Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 700 Sure enough, it was sprayed...

Chapter 700 Sure enough, it was sprayed...

On the Internet, ten out of ten comments are complaining about this stupid advertisement.

"What is this?"

"I feel like my eyes are going blind!"

"Return melatonin? I think it's melatonin, right!"

"What kind of stupid advertisement is this?"

"Wait! Why did I see such a familiar figure at the end of this advertisement?"

"Huh? This person seems to be Professor Ye!"

"Damn it! Oh my god! Is this Professor Ye?"

"Impossible? What is Professor Ye's identity? How could he accept the advertisement? And taking a step back, even if Professor Ye accepted the advertisement, he wouldn't accept such a stupid advertisement, right? This is not in line with Professor Ye's status! "

"It looks like he really is Professor Ye!"

"How could Professor Ye shoot such a stupid advertisement?"

"I'm also wondering, what is Professor Ye's status? How could he advertise for such a rubbish company?"

"I suspect that the image in this advertisement was uploaded by this company! I, Professor Ye, would never do such a stupid advertisement!"

"Damn it! So I, Professor Ye, was tricked?"

"Nine times out of ten, the right to portrait has been violated."

"What kind of broken company is so bold? Even dare to provoke Professor Ye? What the hell! I'm getting impatient! If you want to bully Professor Ye, first ask the 14 billion Chinese people whether they agree or not!"

"The volume of this shitty advertisement is quite large. It's everywhere, even on the Internet. I'm almost brainwashed."

Suddenly, someone broke the news, "Professor Ye was not cheated, I am a lawyer, and I also thought that Professor Ye's portrait was stolen. Then I called the advertising production company immediately, and only found out after asking, This advertisement was originally planned by Professor Ye! Including image design, advertisement content, etc., they are just executing it, and the actual decision-maker is Professor Ye!"


"It's not true, is it?"

"It's true, I've heard that too."

"Impossible! Everyone knows Professor Ye's literary level. How could he create such an advertisement? He only accepts melatonin as a gift. Does this seem to be something written by Professor Ye? What the hell is Professor Ye using his feet to write?" Writing is ten thousand times better than this, right?"

"Is this called an advertisement? I have never seen such a mentally retarded advertisement, I am about to cry."

"Please don't broadcast this on the TV station, I can't stand it!"

"There are also these advertising windows on the Internet, all of them are this! I can sing almost!"

"I don't accept gifts during the holidays this year, I only accept melatonin as gifts! I can sing already!"

"Actually, when I heard it for the first time, I already knew how to sing."

"To my bewilderment, this broken ad is quite smooth."

"Professor Ye, what is this doing? His daughter-in-law is competing for the queen of the song, and he ran to plan an advertisement for someone else?"

"Isn't this nonsense..."

"It's no wonder that Su Ning didn't release a new album. It turns out that Professor Ye is going to get this stupid advertisement. I'm convinced too. Su Ning missed the song queen, Professor Ye has to take full responsibility!"

"Hahaha, yes, Professor Ye is fully responsible."

"Professor Ye really fell into a coma this time, wait and wait for Professor Ye to be domestically abused."

"Whether it's because of Su Ning or because of himself, Professor Ye should not make this kind of advertisement because of emotion and reason. It's completely unnecessary!"

On the entire Internet, no matter what kind of circle it is, or in the comments of some video sites, the discussion about the melatonin advertisement has gradually overwhelmed Zhao Meng's momentum to reach the top of the music scene!

You know, Zhao Meng climbed to the top today!
It stands to reason that she should be the most shining star today, but by chance, she met this advertisement and Ye Feng!

Even, on the hot search list in the celebrity circle, "Zhao Meng reached the top" is no longer the number one search, and it is replaced by the word "Professor Ye and melatonin advertisement".It can be seen that although Ye Feng is not in the entertainment circle, his attention has unconsciously surpassed the influence of the promotion of the music queen!

Of course, if this kind of discussion is put on other stars, they can't stand it.What is this discussion?This is clearly "tucao"!If it was someone else, netizens would definitely call him "stupid"!This advertisement has no favorable comments, and even the advertising industry is shaking their heads, and everyone is "spitting out" - this is unique in the history of advertising!


The next day.

Early in the morning, Ye Feng had a phone call with Fatty and asked about the investment in Ningning's print advertisement.

On the phone, the fat man's voice was a little hoarse, "Don't worry bro, everything has been done, as long as we shop, there will be a sister-in-law, and some commercial buildings, department stores, subway stations, bus stop signs, etc. are the most conspicuous We also bought a lot of them, all of which are the endorsements of my sister-in-law, and the image of the spokesperson on the product is also arranged according to the professional stylist from my sister-in-law, everything is done."

"Well, that's fine." Ye Feng nodded, and then asked with concern: "Why is your voice so hoarse? Are you angry?"

The fat man cried and said: "Brother, don't you say that our advertisement is the most powerful in the universe? Then why are we being sprayed as idiots? Now those companies selling health care products in the same industry say that I am like a fool, I read Yisu's comments last night, and I was so angry! I spent the whole night arguing with those stupid netizens!"

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry, we are indeed the best in the universe!" He was also speechless in his heart, and said again: "Why do you read comments when you have nothing to do?"

"You didn't see it?"

"I never look."

"Damn, you said it earlier, I shouldn't have believed you! Fortunately, you were scolded, otherwise I would have died of anger."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see the sales!"

Ye Fengdao: "By the way, you have to increase production, produce as much as you can, continue to distribute goods, and be ready to replenish at any time."

"You can pull it down! Still in production? I don't know how many goods I have suppressed now!" The fat man didn't believe it at all.

But Ye Feng insisted: "You believe in brother, from today onwards, you will be the prettiest fat man selling health care products!"

Outside the door, the voice of the daughter-in-law Nuomuo sounded, "Baba, it's time for breakfast!"

Ye Feng tilted his head and yelled, and then quickly said to the fat man, "I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to eat."

Downstairs, in the living room, the TV was on.

The melatonin advertisement is being broadcast. Yesterday it was Haicheng Satellite TV, and today it is CCTV. It seems that Fatty really spent a lot of money.

At the dinner table, the dear daughter held the bread in her left hand and the milk in her right hand, shaking her head from the chair and singing along to the TV, "No gifts for this year's festival, no gifts! Only Melatonin is accepted for gifts! Hehe !"

"It's over, your daughter has been brainwashed by your advertisement." The sister-in-law looked at Ye Feng who had just come downstairs speechlessly, "I started going crazy when I got up early in the morning, and the aisles were wobbly and twisting."

Ye Feng pursed his lips, wiped his hair, brought the milk cup from the girl's hand, put it on the table, pressed the girl on the waist, and said fiercely: "Be honest, or mother will have to wait a while later." I'm killing you."


The little girl turned her head with a proud face, not afraid of Ye Feng at all.


Ye Feng's big hand on the girl's shoulder slid down, touching the girl's itchy flesh.


The scratching baby girl rolled back and forth on the chair, laughing non-stop.

"Mama~ Mama save me, giggle haha."

The little guy called for help to his mother who was coming over with milk.

Ning Ning looked at the father and daughter helplessly, and said, "Okay, let's eat quickly, and go to the supermarket later to do some shopping."

The sister-in-law was the first to get excited, "Okay! I'm going to buy delicious food!"

Ye Feng also let go, hugged his daughter in his arms, and sat on her chair by himself, "It's time to eat! After eating, go to the supermarket!"

(End of this chapter)

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