Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 701 Melatonin sells like crazy!

Chapter 701 Melatonin sells like crazy!

After breakfast, I waited for the women at home to clean up.

It was more than nine o'clock in a blink of an eye, but fortunately it was already autumn, and the weather was already very cool.

The whole family, including Leng Mei, went together.

After arriving at the supermarket, the little guy and Lingling held hands and walked up and down the front.

Ning Ning and Leng Mei, two beauties holding hands, went around picking out the daily necessities needed for the family.Ye Feng, on the other hand, was pushing the shopping cart boredly behind.

Suddenly, Ye Feng, who was bored, regained his energy because he saw the melatonin counter!Melatonin occupies a whole row of counters, and all the photos of Ningning are pasted on it. Ye Feng took a closer look, and sure enough, there are also Ningning on the packaging of Melatonin.Ning Ning and the others in front also saw it, and they couldn't help but slow down and look over there.

There are many people standing under the counter, men and women, old and young, all picking and choosing, looking at things.

"This is the Melatonin that Professor Ye endorsed, right? The packaging looks pretty good, doesn't it?"

"It should be, eh? Why is this spokesperson Su Ning? Isn't it Professor Ye in the advertisement?"

"Hey, it's not the same who endorses the couple? Doesn't Su Ning represent Professor Ye? Is there any difference?"


"This thing is very popular now. I see it is being discussed on the Internet. I have to buy two boxes for my parents."

"Is this thing reliable? It won't eat bad people, right?"

"It should be fine. Recently, I read some popular science articles on the Internet, saying that if a person wants to live a long life, the first thing that needs to be maintained is the brain. As long as the brain is healthy, there are no problems with other organs."

"Well, I also read a few articles, saying that there is something in the human brain that needs to be supplemented. This thing is related to memory, such as cerebellar atrophy and dementia, all have something to do with it!"

"Huh? Then I'll buy two boxes for my father as soon as possible."

"I'll buy a few boxes too. I'm old and don't understand this, but I watched it on TV and it was recommended by Professor Ye. I don't believe in melatonin, but I believe in Professor Ye."

"Well, my wife, I also believe in Professor Ye, he won't harm anyone, let's buy some too."

"Huh? Is this thing so expensive?"

"Health care products are like this, and there are more expensive ones."

"Forget it, grit your teeth and buy it! I bought it for my parents, no matter how expensive it is, I will buy it! Filial piety is not short of this money!"

"Yeah, think about it. When I was young, my dad bought me a mobile phone. He saved money for a month, but he never complained. Now that I grow up, I buy something for my parents. I don't care if it's useful. It's useless, but as long as other people's parents use it, I can't let my parents not!"

"This big brother is telling the truth!"

"When you are a child, you have to honor your parents! This is a matter of course!"

"Spending some money to parents is not called spending money!"

Each of these people left with several boxes. Although this product is a health care product for the elderly, most of the people who bought it were young people.

Not for anything else, just for a "Mom and Dad"!
Although it is more expensive, it doesn't matter how much money you spend on your parents!After all, that's how our parents raised us when we were kids.No matter how poor you are, you won't starve your children.Now that the children have grown up, caring children will think about spending some money for their parents.More or less, it is all filial piety.

Over there, there are still many people looking for shopping guides to inquire.

"Sister, where is Melatonin?"

"over there."

"thank you."

"You're welcome,"

"This melatonin is selling very fast. It was just put on the shelves. Our internal personnel snatched three or four boxes. Now this morning, it seems that it is almost sold out. Looking at the situation, I estimate that it will be sold out after noon." Sold out."

"Huh? So fast? Didn't this just go on the shelves today? It's going to be gone before the evening peak?"

"That's right, many people are here for Professor Ye. Professor Ye is reliable, can the things he endorsed be close to it?"

"I think the spokesperson is Su Ning? Not Professor Ye."

"You haven't seen the advertisement? It's Professor Ye in the advertisement. Besides, Su Ning's family is a couple. Isn't it the same who endorses?"

"Hey, yes, so I have to buy two more boxes quickly."

"Should I buy a few more boxes for a discount? My mother-in-law doesn't know where to read the article, so she asked for this melatonin by name, and she said it works!"

"Sorry sir, we don't have any discounts right now."

"Okay, hey, I have to buy it even if there is no discount. There are four elderly people in the family, and I can't do without any of them."

"Eight old people in my family..."

