Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 703 God-level advertisement that made history!

Chapter 703 God-level advertisement that made history!

Lin Yi knew the power of Ye Feng's advertisement, but Zhao Meng didn't know it, and the majority of netizens didn't know it.The turmoil of "brain-dead gold advertisements" has not passed yet, and it is the time when the Internet is booming.

In all major circles.


"It's not over!"

"This advertisement is everywhere, and I am convinced."

"It's all on TV."

"It's better to let Su Ning directly shoot this commercial, why is she so beautiful!"

"Yeah, at least it's eye-catching, it's a hundred times better than this stupid cartoon man!"

"I used to hope that Professor Ye would release some videos or something, but now it's over, I finally figured it out, but I really can't stand this thing! It's so brainwashing, I'm going to throw up."

"This ad is really frustrating."

"Professor Ye is undefeated, but this time he really failed in the advertising industry."

"The Melatonin company is also awesome, how dare they use this kind of advertisement?"

Netizens complained one after another, and even the inside of the advertising industry despised it, saying that the melatonin company held Professor Ye's trump card, but it turned out to be useless. Not only did it fail to create the advertising value it should have, it even dragged Professor Ye down. At the same time, some people euphemistically put forward some small suggestions for Professor Ye's advertising planning ability.

Of course, there are some people who dare to tell the truth, or maybe it is for eyeballs. In short, some people said publicly: "The melatonin advertisement is simply stupid, it does not conform to the advertising rules at all, it is pure nonsense, even a fool would not paid for this kind of advertising!"

"Fuck me, I finally saw someone who dared to tell the truth."

"If you say that, you are offending Professor Ye!"

"But what they said is right, this advertisement is just stupid! Professor Ye is not such a small-hearted person, is he? Are you still not allowed to speak?"

"I think so, bad is bad!"

Many people also responded.

Then, a piece of news came out.

Then, everyone was stunned.

This is a market survey conducted by an economic newspaper in Haicheng, and then interviewed the manager of the Melatonin marketing department, and finally went to the Melatonin office building and storage center for field inspections. "When we came to the Melatonin company Our group was instantly shocked. A dozen phones kept ringing in their office, and everyone was busy. There were always large trucks coming in and out of the warehouse center. Manager Wang from the marketing department revealed to us that as of today, , Tens of thousands of boxes of melatonin storage have been sold out. The company is rushing to produce them urgently, but the supply is still in short supply. At present, all senior leaders of melatonin have been sent out to contact processing and production in order to expand reproduction. According to incomplete statistics, The current sales volume of Melatonin has reached seven times the sales volume of the entire health care product industry this quarter!"

"Fuck me!"

"What the hell?"

"Seven times? Seven times the entire industry?"

"This is so impossible!"

Everyone was shocked from ear to ear, expressing that they couldn't believe it, and they couldn't believe it either!
This report also wrote: "Finally, our reporter interviewed the general manager of Melatonin Company and asked Mr. Mei why Melatonin can create miracles. Results!' Under the repeated questioning of the reporter, Mr. Mei did not specifically say how Professor Ye operated, but only said that Professor Ye's advertising marketing was the greatest and most effective he had ever seen. At the same time, we also confirmed that Melatonin The advertising planning was indeed done by Professor Ye. Mr. Mei said to the reporter that the premise is that the product itself is excellent, but now is no longer the era when the wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Choosing Professor Ye to plan the advertisement and Su Ning as the spokesperson is melatonin The most important reason for being able to make a blockbuster!"

After reading the news, everyone still couldn't accept it at all.

"This is so unscientific!"

"The sales volume of Melatonin is so high?"

"Is everyone crazy?"

"Can anyone buy this stupid advertisement?"

The person in the industry who just bombarded Melatonin directly jumped out to question whether the sales volume announced by the Melatonin company was true. He felt that Melatonin was a fake!

seven times?
Seven times the sales volume of the entire industry in this quarter?
This is so exaggerated!
Can't believe it at all!
However, shortly after, another piece of news came out.

The official circle of Haicheng Economic Daily: "We noticed that Haicheng Melatonin Co., Ltd. may have created a miracle in the history of sales! But to prove it, our reporter visited many supermarkets in Haicheng. In the supermarket, we saw it with our own eyes. The sales of many health care products are bleak, and some shelves have even accumulated dust. It can be seen that the health care product industry is indeed in a weak period. However, when we walked to the melatonin shelves, we were shocked We found that there was not much melatonin left on the shelves! And what was even more shocking was that the sales staff told us that this was the second batch of goods on the store! After more than four hours of visits and investigations, we found that, Whether it is a major supermarket, a store, or a special counter of Melatonin, the sales of its products are secretly shocking, and almost all sales staff are complaining that the supply of Melatonin's products is too small to meet the market demand!"

