Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 702 Sooner or later he will be slapped in the face!

Chapter 702 Sooner or later he will be slapped in the face!
The office building of Melatonin Company, although this company is a newly registered company, but because it is a subsidiary of Mei Ting International, it still has sufficient funds, and its own company can stand a large office building.

In the general manager's office, the fat man is smoking a cigarette. Looking at the comments on the Internet, they are almost all kinds of abuse. Netizens are polite to Ye Feng, but they don't give face to melatonin company at all. What? The ugly words are stuck in their heads.

It's all against them!

They took Professor Ye astray!
The fat man wanted to vomit blood!
He really regrets it now, if he had known this, he would never have let Ye Feng plan such a damn commercial!

Now their company is simply notorious on the Internet!

This branch was the first project that Meipu received, and it turned out to be a good practice. Thinking about the scolding by the father, the contempt of the employees below, and the various evaluations from the outside world, Meipu felt a burst of despair.

The employees in the company are even more desperate than Meipu. At most, he was scolded by his father, but these employees are different. If the company closes down, or the headquarters cancels the project, then they Nine out of ten people will be unemployed!
"It's over, it's really over now."

"The Internet is full of insults to us."

"Hey, everyone, get ready, get ready."

"Professor Ye really screwed us to death!"

"Professor Ye can't be blamed for this, it's mainly Mr. Mei! Why would you ask Professor Ye to plan an advertisement if you have nothing to do? That's not what Professor Ye does!"

"Then Xiaomei always relies on her family, otherwise Dogecoin is not!"

"Yes! Just a useless rich second generation!"

"Shh, don't say that, it's not good to say that."

"What are you afraid of? I'm going to lose my job, why are you afraid that he won't succeed?"

"My mother has already found a good job for me, at the bank."

"I also asked my brother to help find it."

However, just when these employees were about to pack up and leave, the company's phone rang suddenly, and it was not a phone.

Ring Ring Ring!
Ring Ring Ring!
Ring Ring Ring!
The company phones are all ringing, like a band.

"I'm going, what the hell?"

"what happened?"

"Scare me."

The young man answered the phone listlessly, "Hi, hello, this is Melatonin Co., Ltd... huh? What are you talking about? Chiyu Supermarket wants to order [-] boxes? Are you sure it's Melatonin? No, no, I'm not that Meaning, ok ok, we'll send someone to deliver the goods right away."

The same goes for everyone else in the office, "What? Do you want seven hundred boxes?" After hanging up the phone, he looked at his colleague in shock, "What's going on?"

"I do not know!"

"I said to order a thousand boxes! Isn't this a liar?"

"How can anyone cheat melatonin? What do they want this thing for?"

"That's right, too,"

"That means……"

Several people looked at each other, and then boiled, "It's true!"

"I wipe! Crazy! Crazy!"


Maple Office.

The person in charge of the marketing department rushed in without even knocking on the door, and said out of breath, "Mr. Wu! Something is wrong! Something is wrong!"

Mei Pu's face changed immediately, "What's wrong? Is it the headquarters..."

"It's not the headquarters! We're out of stock!"


The fat man was stunned at the time, "What are you talking about? Out of stock? What do you mean? Fire? Or theft? How could it be out of stock?"

"Not at all!" The person in charge swallowed and said hastily, "Our goods have all been robbed!"

"Damn it! How could he be robbed?" The fat man stood up suddenly, stunned, and roared angrily, "How can such a shocking thing happen in broad daylight? Huh? They don’t want to rob banks, but come to rob Lao Tzu’s melatonin? These people are brain-dead, right?”

Fatty's mentality exploded, it was a leaky house and it was raining all night, buddy, how could he be so unlucky!
"no no."

The person in charge quickly waved his hands and said anxiously: "It was snapped up by the seller!"

"Sellers, right? Call the police! Catch them! The sellers can... huh?" The fat man was stunned suddenly, his eyes widened and he said, "What are you talking about? The sellers? We're done ordering?" His face was full of embarrassment confidence.

"Yes! We don't have enough goods, and the seller is still urging us!"

"Impossible!" Fatty Ken didn't believe it.

"Go and have a look. The trucks are already on the road. I've never seen such a huge crowd. There are tens of thousands of boxes of goods, and they're all gone in the blink of an eye!"


Fatty's scalp tingled instantly, "Let's go! Quickly call other people and go to the warehouse for a meeting!"

"Yes Yes Yes."


Zhao Meng's house.

Their house is much colder than Ning Ning's house, Lin Yi and Zhao Meng usually live together.

At this time, the two were watching TV.

"This ad came out again, and I'm really convinced by Ye Feng, what kind of crap ad is this?"

Zhao Meng was lying on the sofa eating potato chips, watching the melatonin commercials on TV, and kept complaining, "That girl Su Ning doesn't know what she is thinking, she plays a good song and doesn't sing, why is she here?" Health care products as spokesperson..." Lian Zhaomeng smiled with a sigh, although they are competitors, but Ningning's handling of this matter makes even her opponent speechless.

"Hey, Lin Yi, what do you think Ye Feng and the others are thinking?" Zhao Meng asked curiously, the Lin Yi in her eyes was similar to the Ye Feng in Ning Ning's eyes, both omnipotent and omniscient of.

Lin Yi was also watching the advertisement on TV. Others didn't know about this advertisement, but he did!
This is one of the most famous legendary advertisements on the planet!
Melatonin ads!
"I'm guessing, but I'm not sure yet." Lin Yi frowned.

"What guess?" Zhao Meng asked curiously.

But Lin Yi shook his head and didn't say anything.

"Forget it, don't talk about pulling down, anyway, I've already come up, hehe." Zhao Meng was flattered.

Lin took a look at her, sighed, and said, "Don't worry about being happy, this competition is far from over."

Zhao Meng was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Ye Feng, the move has already begun."

Lin Yi watched TV and said in a daze: "I didn't expect that he would come up with this idea and give up the song. I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it."

Zhao Meng was even more confused, "What do you mean? You can't do it?" Zhao Meng was annoyed. Sometimes she was annoyed by Lin Yi's nagging.

Lin glanced at Zhao Meng, thought for a while, and then said: "Ye Feng, Su Ning, and the others haven't given up on competing for the queen's position. I thought he would release a new song, but I didn't expect him to take the road of advertising." .”

"Advertisement?" Zhao Meng frowned, "You said Ye Feng wanted to use advertisements to push Su Ning to be the queen of the song?"

"Yeah." Lin nodded.

Zhao Meng said, "Impossible. Everyone accepts advertisements only when they are famous. How can anyone become famous through advertisements? Besides, just rely on this stupid advertisement? And there is no Su Ning in this advertisement. How did she become the queen of the song?"

"This stupid ad..."

Zhao Meng asked several questions in a row, but Lin Yi didn't know how to explain it, so he just sighed in a low voice: "This stupid advertisement will make the world feel at a loss." After speaking, he shook his head and sighed again.Based on his understanding of Ye Feng, Ye Feng definitely did not shoot this commercial for money.

It's not for money, it can only be for "name".

Now everyone thinks this advertisement is stupid, but Lin Yi knows that reality will give everyone a big slap in the face in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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