"Su Ning, Su Ning," someone looked at Ning Ning's photo on the box and said with emotion, "You are worthy of being a queen, and the price of this endorsement is also at the queen's level!"

After Ye Feng followed Ning Ning and the others, he saw that there were only a dozen boxes of melatonin left on the large row of shelves, and it seemed that 90.00% of the space was empty, obviously all of them had been bought out.He was not surprised, smiled, and continued to follow Ning Ning and the others to go shopping.

Although the health care product industry has long been notorious on the earth, this does not mean that premium products are really bad.Health care products in this world are still very standardized.Those that can be sold on the market must have national approval qualifications.But there are so many health care products in the industry, and all of them have passed the national inspection, so they must have effects.How will the people choose?Or in other words, what does it take for a supplement company to stand out from so many competitors?
Now Ye Feng gave the answer:
Rely on advertising!
Rely on strategy!
Rely on marketing!

The core of advertisements for health care products is different from other advertisements. Someone complained about this advertisement?This is actually not a bad thing, it shows that Ye Feng has great influence!The biggest fear of advertising is not being sprayed, but not being known by everyone!Some people spray, some people discuss, this is a good thing!Although Ye Feng's ad was ridiculed by others, but what happened?The result is that melatonin in the supermarket is almost sold out!
You know, it's not the New Year holidays, it's the off-season for the health care products industry, but even in the off-season, Melatonin is almost sold out as soon as it hits the shelves!
Is this the quality of Melatonin?

It's just been released, who knows what the quality is like?
After all, it relied on that stupid advertisement!
Only when everyone knows your product, this is the premise, and then everyone will come to buy it.

Everyone is scolding this advertisement, but everyone buys it!

The only criterion for testing truth is not other people's voices, but practice!It's the market!If I really listened to the various voices of other people, then I am afraid that the miracle of melatonin on the earth would not appear.

In fact, this is a very contradictory thing. Everyone is scolding Melatonin as brain-dead gold, but after seeing the advertisement, everyone can't help but want to buy two boxes for the elderly at home.Especially after Ye Feng posted a lot of popular science articles on the Internet before, many people immediately thought of those so-called health tips, thought of whether the elderly in their family should take good care of them, and almost instantly lit up to buy impulse.

Ye Feng and the others walked around the supermarket several times, but luckily Ye Feng and Ning Ning were both wearing masks, and no one recognized them.Women, it’s the same when going to the supermarket. Even if you have visited a place several times, you still have to visit it several times, as if there is something you didn’t see just now.Although Ye Feng wanted to complain, but he didn't dare, what should I do?Bear with it.

But when Ningning and the others were strolling to Melatonin, Ye Feng paid special attention to it, and the shelves were already bare.Not a single box left, all sold out!
Then, I saw this staff member placing goods on the shelf, and boxes of melatonin were being shipped to the shelf again.

The sister-in-law stopped and exclaimed in a low voice: "It's gone so soon? I saw it was still there just now." Lingling turned her head to look at her brother-in-law in disbelief.

The little baby ran towards Ye Feng, Ye Feng picked up his daughter and put it in the shopping cart in front, looked at his sister-in-law, smiled, and didn't say anything.

Over there, many people saw that Melatonin was selling so well, so they just took a few boxes.This is the herd effect.


This situation has also occurred in other supermarkets, other Melatonin specialty stores, other online stores, counters, stores, and other provinces and cities.

"Sold out?"

"So fast?"

"Hurry up, contact the manufacturer, hurry up and order another batch of goods, and send them quickly!"

"I just told my dad to visit him later, thinking about buying two boxes of this thing, and it's sold out?"

"Wait a moment, we are already urgently contacting the source of goods, I believe we can replenish them soon."


Ads are on fire.

Similarly, melatonin is also on fire!

Once on the Earth's Internet, someone said that the reason why the melatonin company can grow so big is because of a stupid advertisement.In the past, Ye Feng thought it was a bit exaggerated, but looking at it now, Ye Feng finally believed it.

However, Ye Feng's goal is not melatonin, let alone making money. What matters is how much popularity melatonin can bring to Ningning after its sale!
Using advertisements to accumulate popularity, if this idea is known to others, I am afraid they will die of laughter.

However, Ye Feng really thought so!
Others can't do it, but Ye Feng really might be able to do it!
Of course, the premise of all this is to see how much help Melatonin will eventually bring to Ningning.

(End of this chapter)

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