Another media reported: "You can see photos of singer Su Ning everywhere in markets, subways, and supermarkets. These are all print advertisements for melatonin. We randomly interviewed a customer who is buying melatonin. He said that although melatonin It’s a bit expensive, but the packaging image is very good, especially the endorsement of Professor Ye and his wife, which makes people feel at ease. This is the best gift for the elderly at home. The elderly also know Professor Ye and are very happy.”

An economic analysis magazine couldn't help but sigh, "Melatonin! A sales miracle is born!"

A media can be said to be fake.

What about so many news reports?
all fake?

The economic world is already boiling!It has been proved by facts that this matter is true!

"My goodness!"

"God! Can anyone tell me what's going on here?"

"Hahaha, Professor Ye is a real cowhide! Once again, I told everyone that invincibility is invincibility. Those of you who said you were brainless before, do your faces hurt?"

"The facts have been told to you countless times. The representative of Professor Ye is a miracle! Do you have to have any illusions about Professor Ye? It is impossible for Professor Ye to make mistakes!"

"Hahaha, this ad is really amazing! Although I don't understand it, I also know that this ad is awesome!"

"It turns out that the stupid advertisements that everyone sprayed are so awesome!"

"The advertising industry has been successfully ravaged by Professor Ye."

"Hahaha, Professor Ye is too good at making troubles, come to the advertising industry to rule them again when he has nothing to do?"

"Facts have once again proved to Professor Ye that Huaxia people are beyond doubt. The sales volume of the entire industry is seven times! This has never happened before in economic history! Professor Ye let a new company do it with just one advertisement. At this point, it's too damn god!"

"Whoever wins Professor Ye wins the world!"

Those professionals in the advertising industry before have already lost their fire at this time, and I don't know if they are ashamed and dare not show up, or they are sitting behind the computer dumbfounded and unable to react.



Ye Feng embraced his daughter-in-law and daughter, leaning on the sofa, enjoying the admiration of the women at home.

Sister-in-law: "Brother-in-law is amazing!"

Daughter: "Does Papa eat peaches?"

Baby Ning Ning leaned against Ye Feng's arms, smiling, "My husband has worked hard!"

Sister Leng next to her looked at her brother-in-law with thoughtful eyes, "Brother-in-law."




Leng Mei seemed to hesitate to speak, but she still didn't say anything in the end, and Ye Feng didn't ask further.


Zhao Meng's house.

The girl Zhao Meng hugged the pillow and shouted: "Impossible! This is unscientific! Why is this happening?" She looked at Lin Yi with a confused face, "Lin Yi, what's going on?"

Lin Yi spread his hands, "This is the situation, nothing is impossible."



Many advertising companies are working overtime. It is normal for advertising companies to work overtime, but what is abnormal is that all Huaxia advertising companies are working overtime tonight!No matter how big or small, as long as you are in this industry, you are working overtime!Just because of an advertisement!
some company.

an office.

The person in charge played an advertisement for Melatonin on the screen, and the dozen or so employees below stared at it. They had seen this advertisement more than ten times.

"Tell me, what's good about this advertisement?"

"Manager, this..."

"Animation is better?"

"Nice hammer!"

"Singing well?"

"When did you become deaf?"

"What's so good about this?"

"I really can't see it!"

"It's just a stupid advertisement!"

"Idiots? Idiots let melatonin's sales completely overwhelm the entire health care product industry! Seven times! Seven times! Do you know what seven times is? The above has already spoken, so we must find out the core of this advertisement. Individuals must master it, otherwise they will work overtime every day in the future!"

"I can see that this ad is brainwashed, the lyrics are also catchy, and it is also used under the guise of being grateful to my parents, and the endorsement of Professor Ye and his wife... But the problem is, this ad is really rubbish! Why is it so How awesome? This is a bit unscientific!"

How could this ad be a miracle?
Nobody understands!

No one can tell!

"What's so magical about Professor Ye's advertisement?"

"This doesn't conform to the laws of advertising at all!"

"What exactly is the core?"

"Could it be that what we learned about advertising is fake?"

Ye Feng's melatonin advertisement made the entire advertising industry start to doubt life.If there are any poems and songs in this ad, or some super divine comedy, everyone can understand, but this ad has no bullshit!

There is really no bullshit!
However, they just made history!


At the same time, many companies have also started to take Ye Feng's idea.

"Leader, shall we call Professor Ye directly?"

"Not very good, don't contact Professor Ye directly, in case he is doing some scientific research and we are disturbed, then the matter will be settled. How about this, contact Ms. Su's economic company."

"Yeah, I see."

"Is it okay to ask Professor Ye to plan the advertisement?"

"I heard that the melatonin boss is always a friend of Professor Ye, that's why Professor Ye made the move."

"It is estimated that we will not move."

"Well, let's find Mrs. Ye to speak for me!"

"That's right, Miss Su Ning is the most popular person in the advertising industry now!"

For a while, countless companies were contacting Li Xiang, almost all of them were looking for Ningning to shoot commercials and endorsements.

(End of this chapter)

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