, let out a sigh, put down the plate and wiped his hands, and immediately ran to the living room, "That's it! That's it! Daughter-in-law, this is me doing that advertisement!"

Ningning looked up.

The sister-in-law raised her eyebrows.

Leng Mei raised her head slightly.

The little baby blinked his big eyes.

All eyes of the family are on the TV.

The advertisement has already started, and two cartoon characters appeared on the screen. These are produced by Ye Feng under the guidance of the advertising company's people bit by bit, and they are almost exactly the same as the one on Earth.

As soon as the old man and old lady came out, they started bouncing up and down.

"No gifts for this year's festival! No gifts!"

"I only accept melatonin as a gift!"

In the last scene, Ye Feng held a box of melatonin, showed his face, and said, "Young, healthy!"

Then, the commercial ends.

The whole family didn't speak.

Ye Feng coughed and said: "Is it okay?"

Ningning glanced at him, "Is this the ad you're talking about? Let me endorse this?"

"Yeah!" Ye Feng nodded.

Ning Ning stroked her hair, pulled the corner of her mouth and said, "Okay..."

The sister-in-law said: "Brother-in-law, what's the use of just this advertisement? Besides, my sister hasn't been on camera yet, and Zhao Meng has already reached the top, so we can come back with just this advertisement?"

"Of course not." Ye Feng walked over and sat on the sofa, put his arms around Ning Ning, and said: "This advertisement is just the beginning. After this advertisement becomes popular, we can continue to do other advertisements, and I will do them at that time." Many advertisements have your sister on camera."

"Then why don't you let my sister be on camera?" asked the sister-in-law.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Ask your sister if she is willing to come?" After speaking, Ye Feng smiled and gave a sideways glance.

Ning Ning waved her hands and said with a smile: "Forget it, forget it, your brother-in-law is more suitable for this advertisement than me, I'd better listen to your brother-in-law." The big baby is still a little scared, going to this advertisement?My image of my sister has collapsed!For such a silly advertisement, let Mr. Ye go.

"By the way, Ningning, your endorsement filming is done, right?"

"Well, I just finished filming yesterday."

"That's all right, take a rest for the next few days." Ye Feng said in relief: "Don't look at Zhao Meng climbing to the top first, but that's useless, it should be ours, it must be ours, and no one can take it away."

The big baby Ning Ning smiled at Ye Feng, the smile was sweet, in fact, the big baby didn't value these things a long time ago.But Mr. Ye can think of her so much, Da Baobao feels like eating honey.

The sister-in-law asked again, "But can my brother-in-law help my sister to go further? Isn't my sister a singer? It would be great to release new songs directly. And what's the use of advertising? No matter how much you do, it's just an advertisement, not a movie. It can affect popularity. How helpful is it?"

Ye Feng embraced his daughter-in-law, leaned on the sofa, and held his precious girl in his arms. Maybe he was happier today. Could it be that he didn't hate Lingling, but explained with a smile: "If the advertisement is done well, then It’s no worse than the effect of a movie. Let’s put it this way, the traffic brought by advertising is absolutely unimaginable. No one has been popular because of this before, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future. If others can’t, it doesn’t mean I can’t either.”

Lingling pursed her lips and muttered: "Honey is confident, you're going to lie to my sister, that big-breasted and brainless woman."

Baby Ningning's expression darkened in an instant, and she looked at her sister with murderous eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Su Ling! What are you talking about? Say it again!"

The sister-in-law stuck out her tongue, "Sister, you are beautiful, and you are the most beautiful woman in our family!"

Ning Ning rolled her eyes angrily.

And at this time, the always quiet girl Leng suddenly spoke up, and said softly, "Brother-in-law, you are on fire."

"Hey, your brother-in-law and I have always been hot."

Ye Feng smiled and turned to look at Leng Mei, "What did you say on the Internet?"

"Look for yourselves." Leng Mei handed the mobile phone to Ye Feng with a blank expression.

Ye Feng looked down, sure enough, he was angry!

Not only is he popular, but the melatonin advertisement is also popular!

The reviews online are simply too numerous to count!

But, these comments... Well, how should I put it, they are almost all beating around the bush and "swearing" at him!

(End of this chapter)

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